"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: swasty
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Is he the only Muslim? by S Wasty
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There is utterly no other option, for the people of the world.
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Bismillah hir Rehmahn ur Raheem.


Salaam (peace) on you.


For the news, you may possibly not get anywhere else, try the following, if you so wish. Most kindly ignore this mail if you already have the following informations. (Highly recommended)     




There is utterly no other option, for the people of the world.


Either come together to obliterate the injustice "Ruler and the Ruled" or else, remain Slave for ever.

Either come together to take this world in your own collective hands or else, let it continue to be ruled by the "Undesirables".


There have been too many bloody revolutions in every age and in every part of the world. Although people have felt to have been triumphant after a hard prolonged and violent struggle, the end product of such revolutions has always been the same i.e. the need for another bloody revolution in just a few years’ time. We can learn from the Bolshevik revolution in Russia as to how, even after a very violent, bloody struggle, Russian people found themselves to have been enslaved by another group of tyrants and despots i.e. the new Tsars in a very short time.

What was it that people did wrong before and after the revolution? They did not plan and organise themselves to keep their power in their collective hands before embarking on the physical and bloody struggle, but went to sleep as ususal, leaving their destiny in the hands of a few led by an individual. A fatal mistake for people, indeed.

What people throughout the world have needed then and are in need today is a peaceful revolution. The way to peaceful revolution is first, to bring revolution in peoples’ way of thinking. This is  very very  important and crucial.

The revolutionised thinking is that “People do not have to be governed by any one person or group of persons”. People if they have the will, and work for it, can  surely organise to manage their country themselves, collectively, guided by the "Collective of the Intellectuals" and able people among themselves, much much better and certainly much much cheaper than what they have now. For this to happen they have to organise themselves into one alliance of the People. In other words people have to organise themselves in a way that their alliance can make the need of contracting out the running of their country to a contractor (political party), or even a ruler, a dictator, a despot totally obsolete. Everyone has to share the responsibility of  participating in the matters that affect their life, as such everyone must strive for making it a success. The motto should be "No Ruler and hence no Ruled".

People must be persuaded to learn to start taking interest in those matters that affect their life, their destiny and start organising themselves into their local Parish Council or Shoorah– a consultative, co-operative alliance of all people organised to improve their lot through self help. Such Council must be the first and the last focal point of the people of that locality. It should be such a body that whatever people need, they go only to their Council for help. It is through the Council that people can arrange for their true and effective representation to evolve. For true and effective representation to be a fact, regular meeting of local people and the process of “hire and fire” of the elected  and the appointed is an absolute Must. It is this vital characteristic, that the present “Fake Democracies” are utterly devoid of. These are fake because the essence of representation of the masses is totally missing from these. Rather instead, vested interests, corporates, cartels, mafias, crooks and criminals get full representation. These are fake, because people can "hire" but cannot "fire." The system of "hire and fire" can only be evolved by the masses when they embark upon organising such a just system.

The very reason as to why those revolutions failed to deliver to the people, what they had strived for, is that people as usual went to sleep, as soon as the struggle was over, leaving (whatever they had achieved) in the hands of a few. It is just understandable that when people do make such unwarranted and reckless mistakes, the mafia or people with vested interests are bound to move in and take control. This starts the process of creating those conditions which are detrimental to the interests of the people and against which people revolted in the first instance. People must be taught that it is the absence of their own organisation i.e. Peoples' Solidarity that makes it absolutely easier for any dictator, mafia, cartel to take over the administration of their country. If  and when  the people will see the sense in organisig their own Solidarity, methodically and peacefully, then they will see for themselves that no dictator, mafia or cartel dare being their ruler.

There is mountain of evidence that the system of electing a party to run the country is not at all in the interest of the people. We can see very vividly as to why the administration of the U.S.A. is being run time and again by the Fascists and worlds biggest terrorist organisation. This organisation at first, was able to tame the British government. The British government even went on to issue a testimonial, which purported to say that with the H.M. government “terrorism works”. This testimonial went on to be known as the infamous “Balfour Declaration”. The British government is still hostage to this organisation and working hand in glove with it, alongwith the U.S. administration. Anyone can see it absolutely clearly.

Today the 450 old European Fascism and resultant terrorism is trying hard and fast to reassert itself as the resistance movements to this “sheer evil” gains ground in many countries of the world. The very characteristic of  European terrorism is such that it leaves the people with utterly no option than, resigned to the fact that they have to respond to its violence with violence. For example the Irish people suffered it in silence, for nearly 300 years, until they could take it no more; hence the Irish resistance movement came into being. Every resistance fighter today is being called terrorist.   By whom?     By the real Terrorists and their soul selling agents.

Perhaps one will agree that the best resistance movement will come when people will unite. Yes, people have no other option than to unite. First in their very locality, then in their region and eventually nationally through peoples’ effective representation. In order to bring about peaceful revolution, unity of people under the banner of “Peoples’ Solidarity” is an absolute must. In this manner people of one country can come closer to the people of other countries through their effective representation.

