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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Enemies within Turkey: Erdogan tackling the destabilization move!




As the belated Arab Spring imposed by the enemies of Islam led by USA-Israel terror twins, Turkey is crisis and Islamist agenda is trouble. The Islamist government had accused members of the military of supposedly trying to bring the government down.


Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan and the Islamist party AKP are facing acid test of their existence owing to the treachery destabilization moves of the enemies of Islam.


The AKP seems caught between its desire to defend the Islamist regime and to rein in military-media-judiciary gang up, with the judiciary, guided by the enemies of Justice and Development Party (AKP), turning on Erdoðan’s party leaders. 


Military opposes Islamisation of the society everywhere and it is being used by anti-Islamic nations and media to create problems of the government. Erdoðan and AKP were widely reported to have mounted the “Ergenekon” proceedings in a long-term Islamist bid to cut down the influence of the neutral military over the Islamist society.


Tensions between the AKP and the military, claiming to be proud guardians of Turkey‘s secularist legacy, were at times acute. It is not difficult to imagine the generals wanted rid of Erdoðan and end Islamist rule in the former Ottoman Empire.


On December 17, fifty individuals were arrested in Istanbul and Ankara. The focal point of the investigation was a deal between Turkey and Iran for Turkey to provide gold in payment for Iranian oil, circumventing international financial sanctions against Tehran. Charges in the case included money laundering, bribery and fraud. 


The accused include the sons of three members of Erdoðan’s cabinet. Amid a deepening political turmoil in the country that has escalated a grand graft probe involving the government that kicked off on Dec. 17, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan gathered with his inner circle for an unannounced meeting in Istanbul on Jan. 3.


The former army general staff chief, Gen. Ýlker Baþbuð, that Baþbuð was handed down a life sentence on August 5, 2013, in the “Ergenekon” conspiracy trials. Gen Baþbuð was one of 275 suspects charged with conspiracy against state and ruling party in the “Ergenekon” affair; other high military officials, journalists and academics were subjected to “aggravated life sentences,” which replaced death sentences.


Clearly, there is also a strong police target against the government as well. Subversion of the AKP administration was the motive for a “graft inquiry that became public on 17 December with a series of raids and detentions of senior businessmen close to Erdoðan, and of the sons of three ministers.



Turkey is one of strongest Muslim nations to declare Islamist polices of the nation and people. 

Turkey is facing destabilization trend, continued unrest as part of the Arab Spring, but in between also targeting Erdogan’s chances of winning the presidency.

Any Islamic nation is duty bound to maintain a clean, corruption free and honest government serving the people with sincerity. 

Islamic or Islamist system is not a mere slogan but a very sincere effort for truthful governance to eventually establish a truly Islamic nation and society practicing Islamic faith. . 

That Turkey has emerged the clear champion of Islamic cause globally seems to have upset nations that deny any importance to Islam in the world.

That Turkey actively strengthened military ties with these fundamental enemies of Islam, unmindful of Islamic outcries across the globe over its immoral military ties with USA-Israel terror twins, even against conducting joint military exercises threatening Islam and Muslim nations, remains a matter of a huge shame for the Islamic regime of Turkey.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan is widely expected to run for president in August’s elections and he would win hands down.

Foreign plants

Not only USA and Israel, even all enemy states operating against the genuine interests of Muslim nations and Islam made use of Turkey’s so-called secular outlook to  secretly create well knit  networks that have begun  operational when Turkey  opposed Israel over Palestine issue.

Now that strong network over-grown monstrously, is trying to destabilize Turkey

And that exactly is happening in many Muslim nations, including Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Enemy within

Clearly, there has been a strong move in recent times to tarnish the image of Turkey as the most important, most influential and strongest Muslim nation.


The members of "Ergenekon," were reportedly planning a coup against the government of Tayyip Erdogan.


The economy of Turkey, the most important factor in persuading many citizens to vote for Erdogan, is growing weaker ever since the Park trouble began. The Turkish lira recently fell to a record low. Foreign investment, which brought in capital that fueled the boom of recent years, has been in decline for some time.


On the eve of Christmas, police arrested more than 50 suspects, including politicians with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), influential businesspeople, and the sons of three cabinet ministers. The ministers of economics, the interior and urban development resigned on Dec. 25, after the arrest of their sons, who allegedly accepted bribes for providing building permits and public contracts.


