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Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
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Palestine State: Israel should Reform Tactics-I


- By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal






Fascist Israeli leaders think they can still afford playing dirty tricks with both Arabs and Western powers by manipulating in its favor any emerging clashes in the Islamic world. The very fact US President Barack Obama has not yet condemned the Israeli state terrorism in Palestine killing thousands of innocent people, including children both born and unborn and old people, whose lands Israel forcefully occupies. Tricky Israeli military establishment and political establishment still hope to evade the possible punishment for their humanity crimes.



The Palestinians seek the Palestinian areas, captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war, as parts of a future independent state. The Jewish illegal settlers in Palestine always have taken for granted the western support for their immorally cherished dream of an Israel stretching from the Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. The right wing leader instead took a sharp and unexpected lurch to the center and said he'd support a two-state solution, meaning something called Palestine is a step closer to being inked onto their 3,000-year-old Biblical map. Western media opposed the Palestinians� dream for their own homeland and strengthen the illegal hands of Zionist regime.



Seeking to restart Mideast peace talks and declaring his intention to establish a Palestine state, President Obama, has in unequivocal terms called on Israel to halt all construction on captured lands claimed by the Palestinians. But an adamant Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says existing settlements will expand to accommodate natural growth in the populations. The USA has long argued that settlements are obstacles to peace. Nearly 300,000 Israelis live in West Bank settlements, along with 180,000 Israelis in Jewish neighborhoods of east Jerusalem. Obama is annoyed with Israeli approach.



Israel has made Hawkish and Islam-hater Benjamin Netanyahu as premier for the second time after pushing out the Kadima regime. Netanyahu is "a swindler, a fraud, and a liar who makes up tricks about achievement of this peace." Netanyahu is the leader of the largest right-wing political party in Israel, Likud, whose platform expressly prohibits the creation of a Palestinian state and calls for Israel not to give up any of the territory it occupied in 1967. Ariel Sharon walked out of it to float Kadima for Palestine state creation, but has been in coma for years together now.



The Palestinians demand all of the West Bank as part of a future state, with east Jerusalem as their capital. Israel captured both areas in the 1967 Mideast war. Netanyahu refused to heed the U.S. call for an immediate freeze of construction on lands Palestinians claim for their future state. He also said the holy city of Jerusalem must remain under Israeli sovereignty. Netanyahu, leader of the hardline Likud Party, has always resisted withdrawing from these lands, for both security and ideological reasons. In his speech, he repeatedly made references to Judaism's connection to the biblical Land of Israel. But Netanyahu also said that Israel must recognize that millions of Palestinians live in the West Bank, and continued control over these people is undesirable. The West Bank-based Palestinian government dismissed the proposal. "Netanyahu's speech closed the door to permanent status negotiations," senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat said. "We ask the world not to be fooled by his use of the term Palestinian state because he qualified it. He declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel, said refugees would not be negotiated and that settlements would remain."






After a long consideration of the Obama�s proposal for a two-state formula, in a major policy speech on June 06, Bibi Netanyahu for the first time supported Palestinian independence possibly as a tactic to support the US demand, though he attached a series of conditions rejected by the Palestinians. A state terrorist Israel say a future Palestine would have to be demilitarized and that the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state � in effect rejecting Palestinian refugees' claims to properties lost at the time of Israel's establishment in 1948. Netanyahu said Israel cannot agree to a Palestinian state unless it gets guarantees it is demilitarized. He also ruled out shared control of Jerusalem and defied the American call to halt settlement expansion. Israeli Prime Minister stated the US President is committed to two states, a Jewish state of Israel and an independent Palestine, in the historic homeland of both peoples. 





Arrogant Netanyahu made no mention of uprooting Jewish settlements in the West Bank and gave no indication as to how much of captured land he would be willing to relinquish. He also ruled out a division of Jerusalem, saying, �Israel�s capital will remain united." Nearly 300,000 Israelis live in the West Bank, in addition to 180,000 Israelis living in Jewish neighborhoods built in east Jerusalem. "We have no intention to build new settlements or expropriate land for expanding existing settlements.  He also said that existing settlements should be allowed to grow � a position opposed by the U.S. But Israel denies normal life of Palestinians but seeks to allow residents to lead a normal life. Settlers are not the enemy of the nation and are not the enemy of peace � they are our brothers and sisters," he said, hinting that they not for peace in the region.



