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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
No Of voices: 1852
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Why? Why? Why?- Pak-Australia Cricket


BY Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal




Match-fixing, field-understandings, other hidden agendas for promoting bets and money loot are just one aspect of cricket as the most profitable sport. One fails to understand the logic behind Australian attitude towards Pakistan cricket team.  While Australia is too generous towards India in offering them, as part of joint cricket exercises, quick runs above all Fours and Sixes, they are deadly opposed to Pakistani team when playing with them getting any decent score when bating first. Australians “manage” to keep a low score target for themselves when playing with Indians so that Indians could easily surpass the target and win the matches.  Or, Australia allows Indians to set a BIG target so that Australia finds it difficult to overtake the target so that it could lose out to India. Now Austria is playing with (or against?) Pakistan as required by Australia outside Pakistan- in Australia proper. Why Australia is not showing the same generosity and consideration to Pakistan that is generally shown to India? Is it because Pakistan has become too weak to stand? Is it because Pakistan does not pay any extras to Australia as India does, or, is it only to show  to the world that Australians are pro--India guys? Or, is there any other reason and Pakistan is collapsing now? Funny guys, indeed- after all they all are strategic partners of terror syndicate led by the USA and UK! 


BY Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal


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