"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Republicans and Democrats deceive Americans over illegal wars in Mideast

-Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal





The façade and essence of US democracy is indeed a disguised military dictatorship. In the name of regime change policy propounded by the cold blooded neocons led by criminal minded Jews, USA has clearly enslaved almost entire Arab world.


Election for the US congress to select all 435 members of the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate is slated for November 4, while Democratic and Republican parties are engaged in a concerted effort to deny the American people any say on the launching of a major new US-led war in the Middle East. The election has been deprived of any genuine democratic content, as the decisions on the most important issues like wars in Mideast, have already been made.


Saudi Arabia, now trying use USA and Europe to deal with its imagined foe, the Shi’ia Islam, might even feel happy that entire Arab world is in turmoil. However, one wonders if at least Saudi Arabia which houses the holiest sites of Islam, has any credible escape route on a permanent basis. Enemies of Islam cannot love Saudi Arabia where Islam was born to help the humanity lead a worthy human life


The Democratic and Republican parties of USA have vested interests in sustaining illegal wars in Mideast since both have “contributed” to the genocides and destruction in the region.  They therefore are trying to outsmart one another by escalating illegal wars in Mideast for resources and dead bodies.


Democratic and Republican parties have joined their blood stained hands to prolong wars in energy rich Muslim nations to give a strong message to Americans that the Pentagon would bring in as much oil and gas as possible to USA so that they don’t protest against the illegal wars or ask Obama to end wars that indeed benefit America now and in future. US congress therefore underestimates the cost of illegal was for USA because these wars are profitable for Americans in the long run. Also, Americans know that no power on earth can stop US military’s onward march after neutralizing Russia by offering some favors . . .


Both parties rejected calls by a handful of members that there should be a full-scale debate and vote on the broader question of US military action in both Syria and Iraq. The Obama regime began bombing ISIS targets in Iraq in early August only   when Congress went into a five-week recess and Obama extended the bombing to targets in Syria in late September.


There has been no US declaration of war or other congressional vote to authorize these military operations, making Obama’s new Mideast war entirely unconstitutional. Interestingly, democrat plays the republican role now. Democrats who ran as antiwar candidates in 2006 or 2008 who are now running as vehement supporters of the bombing of Iraq and Syria.


Western anti-Islamic media effectively  harness “terrorism” and “dictatorship”  to get the US/NATO militarism to destabilize Syria beyond recognition as it has been  done n all Muslims nations that USA invaded to prove the might of US military.


Democrats and Republicans have indicated they would support congressional authorization for the use of military force in Iraq and Syria, aimed at the removal of Syrian president eventually and declare a fake “victory” in Syria. .  


The bipartisan effort to block any discussion of the new Mideast war comes amid mounting signs that an explosive escalation of the level of violence and the scope of the conflict is imminent.


Neither Obama nor his “holy” predecessor Bush Jr. asked the American people whether they support decades of imperialist war across two continents, at an astronomical cost in terms of human lives and squandered resources.


Obama’s Washington is keen to continue the illegal wars o still on the pretext of Sept-11 hoax. The decisions to unleash a permanent war in the absence of any credible opposition to it, are being made behind closed doors, by the military and intelligence chiefs, then handed off to Obama and Congress to rubber-stamp. Obama also had  recently claimed that there would be no US “boots on the ground” in Iraq but now military has landed there too.  The new NATO secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, warned that any spillover of the conflict now raging on the border between Syria and Turkey, with ISIS forces battling Kurdish militia, would justify NATO intervention to defend Turkey.  In fact, USA can now defend and justify any amount of state crimes. It can  even legitimize all its future crimes too. 


Former Obama defence secretary Leon Panetta said that US intervention in the predominantly Muslim countries of northern Africa and the Middle East would go on for decades.


Time is overdue to oppose the imperialist USA by nations and peoples in order to save humanity form permanent dangers of policies of American insane leaders.

American military monsters cannot go on  rampage in Islamic world for ever  to quench  their blood thirst. 

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