The other most important point people need to remember is to never, never, never rally round one person. It is historical fact that in doing so people innocently allow this one person to become a self centred despot in a very very short time. One person in control of a country can very easily be targeted to be taken hostage or even murdered. There is every evidence that the European terrorists are holding many, many rulers in the world, hostage? The best and most just option is to have "Collective leadership" of all the intellectuals, learned, experienced and the wise.

There are people who blame such rulers for all the ills they suffer. The question to ask such people is that when you number in millions, how is it that one person or a small junta or a general can control you? The answer is simple such people are themselves to blame. For what? For not forging a unity, so that no person or junta or a general is able to hold them hostage. In order to forge unity people need some more revolutionary habits to develop in themselves. They must cultivate the passion of being “truthful,” “sincerely selfless,” “absolutely just” and the desire in their hearts for the “welfare” for all the people. Some 1400 years ago when some very very weird people, developed such good habits through the persuasion of Divine guidance and forged an enviable unity through their "Co-operative collectivity", they became so popular that their peaceful revolution spread like wild fire in a space of very very short time. What won the hearts and minds of the people? Their humble and gentle behaviour, Justice in their deeds and the desire in their hearts for peoples' well being. Who is there in the world, who will not like  such people who are truthful, honest, sincere and most important "Just"?  Who is there who would not like to be popular among the people? Just depriving oneself of some bad habits i.e. Arrogance, Avarice (greed) and Envy will certainly make anyone a very likeable and lovable person.


This appeal is for all those who are deeply concerned with the ravages and devastation  being inflicted upon  men, material and morality the world over by the Jesus hating Godless new Romans.

Such people must undertake the noble duty of propagating these messages to the masses, and if possible, work for bringing them together into forging a Peoples' Alliance to become a bulwark against the intoxicated Goliath of our time i.e. the ungodly new Romans.

It is imperative and understandable that when people do forge their Unity, they will certainly make themselves eligible to receive all the favours that Lord Almighty(swt) has promised them. To come forward  to unite and do good work, is to obey the will of Lord Almighty . When people come together to co-operate to do good work, then Satan is in distress and Lord Almighty is certainly pleased. 

 Lord Almighty Commanded us to come together to rally round Him, in these words. Wah tusaymoo bay hublillah Jamiyah.... There is yet another Command, people ignore at their peril. The Command is to eliminate all injustices including "Ruler and the Ruled" and replace it with "Peoples' Consultative Committees" i.e. Peoples' Shoorah. Here is the Command. "When you come to decide those matters that affect people, then resolve it through consultation of all concerned", and remember; Uphold Justice at all the times.

Do we not realise that the system of "Ruler and the Ruled" is utter injustice and the cause of so much trouble all over the world?

A nation united will never fall victim to the Jesus hating godless Romans or even a general or a dictator. When the people of several such united  nations, unite they will certainly be mighty force, even if they acted absolutely peacefully. Peoples' Power works. Peoples' power is demonstrated through unified action of co-operation or non co-operation (boycott) by the people. People only need to be made aware of their power achieved through their unified  but totally peaceful actions.

To sum up, it is just easy to understand that if the masses will not come together to forge a union of themselves, in order to be able to run the affairs of their own country, peacefully and methodically under the collective guidance and leadership of intellectuals among them (the people), the way will remain open for any dictator or general to take over their country. In such a case, the people are themselves to blame.


It is also the promise of Lord Almighty that He will never, never, never change the conditions of any nation, until and unless each and every member of that nation becomes active in bringing about that welcome change, methodically and peacefully. The only way to that welcome change is for the majority of people to give up all their bad habits and change their behaviour so much so that everyone starts regarding and respecting the other human (he or she) exactly what he or she is i.e. a human being.

There is utterly no other option for the people of the world.

Either come together to make the injustice "Ruler and the Ruled" obsolete or else remain Slave for ever.

Our pathetic condition will never change.


Let me remind  the 1.3 billion of slumbering souls that nothing will happen untill and unless those enjoying their *Opium induced slumber, will  wake up to do what they have been Commanded to do.

Charity does begin at home. The hard work to unite the Ummah, will never happen in those Palaces or Presidential houses or in the  Assemblies or House of Representatives(so called, no doubt). 

It is utterly beyond the capacity of that circus called Oh I see(OIC).

Charity does begin at home. It has to begin at the homes of those 1.3 billion sleeping souls. If they have got a copy of the Book of Wisdom (Qurahnulhakeem) then I do not need to say any more. My only reminder to all concerned, is that nothing will happen, until and unless each and every one of those 1.3 billion souls will make a move to put into practice those Words of Wisdom to organise Peoples' Solidarity (Jameeyah) to conduct their business which affects their life their destiny through Peoples' Shoorah, starting from the locality where they live, in accordance with the Commands of Lord Almighty(swt). 

If anyone needs leadership of any kind, it is already there in the Book of Wisdom. So why do we need to rally round any man when the Command is "Anay bodooney, hahzah seeratim mustuqeem". ( Obey no one but Me, My path is the right path).

