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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Iran's President Ahmadinejad to go into space?




A couple of years ago, the then Maldivian president Nasheed had conducted a cabinet meeting inside the sea in protest against big  powers and global top polluters of atmosphere endangering Island nations like Maldives. Now the news suggest Iran’s President Ahmadinejad is likely to go into space as the first ever political leader to have achieved that feat.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has volunteered to become the first person sent into space by his country's fledgling space program. "I'm ready to be the first Iranian to be sacrificed by the scientists of my country and go into space". President Ahmadinejad made his space-travel offer during an address to scientists on Iran's national day of space technology in Tehran. He also unveiled two small satellites "Nahid" and "Zohreh".

In 2010, Iran successfully sent a rat, a turtle and worms into space. President Ahmadinejad announced in 2011 that the country planned to send a man into space by 2019. A domestically made satellite was sent into orbit for the first time in 2009.


Western nations, behaving like leading monstrous blood thirsty monkeys, say nukes are their prerogative and Iran does not enjoy the right to nukes and therefore have expressed concern that Iran's space program is being used to develop long-range missiles. Such missiles are used by nuclear rogues to carry nuclear warheads the same could potentially be case with Iran. However, Iran denies it is seeking to develop more nuclear weapons and insists its nuclear program is also solely for peaceful purposes.

Iran has successfully sent a monkey to space to an altitude of some 120 km (75 miles) for a sub-orbital flight. Iranian space programs offended western powers that claim sole authority over nuclear achievements. The monkey returned unharmed.


In the US senator hawkish John McCain became cold nasty and mocked President Ahmadinejad's hearty announcement, using Twitter to compare the Iranian president to the nation's space monkey."So Ahmadinejad wants to be first Iranian in space - wasn't he just there last week?" a shameless McCain wrote. The tweet provoked an angry response from many who saw racist overtones in his comparison of the dark-skinned, bearded Ahmadinejad to a monkey. Inferiority complex of Americans is deadly.

Space is filled with high precision terror goods from top terrocracies of the world and West does not want Iran also to store their arms there. 

So, all Americans are monkeys shielding the Zionist criminals and promoting other such pouncing upon Muslims globally!

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