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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Kashmir:  Are Kashmiris ready to  accept new reality?











Over 100,000 innocent ordinary Kashmiri Muslims in India occupied Jammu Kashmir  have sacrificed their valuable lives, hoping to achieve freedom from Indian military yoke. Yet,  no real chance  of freedom is visible, though Kashmiris keep dying. 


The chief reason for  this  brutal development in JK is the  hypocritical and wrong  policies of the freedom  leaders who refuse to lead the Kashmiiris honestly. 


These freedom leaders ,rather separatist leaders, do not express themselves fully and do not let the people and followers to know the truth that Islamabad is as dangerous as New Delhi for Kashmirs. 


Islamabad plays its role very tactfully, causing  regular military murders of Kashmir Muslims by India. . 


The existing  reality is Jammu Kashmir is now part of three countries, India Pakistan and China and China is a veto member of notorious UNSC and can use its power to retain Kashmir on a permanent basis. Both India and Islamabad have no intention  of vacating the Kashmiri lands. 


The reality is that  Kashmirs would not get back their nation unless they  become united and committed to the freedom cause, in stead of becoming a prt of India, Pakistan or China. 


They should realize that without any real support for their real cause,  they have in fact become  the target of India-Pakistan-China. trio which plans secretly  their joint course, including joint military exercises and sports fixings. . 




Kashmiris endure very hard  fate. 






South Asia can never be peaceful unless the Kashmir problem is resolved and earlier the issue is resolved better for the regional peace, growth and development.


But as it stands, there is no credible possibility for that to occur, for, an arrogant India and the notorious UNSC play dirty terror politics with the lives of Kashmiris in Jammu Kashmir. 


Kashmiris in Kashmir valley get killed by occupying Indian forces on a regular basis while Pakistan is unable to  stop  these crimes because it also kills Pakistanis to make the American occupation forces happy as part of NATO-Pakistan deal.


The deal is simple: USA wants Pakistani military to kill Muslims, drinking their blood, while Pakistan insists on higher service charges in military goods for murdering and assisting the NATO rogues target Pakistanis especially in tribal areas where Muslims try to defend their territories from foreign invaders. 




So Kashmiris literally besieged by the largest democracy India and Islamic Pakistan.  That is the current fate of Kashmiri Muslims, though not every Kashmiri is capable of comprehend the deceptive cum  brutal world they are in. 




Kashmiris do speak for Kashmir. They just hail India and Pakistan according to the media gimmicks on either side of the LOC. 




But occupation and crimes in Kashmir are illegal.   








Kashmir for years has remained a major flash point in South Asian politics and resolution of the crisis is looked upon as the only way to  make the region peaceful, while good neighborly relations between arch foes India and Pakistan could make the region tension free and even prosperous, with more nuke arsenals, supported by world powers and IAEA.. 


However, neither India nor Pakistan nor pro-Indian Kashmiris in Kashmir valley allows any chance for peace to set in to ease the situation towards peace in the region. Nor India's puppet government in Jammu Kashmir led by Congress-NC party leaders now enjoying all wealth and comforts want any resolution of the conflict. 


Strangely, Pakistan by refusing to add to its nation the part of Kashmir it occupies (Azad Kashmir) and by fueling the pro-Pakistan separatists in Kashmir is still eager to use the Kashmiris to advance its interests.   India opposes the secret deal of Pakistan with Azad Kashmir and pro-Pakistani separatists to create create greater Pakistan, though it also faces separatist movement inside in Baluchistan. With USA bluntly refusing to support Pakistani cause, Islamabad has to feel satisfied with serving the US cause of anti-Islamism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.. 


Kashmiris now willingly play fowl as an ally of selfish Pakistan with ulterior motives. Result won’t be better for both of them. 


World is unanimous on the view that peace in the region is essential for the stability of the region and welfare of peoples in the region and even beyond. 


However, existing conditions in the region are not quite conducive for that to happen. 


