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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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A Free Kashmir: Random Thoughts-66


Facts and Fiction: Who should shut up?

India does not want any real friendship with Pakistan for fear of losing Kashmir and project that country as a serious threat to Hindustan. By creating false alarm of keeping all options open, including the military", to make Pakistan support Indian case in Mumbai Nov26,  India provoked Pakistan to be ready with war fare and now it says  Pakistan is over playing more than India does. Indian Army Chief General Kapoor said the military was fully prepared to act or react to attack Pakistan in the manner the country's political leadership wanted it to in the wake of the Mumbai terror attacks. As far as the military is concerned, it acts or reacts in a manner the country political leadership wants it to. He declines to reveal the Indian terror networks but cuts jokes saying the terror infrastructure is very much in existence and continuing in Pakistan.


An independent Kashmir is the key to Indo-Pakistan peace and regional peace at large. No solution between India and Pakistan on the matter can really result in a full settlement of the issue till this matter is resolved. In that sense, the problem can actually be seen as between India and the Muslims of the Kashmir valley. As the snows start melting and the high Himalayan passes reopen, the possibility of infiltration from across the border cannot be ruled out. The security forces are taking all possible precautions to check infiltration through a three-tier mechanism. Such dubious statements and psycho-fancies of Indian military leaders in fact terrorize the defenseless Kashmiris on both sides of Kashmir divide.

The nations in South Asia have recognized Indian power politics, not just in cricket wining, but in amazing weaponry and other "privileges from all possible sources from within and outside. They are unable to weaken India's immoral clout extending seamlessly from a Republican administration to a Democratic one. But it also showed how alarmed India is at the prospect that someone would inspect a problem that is clearly worrying the world. A week before that, India sulked at Britain's foreign minister David Miliband, who wrote in an article that Jammu and Kashmir needed to be resolved because it gave "jihadis" an excuse for terror. India cannot approve of any criticism either from insiders or outsiders and hence condemned these remarks.


India has equated democracy with show of military power. This manner, over years India tried all tricks to infiltrate into Jammu Kashmir in all respects and militarized the region to silence the freedom movement.. After the eruption of the Azadi movement in the late 80s, India unleashed its army, first on the separatists and then, as Pakistan got involved, on the jihadis. Today, most of the government buildings and theatres and halls are now occupied by Indian terror forces and harming the routine and normal life of Kashmiris Muslims who are being systematically harassed by them. Military, accused of collaborated with the Hindu terror activities in Indian towns, also refuses to fully cooperate with the Maharastra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) in its investigations.


Indian government and it media use harshest expressions to malign their neighbors, especially Pakistan, Kashmir, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Refusal by the new Pakistan leadership to play small boys is not quite appreciated by New Delhi which demands complete surrender to Indian dictates like possibly Bhutan is doing. Arrogance displayed in Indian rhetoric and Indian war threats to Pakistan do harm the peace efforts of Pakistan and Kashmir freedom groups. India's reluctance to resolve the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is causing problems for the mediators who play roles indirectly to free Kashmir from India. This must be addressed by India sooner or later.


As a result, the Indians especially their strategist journalists know by heart one phrase of two words "shut up" and they use it every where when Indian hidden agenda is exposed to the watchful world and when their nasty designs to advance its malicious designs find blockages any where. Because India still claims to be a CLEAN democratic and secular nation even after the exposure of its prolonged genocides of Kashmiris and plus the discovery of secret graveyards in Kashmir.


India has conveniently forgotten some of the recent past events in Kashmir. Indians try to hide the truth in every possible ways, but highlight what benefits them and offers enough profits. The Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir Hari Singh acceded to India on October 26, 1947. This accession is legal and Prime Minister Nehru's subsequent moving of the United Nations Security Council to vacate Pakistani intrusion does not supersede it. India also points out that action under the resolutions of the Security Council was sequential. The UN had sought Pakistan's retreat from the disputed territory first, something that Pakistan had not done. In the name of illegal Amarnath lands and JK polls for democracy, India has reactivated the Muslim-Hindu even in Jammu Kashmir badly shaking the peace efforts.


Indians do not understand the problem of Jammu Kashmir and they confuse the issue with that of any other province in India. Jammu Kashmir existed as an independent country until India successfully annexed it and incorporated into Indian Union. And a Hindu care taker king cheated the Kashmiris by secretly asking Indian military to enter Jammu Kashmir. India's constitution came into force in 1950, by when it was acknowledged that Jammu and Kashmir would need special status. This was given to it through Article 370 a couple of years later. Through this India agreed that except for defence, communications and foreign affairs, all central legislation would require the assent of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly. There was also mention that the head of the Jammu state would be referred to as the Sadr-e-Riyasat.  


The freedom leaders, purely for personal reasons, and certainly not for the cause of freedom, resist the popular appeals to unite and wage a united struggle should understand the fact that Indian muscle and money power generated in a sustained manner for decades can finish off their struggle and lives even if they united, because of the pro-India elements. But without unity they will evaporate. They have not yet drawn a future program once Kashmir becomes independent. The politics of sects and divisions among Muslims, like the Hindu castes, harm the unity move badly. India says that Shias, for instance, do not have the same enthusiasm for azadi after their experience in the Northern Areas. The Buddhists of Ladakh are also removed from the movement. By unable to unite all of them, the Hurriyat did its cause a great disservice, but they cannot afford to go away from the Islamic movement, either. Of course, India wants the movement being anti-Islamic.


India shuts up when it is supposed to speak out, but keeps barking when it should maintain silence. India possibly views that Hindutva is the best remedy for Kashmir problem and Islam is not good for them. Some Indians now say if the "separatists" had been able to articulate their demand as universal rather than Islamic, they would have had much more sympathy from India and from around the world. India continues to maintain criminal silence and does not react and probably lost the capacity to react now after fooling the world about Kashmir being a part of India  




India calls the Kashmiris the terrorists and any one supporting their just cause is asked to shut up. The problem of Kashmir may well be insoluble, if the freedom groups continue to maintain their individual identity and refuse to come together to forge a unified forum for independence struggle. But the freedom movement has a trump card: their legitimate right to demand freedom, and they have the history of the Indian state's brutality to point at in justification of this demand. India has a chance too: to act swiftly and return the lands now under military occupation back to Kashmiris.


Indian agents track any exposure of Indian hidden agendas in global media and terroirze those who support Kashmir freedom cause. Funnily, even a few misguided Msulims are also roaped in by Indian network to "serve" them on payment basis.


Yours Sincerely,


Columnist & Independent Researcher in World Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India
South Asia.

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