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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Mr. Governor, Land issue is over in Kashmir"¦.


With view to rekindling the Amarnath land conspiracy, the JK Governor, N N Vohra urged Kashmiri people, agitated over the land sale issue, to come forward for a dialogue to clear the air on the issue of transfer of state land to the controversial Amarnath shrine board. Vohra said that there were apprehensions about the future of the board in the public mind and added that he would be happy to discuss the issue with all those concerned. Vohra's efforts indicate the attitude of New Delhi which feels let down by pro-Indian leaders in the issue.


India cannot accept a defeat at the hands of the "small people" and is desperately trying to get back the deal in order and push the Kashmiris back to the square one. It seems, Vohra is doing what he has been dictated from New Delhi. Making a fervent appeal to the people to view the issue in its right perspective, the Governor said that the Amarnath shrine board will continue to perform its statuary role with zeal and dedication and added that its functioning will further be strengthened by associating persons of eminence from the state with the affairs of the Board.


Vohra, like USA speaks only for Israel, speaks for Jammu Hindus and tries to find fault with the innocent Kashmiris, whose lands have been annexed and people colonized in 1947 and Kashmir heavily militarized. He is not bothered about the regular murders taking place in Kashmir and the notorious genocides unleashed by Indian terrorist forces there and the secret grave-yards recently discovered. He has no word of compassion for Kashmiris and their precious lives. He has not condemned Indian atrocities on Muslims in Kashmir and in India. Recently a Kashmir has been arrested in South India on usual charges of suspected terrorist". How could the innocent Kashmiris live in India?

Vohra as governor of JK is only concerned that the sentiments of the people of Jammu (mainly Hindus) region had been hurt owing to certain misconception, which need to be cleared by viewing the facts in the right perspective. "There cannot be any dilution of the assigned role of the Board," he added. Governor's soft corner for his Hindu brethren is simply a matter of Hindu/Indian way of understanding any domestic issue. Indian Muslims are already leading a pathetic and miserable life with their own "leaders" betraying them by using them as a mere vote bank. Indian Muslims behave abnormally by imbibing much of Hindu customs and culture and proud of their political color, rather than any thing Islamic. That is their fate in India.


But JK governor should realize the crude fact the Kashmiris have rejected any plan to impose Indian culture and system on Jammu Kashmir. Not only that they have put an end to any illegal deals on their lands, but Kashmiris also seek final settlement of their sovereignty issue and they rightly demand they should be given back their freedom, independence to live peacefully. The illegal occupier India should surrender the sovereignty back to Kashmiris and withdraw the terror forces from Jammu Kashmir as quickly as possible. Governor Vohra's responsibility lies in conducting the transfer of Power from India to Jammu Kashmir. And, of course, peacefully.  No more dirty tricks. And, no more state terrorism and illegal agreements or hidden deals. No more deaths and murders of Kashmiris, please!


Kashmiris are well-equipped to manage their own affairs without any interference from India.


Mr. Governor, the Land issue is over"¦. But only the issue of freedom and independence for Kashmiris from big India is on the table now. 

Thank you
Yours Sincerely,
Researcher in International Affairs,
South Asia
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