Kashmir is being occupied by three regional powers- one regional super power (China) and two big powers of the region (India and Pakistan). And, none of them is eager to surrender sovereignty to Kashmiris to enable them to remake their lost home. 


Worst is the very predicament of Kashmiris in Jammu Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and China Kashmir. While Azad Kashmiris have already resigned to their fate as being a part of Pakistan and, maybe most of them are happy of being Pakistanis; Kashmiris in Jammu Kashmir under India occupational control are divided, badly. Many of Kashmiris in JK are not unhappy of being a part of India and are now the elected rulers of JK state under Indian supervision. The Chinese Kashmiris have no option but to be in China as its citizens. 








Although the destiny of Kashmiris cannot be foretold right here, one must agree that they remain the cause of tension and problem of instability and target of outside powers. They have no powers and they do exactly want the India, Pakistan and China want  or expect them to do.


The pro-India Kashmir leaders JK are extra happy that India takes care of their huge wealth. Similarly, Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir under Pakistan control are also a happy with Pakistan for promoting the rich in that part. 


But the problem arises when the Kashmiris in Jammu Kashmir who do not support Indian rule and would want to the subject of Pakistan if  there is a possibility. 


In fact, it seems their entire struggle for freedom form Indian yoke is essentially to get clearance certificate form New Delhi and join Pakistan.  It is almost clear they do not want freedom and sovereignty from India to reestablish Kashmir as it had existed before 1948 when they all of sudden found themselves occupied by Indian forces. Their struggle cost very dearly for themselves with over 100,000 Muslims have been slaughtered by Indian forces, while both China and Pakistan take the genocides as if it should only be that way.. 


There seems to no news paper or online portal that seeks independence for a sovereign Jammu Kashmir. The media in Jammu Kashmir promote India’s occupational interests, while those in Azad Kashmir uphold Pakistani interests as their own.


That is sad, rather crude aspect of destiny of Kashmiris. 








Though Pakistan is still eager to expand its territory by  taking entire Jammu Kashmir, it  also faces serious  disintegration threat from within as some  regions, owing to  misrule  and wrong polices and foreign interference.   


Joining a destabilized and  disintegrating Pakistan is not in the interest of Kashmiris. later, Kashmiris  could consider Pakistanis as their  major enemies as the tribal  Pakistanis now feel.  


Like India, both Pakistan and China do not want or promote total independence for Kashmiris. 


Considering the above said factors, among other important issues, one could suggest the following interim solution to resolve the crisis and end blood bath in Kashmir valley. 


Kashmiris under the joint control of India, Pakistan and China should be allowed to express their preferences explicitly. 


Meanwhile, both India and Pakistan should revise  and end their objective of using the Kashmir as the  battlefield  . 


1. Pakistan should now openly state its strategic needs in Kashmir. Islamabad should not cheat Kashmiri Muslims. Pakistan should openly declare freedom for Kashmiris from both India and Pakistan. 


2. Meanwhile, Pakistan could have complete control over Azad Kashmir to make it an integral part of Pakistan constitutionality as India has done as soon as it occupied major part of JK.


4. India could also now enjoy full sovereignty over the Jammu Kashmir under its occupation but without killing the people there. 


5. Those pro-Pakistani Kashmiris could settle down in Azad Kashmir or directly in Pakistan.  


6. Once India and Pakistan share the Kashmiri lands, China can talk with India and Pakistan to decide about the future of "Chinese Kashmiris"


7. India being a part of peace keeping forces in some regions, it  should stop killing Kashmiri Muslims forthwith. It is too rude on its         part that India loves to drink Kashmiri blood after eating  their    apples. 


8. If India still kills the Kashmiri Muslims for whatever reasons, India regime must, through the UN, pay 100 crore rupees to Kashmiris     for each murder it commits there


 9. UN could oversee the resolution process so that no crisis would occur in future. 


10. UN and ICJ & ICC should bring to justice all state criminals who are responsible for the genocides of Kashmiris. 


The above said solution is the easiest and workable one under the prevailing conditions to save the Kashmiri Muslims from foreign brutalities. People keep sacrificing their valuable lives not knowing the real cause.  