Then there is another Command, which is "Create not an Idol ( Leader, Ruler, Top man etc.) and worship not an Idol". So why would people need to make any human their Idol and rally round him/her?  There is yet another Command. It is, "When you come to decide the fate of the people, always consult them, and remember, uphold justice at all the times". This Command is for each of those 1.3 billion souls, so is every Command of the Lord(swt).

The Book of Wisdom is not the sole preserve of the few (Imahm,Khaleefah, Leader, Ruler etc.), nor are Lord's Commands. It is for every soul who wants to lead a clean and hence a peaceful life.

Do we not see enough trouble and bloodshed in the world just because of peoples' rejection of  Lord's (swt) edict. They reject the edict of Lord by making a man their Idol and then obey him who eventually proves himself to be a "Misleader" or a Despot. Muslim history is full of those who started off as Ameer, Imahm or Khaleefah and ended up as a tyrant ruler.

It happened so because autocracy is not approved by Allah, hence we do not need to rally round any man.

When our dear Prophet(saw) was offered the Kingdom of Arabia by overwhelming majority of the people, he simply could not accept this improper offer. To do so, would have been the contradiction of what he was preaching. To rally round a man, any man, is also a contradiction of his (saw)  preachings. Is the Kingdom of Arabia today not something which our Prophet (saw) rejected? We never need to rally round any man/woman.

We need to rally round the Lord, Lord of the world, by upholding the Guidance contained in the book of Wisdom. The Wisdom is to organise self help every where and every time. There is no substitute of coming together for self help. There is no doubt that the Ummah is deep asleep waiting for someone to come to wake them. They are waiting for someone, who will never come.

 Autocracy, very much at the back of minds of many many people, including the so-called Muslims, is a curse and a function of the "forbidden tree". "Create not an Idol, and worship not an Idol " is a Command.

The whole idea of leaving the destiny of a whole nation into the hands of one man or a small gang of people, on whom the people at large have no collective control is a totally unjust system. Under such unjust system people are bound to suffer injustices and crime.

To bring about a change from an unjust system to a just system is the responsibility of each and every one of the whole nation, more so of the educated, intellectuals, scholars, lawyers, social and political workers. A just system demands participation of all people of the nation in those matters that affect their life and destiny.

People will need to come out to join hands with others, to become responsible citizens. Responsible to bring about justice in every sphere of their daily life. Responsible to participate in the affairs of their country by organising to have a system of their true and effective representation. Responsible to have effective control over those entrusted with managing the affairs of the country.

Justice demands that the unjust system i.e. "Gangsterocracy" propagated as "Democracy", be made obsolete totally. People will need to forget about this party, or that party, this leader or that leader. Instead they will need to concentarte on organising only one party. A party of the people, by the people and for the total benefit of the people under "collective leadership" of all the learned, intellectuals, scholars, lawyers, social and political workers.

How can people achieve it all? By coming out to organise their Jameeyah (solidarity) and Shoorah (consultative committee) in every nook and corner of the country. From then on organise further higher tiers of assemblies of peoples' true and effective representation. The person at the top should never be allowed much power than be a representative of the nation and an adjudicator of the top assembly of people's representatives. Too much power is known to have a very destructive effect on people by transforming people into monsters in no time. The history is full of such monsters emerging, due to the laxity of the people at large, the history of Muslims being no exception, the Rasheeds of Bughdaad, being just a spot of a rare case. The nation, any nation which fails to take heed of the lessons of history and the warnings of its philosophical intellectuals will certainly ask for humiliating slavery and no doubt, will get it.

The challenge for every Muslim today is to come together to create their solidarity(Jameeyah) as did the early Muslims, to reject the unjust systems that are being enforced upon them and come together to create the very responsible and caring society that each and everyone of the early Muslims created in Madeenah.
This is such an important and vital point that is being ignored by the Muslim masses and intellectuals alike, all at their peril.
For as long as the masses do not come out to copy the early Muslims in creating a caring and responsible society, their trouble would simply not go away.
The system early Muslims created was the envy of democracy as each and everyone participated in caring and formulating their future according to edicts of no man but that of Allah (swt) alone.


*Opium:  Comrade Lenin, most possibly was the first one who noticed Opium being handed out. Handed out in his church obviously. Pope Urban is also known to have handed out Opium to the European masses. He called out all the able bodied Europeans to go to the holy lands of the Asian people to do which, no one in the following of Easah (Jesus) son of holy Meryum (peace on them) will ever think of. He asked the Europeans to go out to crucify the Commandments and to crucify every virtue preached and practised by Easah  (poh) and his followers. There are no less Opium pushers among us. Anyone wants the proof? See for yourself how the 1.3 billion are deep asleep expecting others to do the job which is theirs to do. Then there is so much "tafarqah" among them. Why? They rally not round the Almighty Lord(swt). They rally round humans. Each human creating his own "tafarqah".

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