Bibi Netanyahu's June06 speech was roundly criticized by the Palestinians, Arab leaders and liberal commentators at home who were disappointed by its many caveats and vagueness. Pro-Western Fatah Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said that he would not resume negotiations with Israel until all construction in the settlements is stopped. The White House said Obama welcomed the speech as an "important step forward." Netanyahu's address was a dramatic transformation for a man who was raised on a fiercely nationalistic ideology promoting hatred against Islam and Palestinians and has spent a two-decade political career criticizing peace efforts.




 Netanyahu suggested for the first time that he is prepared to see the creation of a Palestinian state, but said that he would not accept a "terrorist state." Netanyahu also said he would not give up occupied East Jerusalem, the putative Palestinian capital and a cornerstone of any two-state arrangement.





 In a manner to obstruct the peace moves, Netanyahu said the Palestinians must first recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The Palestinians have refused to do so, fearing it would amount to giving up the rights of millions of refugees and their descendants and discriminate against Israel�s own Arab minority. Although the Palestinians have agreed to demilitarization under past peace proposals, Erekat rejected it, saying it would cement Israeli rule over them. In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called the speech "racist" and called on Arab nations "form stronger opposition" toward Israel. Palestinian refugees could not return there, that they could not have an army, and that Jerusalem remains Israel�s capital. He did not mention removal of Jewish settlements from Palestinian land. Palestine should not have army and weapons and they should not get arms form outside and they have no control over air space. Weapons smuggling would be in the hands of Israel only.


These issues loomed over a meeting between the EU foreign ministers and Avigdor Lieberman, their Israeli counterpart, to discuss stronger political and economic ties. Western media insist that Hamas ideology does not recognize a Jewish state in an Islamic Middle East.


Netanyahu met European leaders after his speech. None in Europe trusts Israel especially after the latter threatened Europe with direct missiles �if required�. In a nut shell, he has says Palestinians can have a state for name sake while the Israel will still control Palestine in all respects. But before the EU-Israel meeting, the EU's executive European Commission, was not eager to push hard for an across-the-board upgrade of political and economic relations. In recent months, the EU has pushed Netanyahu to recommit to the two-state solution in which Israel lives side by side and in peace with the Palestinians. Such a solution lay at the heart the November 2007 Mideast peace conference in Annapolis , Maryland , which is supported by the United States , the 27-nation European Union , Russia , Saudi Arabia and Syria . In December, the EU agreed in principle to upgrade relations in political, economic and trade terms. But Israel 's three-week war on Hamas in Gaza , which ended in January, changed all that, especially because of Israel 's rejection of repeated EU demands for free access to the area for humanitarian deliveries. Upgrading relations with Israel is now such a divisive issue in the EU that talk of it has been suspended altogether.



The EU called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's backing for a Palestinian state a "step in the right direction", but questioned his stance on other disputed peace issues such as Jewish settlements and Jerusalem�s future status. There was no immediate prospect of that. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said it was "worrying" that he excluded talks over Jerusalem�s future status, and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said a "complete freeze" on all Jewish settlements is an Israeli obligation. Netanyahu has refused to heed calls for an immediate freeze of construction on lands Palestinians claim for their future state and insisted the holy city of Jerusalem must remain under Israeli sovereignty.





Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, and the elected Hamas people now control the area, often being attacked by Israeli terror forces. Netanyahu has also said he fears the West Bank could follow the path of the Gaza Strip � which the Palestinians also claim for their future state.



Israel, with a view to playing dirty rhetoric politics, insists on straight away PLO recognition of fascism that killed thousands of innocent Palestinians, including small children who even do not know what is Zionism is all about. "If we get this guarantee for demilitarization and necessary security arrangements for Israel, and if the Palestinians recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people, we will be willing in a real peace agreement to reach a solution of a demilitarized Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state," he said.


 Israel is keen to make an anti-Iran coalition with Sunni Arab states. Zionist Israel is widely considered to be the Middle East's sole if undeclared nuclear armed state and sees Iran emerging as a nuclear competitor. But in order to divert the global attention on its illegal possession of nukes and technology, Israel creates fuss about Iran �s nuclear ambitions. Israel�s powerful Mossad agents are playing havoc in Palestine through the illegal settlements. Netanyahu says Arab concern over a nuclear Iran presented an unprecedented opportunity to pursue regional peace between Israel and Muslim states.