Of course, this is only a solution and not a judgment on the issue. And, also, it is only a preliminary solution and if Kashmiris of all reigns could ponder over the issues and their own future and decide accordingly.


After the resolution of the Kashmir dispute, in order to promote mutual trust, India and Pakistan should push for greater cooperation and collaboration. Pakistan needs to save the remaining Kashmiri Muslims by stopping to encourage revolt against India by Kashmiri Muslims in Jammu Kashmir


After all, Pakistan is equally accountable for the murder of so many Kashmiri Muslims by Indian brute forces in JK.   










Double speak by Kashmiri leaders on both sides of the great divide has badly harmed the freedom cause of Kashmir and  peace in the region. Over 100,000 innocent Kashmir Muslims have been murders so far  though independence of Kashmir has not been the  real cause of the " freedom"  fighters . 


By using Kashmir issue, both India and Pakistan acquired illegal nuclear arsenals that also pose serious threat to Kashmiris and regional peace. .


While India is not ashamed of its brand of dishonesty, Pakistan does even try to show it is basically different from its nuclear neighbor India. Islamabad is yet to explicitly state Kashmiris want freedom to reestablishment a free Jammu Kashmir or Kashmir.  By saying the issue needs to be resolved what it means is Kashmir should be incorporated in Pakistan which is indeed betrayal of Kashmiri cause. India does want resolution that way. .


That is the real cause of tragedy for Kashmiris, South Asian region and humanity!

Credible peace in South Asia requires an early resolution of the Kashmir issue. It is prime duty of UN to help end the crisis at the earliest.


Enough of bloodbath and tension in Kashmir! 


Kashmiris deserve peacefully independent  existence!


Kashmir also deserves homely atmosphere for people to breath free of military brutalities! 


Enough of bloodbath and tension in Kashmir! 


Kashmiris deserve a peaceful existence!


Kashmir also deserves homely atmosphere for people to breath free of Pakistani mischief and Indian military brutalities! 




د. عبد راف 


Unfortunately, today there is not even one Muslim nation practicing  truly Islamic faith and life. 


-BY DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL has been an Educationist, Columnist-Commentator  on world affairs Expert on Mideast Affairs,  Former university Teacher;  Editor:INTERNATIONAL OPINION; FOREIGN POLICY ISSUES; Author of books;



Dr. Abdul Ruff has published his views globally in  hundreds of   printed as well as online newspapers. including, International Herald Tribune, Global politician,  The Canadian, Turkish Digest, Financial Tines,Frontier Post, Arab News, Al-Jazeera, Economic Weekly, Friday Weekly, The Statesman,Independent, Marwat Post, Middle East Online, Middle East Times, Nepal News,ABC, abc, Nepal news International, Israel  Herald,Muslim News,M Corg, Kuwait Times, Iran Daily, Afghanistan Sun, EMM News,Gulf News, Gulf Daily News, Khaleej Times, Asian Tribune, Asia Times, EI News,Bangladesh Today,Daily Star,New Age,The  Nation,Daily Mirror,The Island, Dawn, Friday Times, Daily News, Daily Times, The Telegraph, New York Times, Deccan Herald, The Pioneer, Indian Express, News from Bangladesh, Kashmir Times,Greater Kashmir, Mirror of Kashmir, Kashmir Affairs, Kashmir Watch, Kashmir Monitor, Kashmir Observer, Kashmir Newsline, Kashmir Awareness, Kashmir Images,Asian Age, Jammu Kashmir Front line, Hindustan times,SL Guardian, Times of India, Central Chronicle, Economic Times, Sahara Times,Maldives Chronicles, International Observer, Palestine Times, Pakistan Observer, Indian Muslim Observer, Foreign Policy Issues, International Opinion,  Tribune International, Wikipedia, etc, website:  Phone: 91-8129081217---(Account: No 62310377429 - CIF No: 78215311481- State Bank of Hyderabad, India)


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