Several senior lawmakers, as well as the head of the state-owned Halkbank, who allegedly orchestrated oil deals with Iran, were also arrested. They are accused of circumventing sanctions against Tehran that prohibit monetary transactions with Iranian banks by paying several billion euros worth of gold in return for oil. When the police raided the bank head's home, they found $4.5 million (€3.3 million) in shoeboxes. 


Investigators are apparently planning further arrests, with a list of suspects that includes Erdogan's son Bilal. The 32-year-old is the founder and a board member of the influential Türgev Foundation, which acquired a government property in Istanbul's Fatih district at a very favorable price, allegedly paying about €3 million in bribes in return.


The scandal has taken Erdogan into the most serious crisis of his nearly 11 years in office. The corruption scandal within his inner circle is jeopardizing the power of the AKP and threatens to tear it apart -- and that in an election year, in which Erdogan apparently wants to be elected president.


The next day, Erdogan fired seven other ministers, filling their posts with his confidants.


Erdogan calls the scandal as a conspiracy against his government. He blames it on a "gang" that aims to harm Turkey.  


It is not only members of the opposition who are attacking Erdogan, but also some of his previous supporters, especially those aligned with the Turkish preacher Fethullah Gülen.


Gulen- an enemy within


The Turkish cleric Fethullah Gülen of creating a ‘state within a state,’ using influence in the police and judiciary in a campaign to discredit the government. The Gülen-led Hizmet (Service) movement controls a global network of schools and businesses. Tensions have grown between the two former allies over elements of foreign and domestic policy and move to close Gülen’s private schools in Turkey.” The government has called them as “gangs within the state” and “members of the parallel state” had penetrated the judiciary, police, and other official structures.

Fethullah Gülen, who is in exile in USA, now has a wide following in the police and judiciary, was born in Turkey in 1941 near the city of Erzurum but since 1999 has lived in rural Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, came to the USA after fleeing Turkey over charges of seeking to topple the country’s secular government.


Gülen lives in exile in the United States. His supporters have established schools, media companies, hospitals and companies worldwide. The Gülen community seeks to portray itself as a civil society movement that primarily promotes education. But former members describe the community as hierarchical, political and Islamist.

Gülen and Erdogan long enjoyed a successful cooperative relationship. Gülen secured votes for the premier, while Erdogan protected the community's business dealings. With Erdogan's patronage, Gülen supporters secured key positions with the police and in the judiciary.  In the Ergenekon trial, Gülen and Erdogan collaborated to bring down their chief adversaries: the military and the non-Islamic opposition. 


In recent months, however, the Gülen - Erdogan alliance has begun to crumble. Gülen's supporters had become too powerful for Erdogan and disloyal to the government. Gülen supporters in the judiciary subsequently attempted to prosecute the intelligence chief, an important confidant of the prime minister, but were unsuccessful. In November, Erdogan announced that Gülen tutoring centers for university entrance examinations- an important source of income for the movement was to be shut down. For this reason, the investigations can arguably also be seen as the Gülen movement's attempt to exact revenge on the prime minister. Erdogan calls it a "very dirty operation" and accuses Gülen supporters of trying to establish a "state within the state."


This is the second time that Erdogan has come under fire recently. In the summer, more than three million people protested for months against the redevelopment of Gezi Park in Istanbul. But the movement soon expanded into a broader protest against Erdogan's increasingly despotic style of government.


As a strong storm unleashed Islamist Turkish government, PM Erdoðan held a three-hour long meeting at Dolmabahçe Palace with Interior Minister Ala, MÝT Undersecretary Fidan, Istanbul Police Chief Altýnok and Justice Minister Bekir Bozdað. Also, Erdoðan gathered with a 45-person group that represents different segments of society. Some members of the Cabinet will also attend the meeting with opinion-leaders, journalists and representatives of civil society organizations, which will be held before noon on Jan. 4, the same sources said, solely saying the meeting will focus on the “recent days’ developments.”


Erdoðan said that the investigation of financial crimes in his administration was “the work of foreign powers uncomfortable with Turkey’s rising economic and political clout. ‘If we don’t respond to these operations in the harshest, most decisive manner today, rest assured that these conspiracies will continue to engineer our national will in the future,’ On December 22, before leaving on a trip to Pakistan he said.: “We pray for Muslims to reach the right way, not for their damnation. Cursing is such a trick among Muslims it will return to one who did this like a boomerang.”


The corruption probe has pitched Erdogan against Gulen, whose Hizmet ("Service") movement controls a vast global network of schools and businesses and whose sympathizers among Turkey's religious elite say they number in the millions.