The Freeze talk has historically been meaningless blather in Israel. So much building has happened since the mid-1990s that the West Bank resembles a Jackson Pollock drip painting of Jewish and Arab lands, connected and disconnected by bypass roads and cement blocks. The government "froze" the settlements in 2003, but has surreptitiously supported building through a network of agencies, so that building approval has increased at a rate of 40% between 2007 and 2008 alone, according to Yesh Din, an Israeli organization suing to stop outpost settlements. Netanyahu's support of a two-state solution comes with conditions that Palestinians have never accepted before and have shown no signs of accepting now. He plainly urged the Palestinians to accept Israel as their masters.


 Israeli preconditions, refusal to honor the agreements both reached, terror tactics and fascist mentality have always derailed peace process so far. In the speech Netanyahu called for immediate peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. The Netanyahu speech was billed as a major policy speech at Israel�s Bar Ilan University, known as a bastion of the Israeli right-wing establishment, near Tel Aviv, a counterpoint to US President Barack Obama's speech to the Muslim world at Cairo University earlier this month. A few extremist hard-liners held up posters showing Obama wearing an Arab headdress and shouted slogans against giving up West Bank territory. Israel�s incoming ambassador to the USA said on 16 June he was confident that his government will soon reach an agreement with Washington to allow some construction in West Bank settlements. According to polls, the Israeli public, for the first time has embraced Netanyahu's message. This is a positive sign, what this Jew says is to be trusted at face value.


Palestine State: Israel should Reform Tactics-II


- By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal










President Obama gave a cautious welcome to Netanyahu speech, noting "there were a lot of conditions" but that it raised "at least the possibility that we can restart serious talks".  Obama is in a mould to reach out to the entire world and reduce the tensions and, as far as possible, resolve the regional conflicts during his first term itself. One of the key policy challenges of his administration is to make Israel commit to the establishment of Palestine state and initiate bold steps towards executing the project for the sake of world peace. Obama knows unless Israel comes forward to resolve the long pending issue, there is no chance for world peace and wars would break out in the charged region any time causing innumerable deaths and destructions.



Ever since Barack Obama asked Israel to commit to the establishment of an independent Palestine state and also told the Israelis to freeze the settlements in Palestine"” and he meant it very seriously, as opposed to previous American administrations that barked but never bit on that subject "” the hawkish extremist right, promoted by Israeli fascism, has been worried that Netanyahu might cave in, because US influence is more important to Tel-Aviv to advance its global interests than Palestine lands.




As a fatal Zionist strategy, Benjamin Netanyahu has been carefully laying the groundwork for the White House meeting last month to provoke Obama to turn to Iran, at first sounding as if he would strongly resist the US peace push, but gradually appearing more amenable. Having failed terribly to achieve that goal, the new Israeli leader has signaled his support for the US-backed "road map" peace plan drawn up in 2002, which calls for reciprocal steps toward peace that would probably take years.. Benjamin Netanyahu says settlements in the occupied West Bank will be allowed to expand despite US objections. PLO said the speech was empty of any content and pointless and explained that the speech would impede any progress toward a balanced peace settlement. Clench-jawed Netanyahu could have used the re-election of Israel's favorite bogeyman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran to raise the usual security alarms and resort to time-tested fear-mongering. But in his speech, he mentioned Iran only briefly. For a hawk like Netanyahu to plainly say he supports a separate Palestine has the potential to redraw the political map, if not the geographical one. The speech could have been much worse if he had attacked the reelection of Ahmadinejad, but he would have failed there utterly.



President Obama believes the two-state solution can and must ensure both Israel's security and the fulfillment of the Palestinians' legitimate aspirations for a viable state, and he welcomed, with a pinch of salt, Netanyahu's endorsement of that goal.  In fact, Netanyahu left himself familiar wiggle room on settlements too, saying the Israeli government would freeze settlements but allow room for natural growth. Israeli voice is not so firm as its should be. Netanyahu vowed to remove makeshift outposts in the West Bank that the Israeli government itself considers illegal, but one has to see if he proceeds further or plays the usual Zionist trick. 



