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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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India votes for UN resolution against Israel!

-Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal



In making its  foreign policy a bit clear now,  India has at long last expressed its anger and anguish over the Zionist fascist operations inside Palestine-Gaza during the Holy Ramadan month.



While the notorious UNSC which knew about Israeli invasion project  during Ramadan Holy month before hand remained silent on the continued  illegal occupation and  terror attacks on Palestine, killing civilians, including women and children each time,  the Arabs nations, both Sunni and Shi’a that claim full commitment  to the Palestine cause,  just made some anti-Israeli  rhetoric as usual.



After  pretending to be supporting Israeli crimes inside Palestine, finally India on 22 July voted in support of a UN Human Rights Council resolution,  surprising for USA, to launch a probe into Israel's military campaign on Gaza, which has claimed more than 700 lives so far. 29 countries out of 49 in the members UNHR council voted in support while 17 nations abstained.

Along with India, other members of BRICS - Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa - too voted for a Palestinian-drafter resolution on “Ensuring Respect for international law in The Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jersusalem”.

The west payed its own Zionist card in their own ways,  either by voting agianst the resolution or abstaining from voting- both modes  mean the same pro-Zionist fascist mindset of the  western civilization.  The US was the only country to vote against the resolution while European countries abstained.

The voting came as the death toll in Gaza neared 800 as Israeli tank fire before dawn killed 16 people in the Hamas-dominated coastal territory, including six members of the same family.

The continued violence defied world efforts to achieve a ceasefire between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas after 17 days of fighting, though some officials voiced optimism that a limited truce may be within reach. 

Interestingly, the Indian government now of right wing Hindutva forces had earlier said its policy on Palestine remains unchanged and rejected calls for a parliament resolution on the violence in Gaza.


The Modi  regime refused permission even to raise the Palestine  issue in the Parliament which always stood by the Palestinians   for decades of its own existence as a free nation.  The ruling BJP opposed  all anti-colonist struggles all over the world, including Kashmir fight for  freedom and Palestine genocide issue.


The government  reiterated is stand to  accelerate the  ties with the Israeli criminal regime as an ally.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, in her reply to a debate on the Gaza violence, said the need of the hour was to support the Egypt-backed ceasefire proposal.  Sushma Swaraj denied charges that the Narendra Modi government was changing the country's foreign policy vis-a-vis Palestine. India, she told the upper house Rajya Sabha, desired good relations with both Israel and Palestine.
Sushma Swaraj dismissed opposition charges that the government was silent on the issue, saying it had reacted to the Gaza bloodshed at the BRICS summit in Brazil.


However, since the Hindutva  parties oppose Kashmir freedom struggle from India tooth and  nail,  they also oppose Palestine's long struggle for  breathing freely form Israeli military  attacks and  continuous genocides.

Officially, more than 700 Palestinians have been killed and over 3,000 injured in Israeli military attacks on suspected hideouts of the Hamas militant group that has fired rockets into Israel.

The unofficial and actual number of  murders could be much more as Israeli military enjoys Palestinian blood and dead  flesh.

Of course, what has happened at UNHRC is just a fact finding exercise on Israeli fascism  and not essentially meant to weaken Israeli military prowess or end the Zionist invasions once for all.


What exactly should follow now on will  definitely be decided only by US-Israeli terror twins.  The only interest an concern of Arab nations is  to  sell energy resources to USA and Europe for huge  money so that they can contribute to crony capitalism in the Islamic Arab region which the west and its allies seek now-a-days . 



Israel needs to disarmed first  and if the  regime still seeks  foreign blood, its should be completely show the way out of Mideast so as to ensure peace, prosperity  and stability in the region. 



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