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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Palestine: Emerging Zionist Politricks in Israel


[Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal, Specialist on State Terrorism ;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Commentator  on world affairs, Analyst on Middle East, Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc.) Former university Teacher; website:]




Fascist Israel, as usual, gears up for yet another general poll essentially to collect Jews in the cournty for maintaining illegal occupation of Palestine, and also to obtain US-EU approval for its crimes in Palestine. Tel-Aviv criminal regime has begun the poll process by attacking Palestine in Gaza strip, killing and wounding many hundreds of Palestinians.

Terror attacks and polls are major features of Zionist politricks, the globally disguised political gimmicks. 

In November, Israel engaged in an eight-day conflict with ruling Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Israel claimed they accomplished their main military goals not only of the stock of rockets that could be fired across the border, but also reducing the Palestine population, while Hamas celebrated the cease-fire, negotiated by the United States and Egypt, as a victory.


Possibly, Israel had miscalculated the Palestine reaction to usual Zionist terror attacks by opting out of its UN move for statehood and seeking for full UN membership instead straight away. However, for the benefits of Palestinians and world peace at large, PLO refused to be bullied by Israel’s Gaza war and stuck to its UN move for observer status. .    

The UN vote to grant observer  status to Palestine is a landmark in world politics that would make sea-changes in Mideast politics  A day after the UN vote to upgrade Palestine's status at the UN, the right-wing fascist Israeli government responded by announcing addition o f 3,500 illegal Jewish-only homes in occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem – come what may! 

Israel had expected ritual endorsement for the new terror project by USA and Europe, but they bluntly opposed as mere insanity of Zionism, upsetting all future colonial plans of Mossad agents.

The latest settlement project includes controversial construction in Ramat Shlomo, which was founded in 1995 in violation of the Oslo Accord, with another 1,600 homes planned to amalgamate the settlement of Ma'ale Adumim with East Jerusalem. Add to this a further 800 units in the colony of Gilo, built on land expropriated from Palestinian Christians from the city of Bethlehem and the village of Bet Jala.

Israel's so-called "new realities" program was accelerated following the signing of the Oslo Accord, which specifically called on parties to refrain from such activities. But Israel has floated that deal several times. Israel spends on average $2,000 per Jewish student a year in the West Bank, more than within the Green Line. Settlements also receive on average more than double the funding accorded to Israeli municipalities in the pre-1967 border areas.


Israel is at war with humanity and world and it now stand dismayed to see the extent of its international isolation underscored by a lopsided vote in the UN General Assembly to grant observer status to the Palestine and its Authority, a step Israel and the all powerful and most manipulative power United States had sought to forestall. Within hours, fanatic Israel took steps toward building housing in a controversial area of East Jerusalem known as E1, where Jewish settlements have long been seen as the death knell for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


In April 2012, Israel celebrated its 64th occupation Zionist occupation day of Palestine also known in Israel as Independence day . According to the country’s Central Bureau of Statistics, 7.9 million people live in Israel, 10 times the number at the country’s founding, with 14 big cities; and 70 percent of the inhabitants are native-born, compared with 35 percent in 1948. Israel’s gross domestic product per capita would fit well into Western Europe.


Israel's settlement policies have been  part of a well thought Zionist strategy intended to undermine the peace process. In fact, the current prime minister was caught on a video in 2001 bragging that he had "stopped the Oslo Accords" since 1997.


Israeli state crimes (ISC) involve proliferation of illegal colonial settlements on Palestine lands. International community is indeed deeply worried about   the continuing Zionist fascist trends complicating peace movement in Mideast,   but still unwilling to  impose sanctions  on Israel  Israeli human rights group B'tselem revealed the illegal Jewish-only settlements were designated as "national priority areas" - making its residents eligible for a wide range of special benefits, including special discount on land purchases, subsidised education, tax inducement for corporations and individual income tax breaks.


With US backing, arrogant Israel has been blatantly defying the international community, which recognised Palestine as a state on the very same land, and in the process humiliated its "lone" sponsor in Washington by effectively deciding that settlement building takes precedence over peace. Since 1967, Israeli governments from all political spectrums have shared the same expansionist vision of creating a new Jewish demographic on occupied land.

For the first time in post War II history, American and Europeans now in principle oppose Israel for defying the UN mandate for Palestine statehood by new illegal colony proliferations inside Palestine.  Last week, British Foreign Secretary William Hague warned that "illegal colony-building" could make it impossible to achieve "the two-state solution". But Hague's and the West's platitudes towards Israeli violations of the peace process are some of the reasons a "perfect storm of crises", to use his words, might be heading towards the Middle East in 2013.


Sadly, the West and mainly the US has rewarded Israeli intransigence politically, financially and militarily.