Many, however, doubt seriousness of Israeli leaders in resolving the issue because they have full control over Palestine, its people, lands, taxes, belongings, exit points, literally every thing and plus the Zionist regime has support from Europe and USA. Then are the speeches by Us-Israeli partners the mere usual tactics? After getting a truthful nod from Israel, The US President would continue working with all parties - Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Arab states, and our Quartet partners - to see that they fulfill their obligations and responsibilities necessary to achieve a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a comprehensive regional peace. The Israeli Prime Minister and everyone else in his country know that the Palestinian territory available for any second state is now so jigsawed up with armed Jewish settlements, checkpoints and exclusionary bypass roads that it would require only USA to sort out "an artificially created Bosnia" in Mideast.



Israel is too much annoyed now that Obama's foreign policy seems to be leaning more towards the traditional US-Europe relationship rather than the new democracies in Central or Eastern Europe. President Obama is keen pursue a balanced European policy to help resolve the regional problems hindering the cause of peace, tranquility and prosperity. A collective West could cripple all nefarious designs of Israel if it refuses to budge and support the cause of Peace in tune with the policies of the new US administration. Western Europe has been associated with USA for decades now and is part of solution to the long pending Palestine issue. But Israel hopes it could prolong the Palestine issue as long as it desires until most of the Palestinians are killed. Israeli terror infrastructure Mossad is doing every thing possible in West Bank and Gaza to keep the stalemate on by supplying arms to the people around there. He says this is the right thing to do, but it needs careful balance. Obama says a new Europe policy is the right thing to do, but it needs careful balance.



When terror India,  another terror democracy, does not even open its wide mouth about the fate of Kashmir sovereignty issue,  Israel, its weapons ally, has come out to this level but Israel is famed  for reversing its statements as pure dreams as before.  Netanyahu backed a Palestine state, under tremendous U.S. pressure, giving out the impression that he is reversing himself.






A week after President Barack Obama's address to the Muslim world, Netanyahu said the Palestinian state would also have to recognize Israel as the Jewish state "” essentially saying Palestinian refugees must give up the goal of returning to Israel. With those conditions, he said, he could accept "a demilitarized Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state." Israel does not commit itself to demilitarization itself. Nor it promises to stop selling weapons to other nations to wage wars.



The Palestine issue is three folded: removal of all Zionist settlements in Palestine, punishment for the Israeli fundamentalist criminals who are responsible for the holocaust in Palestine and quick establishment of the Palestine state as per the Arab peace formula. Then fascist Israel has to be disarmed to save the lives of Palestinians and they should not be allowed to trade in arms or smuggle weapons into or out of Israel. UNSC should impose total ban on Israel while USA must get rid of Israeli lobbyists form Washington. International community has an obligation to prevent more deterioration in the region by supporting a Jewish fascist state.




Undoubtedly, peace has always been the desire of the Palestinians. Our prophets had a vision of peace, and we do greet each other with peace, our prayers end with the word peace. Peace is fundamental to human existence. Israel also now talks about peace, but on it sown terms. Not only the new Israeli hawkish leader Prime Minister Netanyahu, but every one is asking: Why has the conflict going on for over 60 years? Israel should talk to Hamas, the real power of Palestinian people. It is atrocious that Israeli Mossad agency plotted to kill the former US president Jimmy Carter during his recent visit o Gaza in support of their cause.



It has been usual strategy of the Israeli regimes to provoke Palestinians and employ double speaks in dealing with Palestine issue, intermittently supporting and opposing the peace process as a comic tragedy that usually ends in cruel deaths of innocent Palestinians. Israeli leadership and its terror Mossad agency create climaxes by sending in terror military into Palestine each time killing many people there, including mercilessly children and old people. The December-January massacre resembling holocaust of ancient times confirmed the fascist intent of Zionist regime in Palestine. Since assuming office in March09 for the second term after killing many defenseless Palestinians in his first term, Israeli Netanyahu has been caught between American demands to begin peace talks with the Palestinians and the constraints of a hardline, anti-Islamic coalition. Last week, he appeared to favor Israel's all-important relationship with the U.S. at the risk of destabilizing his government.