Many of Gulen's followers see him as a more progressive and pro-Western influence than Erdogan, whose opinions on issues from abortion to alcohol consumption, and the concentration of power around him they view with increasing alarm.

Gulen's connivance in the inquiry is harming judicial probe. The prime minister has responded by purging some 70 police officers connected with the investigation and blocking a second probe into big infrastructure projects he has championed.


Plot & Over confidence


Enemies of Islam are now trying to impose Arab Spring on Turkey. 

Outside interference in Turkey, reportedly aided by the ambassador of USA which is a close ally of Turkey is matter of serious concern for the former Ottoman Empire now.

The Islamist government of Turkey seems to be over confident about its ability to check the infiltrators of anti-Islam into the Turkish polity. In the process it could not suspect that Turkey also could be infested by the enemies of Islam operating in the west that are treated with high esteem in Istanbul.

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan urged Turks to rally around him in fighting what he termed a dirty plot by foreign-backed elements targeting the bread “on your table, the money in your pocket, the sweat of your brow". Erdogan said this in a televised end of year address devoted almost entirely to a corruption investigation that has been engineered in police and judiciary to undermine his government and sap its influence in the Middle East and beyond.

Erdogan said June anti-government protests across Turkey, triggered by a heavy-handed police crackdown on a demonstration against plans to redevelop Istanbul's central Gezi Park, were part of the same conspiracy. "Just as the Gezi incidents were dressed up in the cover of trees, parks and the environment, the December 17 plot was hidden in the cover of corruption." He said it was no coincidence that the attacks coincided with what he called one of the most successful years in modern Turkey's 90-year history. The year has seen record highs in Turkish financial markets, credit rating upgrades and the paying off of the country's IMF debt.


Anti-Turkey or anti-Islam?

Turkey President Gul has been a close ally of Erdogan, but also a potential rival. Though he helped found Erdogan’s Islamic-based Justice and Development Party, Gul has appeared to distance himself from the prime minister by taking a more moderate tone during the scandal and during the anti-government protests that rocked Turkey in June. 

This gave rise to the impression in the enemy circles that there is a rift between the two leaders and they created tensions for the Islamist government.


The oil-gold scandal poses the biggest challenge to Erdogan in 11 years as leader, raising fears of a fracture in his AK Party in the run-up to elections and damage to strong economic growth. It also pitches him against a U.S.-based Turkish cleric with strong influence in the police and judiciary, accused by Erdogan's backers of conniving at the investigation. 


Erdogan unambiguously warned: "History will not forgive those who have become mixed up in this game." Without any order from the government, police raided offices and homes and detained businessmen close to the government and the sons of three ministers on December 17.


Seeing through a deep rooted conspiracy against Turkey, party and against him, Erdogan was forced to respond by purging some 70 officers connected with the inquiry and blocking a second investigation into big infrastructure projects promoted by Erdogan. "I invite every one of our 76 million people to stand up for themselves, to defend democracy and to be as one against these ugly attacks on our country," he said.


Foremost in his suspicions is Gulen, who has no political party but great influence in key state institutions based widely on his global network of private schools and media. Though their differences are not argued in public, the two have differed over foreign and domestic policies and the fate of the schools which Erdogan recently moved to close down. 

The former ally, Fethullah Gulen, denies the allegation. "Whichever party you support, this plot targets all of you without exception, the bread on your table, the money in your pocket, the sweat of your brow," he said.


Erdogan said the investigation aimed to undermine "the picture of brotherhood" in a fragile peace process with Kurdish militants, launched in 2012 and aimed at ending a conflict which has killed 40,000 people.

Erdogan tried to change police regulations to prevent further inquiries, but that move was blocked by a high court.  “It is our common responsibility to avoid behaviors that could harm the understanding and perception of an independent and impartial judiciary.” His statement also noted progress that Turkey has made in democratic reforms and economic development under the current government.

Erdogan closed his address on a defiant tone, saying 2014 would be a year in which accession talks with the European Union would move forward and democratic reforms gather pace. "You should not worry: Turkey is in safe hands and is continuing decisively its walk to the future," he said.

Claiming that his government is the target of a conspiracy, Erdogan has removed police chiefs and judicial officials. He has alleged that followers of an Islamic movement led by U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen have infiltrated the judiciary and that the police and are using their powers to attack the government. 

Erdogan's supporters argue the graft accusations have so far lacked any substance.

