"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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The talent of our nation has always been undermined but it rises to occasion whenever challenged. And such a success story has just come up. Recently, a group of talented Pakistani students have embarked on the development of a car called Uzbaa which targets to run 200 km in one liter of fuel! Now that is an amazing talent. The ambitious students call themselves ‘WINMARK’. The purpose of designing this vehicle is to represent Pakistan in the global car design competition, Shell Eco Marathon.

The Shell Eco Marathon challenges students from worldwide to design, build and compete their energy-efficient vehicles. The car with that runs the most number of miles using least amount of fuel wins. The tournament is held separately for Europe, Americas and Asia. The Asian chapter takes place at the official Formula1 track – Sepang International Circuit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Accepting this challenge, a group of hardworking students from NED University of Engineering and Technology joined together and Winmark came into being. These students belong to Mechanical and Electrical Engineering departments. The car “Uzbaa” was made back in 2010 when it offered an appreciative mileage of 80 km per liter of petrol. The car represented Pakistan in the 2010 Shell Eco Marathon and won the hearts of many engineers and scientists there. Last year sponsors of this car were Elfy Corporation, Habib Bank Ltd and Orient Energy Systems.

Once again, the team is planning to hit the 2011 Eco Marathon. The car model is under rigorous optimization to reach 200 km per liter of petrol. Modifications include better fuel consumption mechanism, power management and substantial weight reduction. This year S.K Rahman & Co, Agri Auto, Atlas Honda & Lucky Aluminum sponsored Team Winmark  in terms of Cash,kind & services for car development. Team Winmark still need a budget of 1 million for car transportation, boarding & logging in order to make the successful representation of Pakistan in this global event.

The team leader, Haris Rahman says, “It has been a remarkable journey; from my drawing board to the formula1 track of Malaysia. When I raised the Pakistani flag with my car over there, my heart brimmed with pride. I have a firm conviction that this will materialize into a novel Pakistani creation.”

Team Winmark says, “This year, we highly anticipate to win. The car project is an excellent opportunity for companies and venture capitalists to boost their brand power and establish themselves as tech-friendly companies. And by the grace of Allah, we have been receiving great response.”

The Shell Eco Marathon is definitely a fruitful arena for corporations to create marketing hype. More than 6000 people, 300 representatives from supporting organizations and media from 20 countries will be attending the grand event.

Uzbaa has also received great feedback in the public displays at Creek Club, Park Towers, Pearl Continental Hotel, Expo Center and other places. A highly motivating promo of the team is uploaded at YouTube, ‘Car made by Team Winmark’. The team also runs a Facebook group/page with the title Team Winmark.

With such great efforts and the well wishes of the Pakistanis, Team Winmark is very optimistic about 2011 and is working day and night to accomplish its objective. Uzbaa is all set to rock the Shell Eco Marathon 2011.                                                                                                                                   


NED UET                                                                                                             TEAM WINMARK


24 April, 2011


Dear Sir,


We the students of NED UET are proud participants of Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2010, securing a strong performance at the event. Keeping our success into account, our University and Shell Pakistan itself have selected us to participate again for the 2011 event to be held from 6-9th July 2011 at Sepang international circuit, Kuala Lumpur. To help us achieve participate in the Mega-event, we need a reliable name like yours to stand with the team representing the nation by sponsoring the project.

Shell Eco Marathon is an international event that has a golden history of 26 years. The basic concept of the event is to drive young engineers to build a car with maximum fuel efficiency by using minimum amount of energy, thus striving for a greener & safer environment for the future. The event would be covered by the international media around the globe with participants from all over ASIA. It is a wonderful opportunity for your organization to express its concerns for technology and environment by advertising on our car and uniforms.

It will be our pleasure to have your support for the project and help in cash, kind or services will be highly valued.

Join hands with Team Winmark to make the country proud and help the world become a greener and a happier place to live!


Best regards,


Haris Rahman

Team Manager


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