Israel searches for reasons to stay in Palestine and kill the defenseless Palestinians. Israel continues its illegal settlements in Palestine while demolishing the houses of the Palestinians. While the debate about Israeli settlements goes on there is no let-up in the demolition of Palestinian homes by the Israeli army. Just last week 18 shepherd family homes in the northern Jordan Valley were destroyed, displacing 130 people. They got eviction notices four days earlier. Some of the families had been living there since at least the 1950s. Now after making bloodshed in Palestine in open and in full view of the entire world and UN plus UNSC, Israeli leader says, "In any peace agreement, the territory under Palestinian control must be disarmed, with solid security guarantees for Israel ". Instead, he should have voluntarily announced a disarmament program for fascist Israel first.



Netanyahu endorsed a Palestinian state beside Israel for the first time on June06, reversing himself under US pressure but attaching conditions such as having no army that the Palestinians swiftly rejected. Still, it is not Israel has revised its expansion policy on its sown because they have had enough of this conflict. No at all! President Obama has put his feet down and Israel finds it hard to lift them. In the hours after the speech, the extremist right called Netanyahu's acceptance of a two-state solution as a sign of Bibi's Obama-ization, surrendering to American pressure. But poll have revealed now that more Israeli support the establishment of Palestine. That is the first victory of Obama diplomacy.





The President of the USA's desire to bring about a new era of reconciliation in Mideast region is taking a sort of shape now with a sort positive, though partial, response from Tel-Aviv to Obama's demands. Inaction on behalf of Obama administration can ruin the prospects of peace in the region. However, Israel must be looking for opportunities to shelve the issue even by enacting terror scenes in Palestine. Israel, like India- another state terrorist, tries to put together the pieces of statements of President Obama to draw conclusions only in their favor, but so far Obama's simple and straight language has not been decoded properly by both state terrorists. Israel now wants to begin peace negotiations immediately on its terms, without preconditions from Palestinians. "Let's make peace. I am willing to meet with you any time any place "” in Damascus, Riyadh, Beirut and in Jerusalem." But many feel what he has said today is not enough to start a serious peace process.



It seems Israel is slowly realizing its folly. Netanyahu became the latest in a series of Israeli hard-liners to soften their positions after assuming office. Earlier this decade, then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon led Israel out of Gaza before suffering a debilitating stroke. His successor, Ehud Olmert, spoke eloquently of the need to withdraw from the West Bank, though a corruption scandal a disastrous war in Lebanon prevented him from carrying out that vision. Netanyahu also explicitly denied Palestinians their greatest dream: the right of some 5 million Palestinian refugees to return to what is now Israel.



Once a true sovereign Palestine state is established, Palestinians also would change their mindset to recognize the right of the Jewish People to a state its own in this Land. We will live side by side in true peace. Not now under duress, please! What they want is peace and peaceful existence. Peace cannot be imposed on freedom seeking people. Khaled Meshaal, the exiled Palestinian leader living in Syria said Hamas will not obstruct any political movement towards establishing a Palestinian state on 1967 borders.



By all probabilities, President Obama will continue for another term as well.. Israel has to shed anti-Hamas mischief and bluffs once for all stop tricks for prolonging the Palestine issue and, in stead, create right environment for mutual trust, not by fixations or dictates or abnormal conditions, but by purposeful positive diplomacy and actions towards the Palestine goal. . Palestine state will be created tomorrow, if not today. In trying to fool USA and international community, Israel will achieve nothing. Global media, particularly the western outfits, must support the cause of pathetic Palestinians positively and stop fueling the crises in Mideast with a view to support the both Israeli and American terror agendas and their desires to pursue energy goals in the regions. Both the military and media lords should have some compassion plus sympathy for humanity while trying to make money in reckless seed.



Israel must stop bluffing, mischief plying and terrorizing the Palestinians on some flimsy pretexts and, at times, by creating suitable pretexts. They should become a bit serious now since US policy is changing. Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders cutting across the Zionist political theatre should come to terms the emerging reality. Obama does not accept the idea of a deal in which Israel would make concessions on Palestinian issues only after the U.S. makes strides on the Iranian standoff. Illegal occupation of Palestine is Israel's problem and it should deliver justice.



In view of holocaust and destructions in Palestine by the Zionist terror regime, Israel has to be disarmed by the UNSC and Present Obama has to do more about dismantling the terrorist infrastructures and techniques being employed by fascist Israel. Poll outcome in Iran does not support Israeli fascism. Criminals in Israel cannot escape and shall have to face special tribunals.




Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Independent Researcher in World Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation,
South Asia.

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