"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Yousafzai
Full Name: Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai
User since: 20/Apr/2008
No Of voices: 113
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Terrorism, a blessing in disguise

            Thanks to suicide bombers who have played a pivotal role in moulding every aspect of our lives. The colonial rule had hypnotised us to such an extent that despite getting independence 61 years ago we were passing through dormant period.

            It is a fact that natural and national disasters have always played a significant role in arousing our conscience to a certain extent. The formation of Bangladesh guided us to have atomic technology because the incident of 1971 was is unforgettable. Then Afghan war was imposed on us. We succeeded in disintegration of U.S.S.R but got in return of victory such situation, which destroyed the tranquillity of our society. Not all the Institutions of State were prepared to new situations because they were busy in sucking the blood of the people of Pakistan. Narcotic smuggling was there despite Anti-narcotic department, human smuggling was there despite the presence of the departments meant for their prevention. Corruption remained rampant despite Anti-corruption department and later on National Accountability bureau's performance in curbing corruption was so dubious that the present government changed its mind toward this department. In nutshell, every department of the State, whether at federal or provincial level, ceased to function efficiently.

            October 2005 earthquake provided another opportunity to the people and Government to join hands for any sudden incident. The co-operation of both was proverbial and the government managed to overcome the hardships of people in short span of time which was witnessed by all the World and even was appreciated. Many new institutions were created to handle such unforeseen disasters. The people of Pakistan have always given helping hand to the Government but in return, the treatment of Government was either in shape of flour crisis, price-hike, shortage, mismanagement, corruption etc.

            On 25th September, the Prime Minister Mr. Yousaf Raza Gilani at last openly admitted the poor performance of the State's law enforcing agencies after the 20th September suicide blast in the Marriot Hotel Islamabad.

            The open admission of the P.M. is the victory of the Print and electronic media, intellectuals, experts, Courts and well-wishers of the Country who were criticising the poor performance of the State's institutions. The admission vindicated the point of view of the helpless people.

            Every evil flourished in the presence of the law enforcing agencies. If the security forces had taken action decades ago, the nation would have never seen the present turbulent conditions. However, it can be safely said that when the terrorist activities reached to the doorsteps of those who were so far enjoying the blessings of the power corridors, they realized the gravity of the situation but now it will take long time to root out this cancer from the society because it has taken firm roots in our society.

            The government should take the following immediately.

(1)            It should overhaul all the State's institutions relating directly or indirectly to the law enforcing. Law-abiding and honest persons should be appointed to key posts for proper administration.

(2)           Sophisticated weapons should be distributed among persons f good reputation at Union Council level for keeping close watch on the activities of every person living in the area. They should act in collaboration with security forces. The sons and daughters of those persons who voluntarily take up arms for the defence of the Country should be appointed in State's institutions on priority basis subject to having qualification for the posts so that to corroborate the services of their fathers and brothers for the Country. At present, the sacrifices are rendered by one and the fruit is reaped by others. It is encouraging that the Government has now realised the futility of its own institutions but it needs the support of the people in weeding out the terrorists elements from the Country. The support should not be transitory but permanent.

(3)           The Government should segregate the criminals from those who want to see the State's institutions to function according to the law and constitution but have unknowingly resorted to force. In other words, the Government should not treat both in the same way. The Government will succeed to crush the criminals but will face ever increasing resistance from those whose sole demands is that the State should implement its laws first in its own institutions.

(4)           The Government should utilize the 75 Billions dollars taken from the U.S. for the eradication of poverty and social uplift programmes. Only bombardment and killing innocent people along with the criminals is not the solution. It is not necessary that the successor of the present Government may beg pardon from the people of the military operated areas in future.

(5)           The Government should set up a Pay Commission and should evaluate the salaries of all the Government servants including those securities agencies who face the terrorists directly. The life of a person is not cheap that the State will purchase only for a few thousands rupees. Those who are playing in the hands of the anti-state elements are earning more than the security personnel are. At present, some are getting salaries in millions and some are getting in a few thousands which are even insufficient to meet the daily requirements of their lives. This is the worst kind of exploitation that the people are used mercilessly but are given nothing. This is the reason that when anyone leaves this country; he never returns to it. He forgets everyone even his parents. The starting salary of every Government servant should be equal to 12 grams of gold as it was before. The discrimination in salaries needs to be removed for best performance.

The Government should also accept this reality that the issuance of NRO (National Reconciliatory Ordinance) has badly shattered the confidence of the people and it is possible that the future historian may call it "National Reconciliation for Dollars Assimilation Ordinance" because this ordinance rendered all the accused persons innocent outside the Courts and inside the Courts when judicial proceedings were stopped against them. What benefit was given to common man by this Ordinance.


Manzoor Ahmad.

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