Erdogan is widely expected to run for president in August’s elections, though neither he nor Gul has declared his political intentions. Gul, who enjoys wider approval ratings than Erdogan, could seek to become prime minister in general elections to be held by 2015 or could take on Erdogan in the presidential poll. "Circles uncomfortable with Turkey's successes, its growing economy, its active foreign policy, its global-scale projects, implemented a new trap set against Turkey," Erdogan said, sitting at a desk before the red Turkish national flag.




So great has been Erdogan's dominance since his AK Party was first elected in 2002 on promises to banish corruption that his removal from power could prove traumatic for Turkey. He could yet call early elections to demonstrate his continued popularity and increase his power to handle the accusations. The corruption investigation, which has led to the resignation of three ministers, poses the biggest challenge to Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in his 11 years as leader. He has cast the probe as a foreign-backed plot to undermine his government and sap his influence in the Middle East and beyond.

Islamist Turkish President Abdullah Gul, seen as unifying figure who has largely stayed out of the furor and away from controversies, made an appeal for unity in his New Year's message, emphasizing a need for an independent judiciary free of pressure from any side. Abdullah Gul is urging his country to respect the rule of law, at a time when a corruption scandal has called into question the independence of the judiciary. "The legislative and executive powers are in a way accountable through elections but the judicial system is in a different position. For them, independence and impartiality is much more important."


President Abdullah Gul stressed the importance of impartial judiciary and urged the judiciary to remain sol as it pursues a corruption investigation shaking the government, warning of grave economic consequences if confidence in the country's institutions is eroded. In his most exhaustive comments on the graft scandal so far, Gul said the existence of a "state within the state" would not be tolerated, an apparent reference to the movement of US-based Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen, whose followers are now highly  influential in Turkey's police and judiciary.

Gul said there should be no tolerance for corruption, echoing Erdogan's words after police raided offices and homes and detained businessmen close to the government two weeks ago. Gul, who’s role as president is largely ceremonial but who must approve laws passed by parliament and makes key appointments in the judiciary, has not been implicated in the corruption allegations. "Anybody can work at state institutions - the army, the judiciary, or other state actors - but they have to abide by the law, the constitution and the rules of that institution ... taking orders from somewhere else is not acceptable," he said. “If this is happening within the judiciary, among the judges, this cannot be tolerated."




Since President Gul won’t be for another term, Erdogan will by all means get elected the precedent next year.


But the issue here is important for Islamic faith and practices. Can Islamic nations promote rampant corruption and can the Muslim rulers let their kin and kith to control the government apparatus and mint money.

Erdogan, a former mayor of Istanbul, came into office on the promise of putting an end to the cronyism of his predecessors. He was elected in 2002 and has seen his government returned to office two times since then. But the AKP is not governing as cleanly as Erdogan thinks. It has long been plagued by allegations of corruption. In the embassy cables published by WikiLeaks in 2010, US diplomats reported "corruption at all levels" in Turkey. It finally took a dispute within the Islamic camp to uncover the dirt of the past few years.

Success makes some politicians more relaxed, but in recent years Erdogan has, in many respects, developed into precisely the type of autocratic ruler he once vowed to abolish. He has now replaced many capable advisers with loyal yes-men.

Under Turkey's Political Parties Law, he can no longer run for prime minister. Erdogan's goal of having himself elected president in the summer is becoming more and more tenuous.

As a result the once popular premier Erdogan is now seen fighting for his political future. In contrast to the Gezi protests, his critics swear this time Erdogan will not be able to bring the crisis under control by taking a tough approach.  Islamist party leadership needs perfect reflections on his role in Islamic Turkey and Islamic world at large.  

Erdogan's Islamist-rooted AK Party has relied on its economic record to maintain the support of many Turks. But the corruption scandal is shaking investor confidence at a time when the lira currency is weakening, inflation rising and growth slowing, risking tipping the nation into its greatest period of political instability in a decade - just before local and national elections this year and next. "Economic stability comes first," said Gul, who co-founded the AK Party with Erdogan more than a decade ago. "If there is a worsening in the economy we would be shooting ourselves in the foot, any deterioration in confidence will be the biggest damage to the country."

Erdogan, who has won three elections, is barred by party rules from standing for a fourth term as prime minister and is widely expected to run instead for the presidency in August. That has generated speculation that Gul, rather than running against Erdogan, could become prime minister in general elections currently scheduled for 2015. Gul declined to be drawn. “We will have three elections in the next two years and I believe Turkey will complete these as a mature democracy."

Erdogan, who has won three elections, casts the scandal as a campaign by domestic dark forces and foreign financial organizations, media and governments resentful of a foreign policy more independent of NATO and the USA.

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