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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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How serious is Israel about Mideast peace?





Israel firmly believes that the big global powers, the UNSC veto rogues led by USA, would never let the illegal occupations of colonialist powers that support imperialist powers end, vacating the occupation forever. .

After all, colonialism is the tributary of imperialism and fascism and occupation powers are capitalist countries having a common agenda and profit ideology. Every occupied nation suffers while the UN looks other side .

And hence, Israel, protected by the big powers, directly or indirectly, like other colonialist powers, just play terror politics, killing the Palestine people at will.

Israel has never shown any seriousness about peace in Mideast or inclination for settling once for all the decades’ long deadly conflict that killed thousands of Palestinians besieged by joint military blockades from Israel-Egypt terror twins.

With intermittent obstructions to the so-called peace talks, the talks, the talks, looking like never ending, have so far shown little sign of progress.

One usual mad thing Israel does is to announce a fresh slot of illegal settlements blocks inside Palestine territories. This causes irritation for the Americans and anger among Palestine- the objective of Zionist strategists for the trick.

A dispute over settlement construction led to the collapse of the last peace talks. And Criminal Israelis know the best way to stop the dialogue for peace with Palestine is to announce new constructions as a mean to proliferate the illegal colonies in Palestine.

White House is fully aware of Zionist tactics but let the criminal Jews and illegal settlers inside Palestine continue with their fascist designs. .

Earlier this month, US foreign secretary John Kerry held talks with Israeli and Palestinian representatives in an effort to secure a “framework” for a final Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.

However, with a view to create obstacles to the talks and results, Israel is demanding that it would maintain a military presence under any future peace deal with the Palestinians.

Israel does not even seek a UN force to be put in charge of the cause in case Israel really thinks it needs security.

While the peace talks have been continuing, Israel last week announced plans to build 1,400 new homes in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

It seems the Obama regime is somewhat serious about a final settlement of the Mideast conflict and bring about the Palestine state, but without antagonizing the Zionist criminal regime.

Israel willingly plays on that terrible US mentality, supporting Zionist fascist regime.  Unless Palestine is freed from Zionist occupation and brutalities, it is impossible to talk about other such freedom struggles. But journalists write about them only to make money and for pure fun. They should know the veto-resources  reality.

Neither Israeli nor India, for instance, is  interested in fair deals, not interested in  quitting their occupation posts.  

The colonialist militaries are  happy drinking the blood  of  besieged  people,  where they are!

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