Every US president protected the illegal and fascist Israeli regime in order to promote arms trade in Arab world. In 2004, with typical colonial hubris and without consulting the rightful owners of the land, then president hawkish George W Bush also first pretended to be promoting Palestine but changed his stand towards the end of his second term. Bush Jr went all the way to Israel to declare US support for Zionist crimes. Later, he also wrote to Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon endorsing Israel's insolence towards international law stating: "In light of new realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli populations centres, it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status negotiations will be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949."

The ongoing Israeli illegal settlement program is perpetuating the American blessed "new realities" aiming to isolate East Jerusalem from the rest of the Palestinian population and bisecting the West Bank into two separate geographical entities. This, along with Gaza, divides "Palestine" into three disjoined bodies making it impossible to establish a viable Palestinian state without involvement of UNSC. .






Meanwhile, an anti-Arab, anti-Islam extremist Israeli Dy PM and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, harbouring PM ambition as the top illegal settlers leader is  seeking to replace Netanyahu; he has resigned after prosecutors decided to charge him with breach of trust. The case against him relates to a financial scandal dating back more than a decade. His resignation comes five weeks before Israel's general election.

Hawkish B. Netanyahu, the PM head of the right-wing Likud party and killer of Palestinians, has been fascist prime minister since he, as per the president suggestion,  assembled a coalition in 2009. He has scheduled early elections for January 2013, in which he is expected to easily be returned to power.


Netanyahu’s main government partner, the Russia-born Avigdor Lieberman, is on record having openly said al Palestinians must be killed and thrown into the sea. want to complete the ethnic cleansing of historical Palestine by replacing native villages with illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

Lieberman as the extremist leader of illegal settlers inside Palestine expects to be elevated to the post of PM.  Lieberman naturally expects Israeli courts to clear his case giving clearance for the poll where he could emerge as the top candidate for PM post. Netanyahu's Likud is widely expected to win next month's election easily and it's not likely that his resignation will change that. So, Lieberman may yet try to portray the whole affair as a conspiracy by an old Israeli establishment against a Soviet-born newcomer.

Police had been investigating allegations of money laundering and bribery against Lieberman- very serious offence- but prosecutors instead announced plans to charge him with the lesser offence of breach of trust.

Last general elections brought the Kadima party (founded by Ariel Sharon) with maximum number of seats in the parliament Kssnet but the president Pares who had also been a primer before asked Likud party to form the cabinet with other right wing parties. Lieberman might now expect the president to invite him to form the new ministry after the January poll.


Zionist fascism, external triclomacy, internal fanatic politiricks are the chief features of arrogant Israel.

Israel, like other terrocracies around the world plans in advance for the most suited coalition regime to protect Jewish as well as colonial interests. Finally the hawkish president decides the regime formation by stitching a coalition that would oppose Palestine and world community and promote Zionism and shield its crimes against humanity.

Since all so-called progressive and left parties and similar forums are hypocritical and indirectly promote capitalism, colonialism and imperialist wars. They seek money from the rich. Israel joins other terrocracies in funding these left wings and gets their strategic support for all anti-humanity designs.

Just like its terror experiments in Palestine and similar outside manipulations, Israeli domestic politics is also peculiar to Zionism where all political parties, obviously by secret oath (just like extremist Hindutva forces in political parties are committed to anti-Islamic RSS in India), coordinate their operations indoors and abroad to promote Jewish criminal state interests.

While USA remains global dictators, Israel in West Asia and India in South Asia are the perpetrators of tensions and crimes obstructing any real peaceful situation to emerge in these highly volatile explosive regions.  Israel's settlement policies were part of a well thought Zionist strategy intended to undermine the peace process. In fact, the current prime minister was caught on a video in 2001 bragging that he had "stopped the Oslo Accords" since 1997.

Israeli human rights group B'tselem revealed the illegal Jewish-only settlements were designated as "national priority areas" - making its residents eligible for a wide range of special benefits, including special discount on land purchases, subsidised education, tax inducement for corporations and individual income tax breaks.

Russia has been a neutral nation with regard to Israel, if not opposing it, and Israeli leaders have been trying all their tricks to get Moscow on board. Americans, for their own NATO reasons, openly support this objective of Zionism to enlist Russian support for their crimes. Both USA and Russia are the top veto members of notorious UNSC and bringing Moscow into US-Israeli orbit makes the American agenda strong.

With a former Russian citizen as the new premier of fascist Israel, USA might expect Russia to support Israel as well as NATO.

Europe and the US can't continue to claim to promote peace while empowering and shielding Israel at the UN Security Council.

The US annual direct and indirect financial aid amounting to more than $5 billion and European Union special trade tax breaks are enabling Israel to subsidise the settlement building program they ostensibly disapprove of.

Will Zionist crimes end now or in the near future?


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