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User Name: Ilyas_khan_Baloch
Full Name: Ilyas khan Baloch
User since: 26/Mar/2009
No Of voices: 16
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Provincial autonomy with the Centralise sole power in Pakistan!? by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch Created On: 22/Mar/2010 Views: 3383 Replies: 0 
Pakistan is a country rule by feudal and exploitive forces, from within the society under the umbrella of so called democracy with centralise sole power in the hands of one person or few of them .This socio-political system used the illusion of democracy wherein the people are compelled to believe that they are electing their representative to solved their grievances and will be answerable to them Click here to read Full Article

How a Dream of Free and independent judiciary can be achieved. by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 18/Mar/2010 Views:2866 Replies:0 
The fate of judiciary in Pakistan is shameful for the nation and gloomy for the public, therefore it is in inevitable need of change, but for the change of judiciary the change of prevailing socio-political system is imminent, which can turn the table. To revolutionize the judiciary system in place of current one (status co) and to create public satisfaction and trust in to the system, judiciary s Click here to read Full Article
The Youth- ONLY HOPE FOR THE FUTURE OF PAKISTAN by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 15/Mar/2010 Views:3952 Replies:0 
The role of youth in the rebuilding of Pakistan should be envisaged and elaborated in such a way that it becomes easy to address the grievances and suggest ways out of it, so that a new era of dawn can be started. Since the creation of Pakistan, the Pakistani is deprived of their basic right to rule this country according to their aspiration and dream. At the same time, the real strength for the d Click here to read Full Article
The vain guard of Pakistan….? by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 15/Mar/2010 Views:2911 Replies:0 
The Father of the Nation laid stress on social justice in his speech. In the historic presidential address at the session of the All India Muslim League in 1940, the Quaid-e-Azam said: Since the dawn of history, thinking people have realized that no human society can endure which allows the exploitation of man by man or which permits the application of different sets of laws to different classes Click here to read Full Article
An open invitation to all patriotic people of Pakistan by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 12/Mar/2010 Views:3164 Replies:0 
An open invitation to all patriotic people of Pakistan, including women, youth, labourer,farmers intellectual and god feared person, nationalist and progressive people and media, to come forward , read, under stand and decide ,why should Pakistani join the Islamic Democratic party and take the rein of leadership in their hands for the Socio-political change in Pakistan Click here to read Full Article
They failed to deliver solution of the burning issues? Do we realize that by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 7/Mar/2010 Views:3179 Replies:0 
Pakistan is passing through a crucial time and is in imminent need for system, instead of change of faces, let the people of Pakistan be the real stack holder and empower them to decide the fate of their generation.Since the creation of Pakistan the Pakistani people are left at distant from the corridor of power so that the ruling elite can do what they wanted to do in favors of their interest, Click here to read Full Article
The Corrupt politician and future of Pakistan? by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 7/Mar/2010 Views:2865 Replies:0 
Since the creation of Pakistan the Pakistani people are left at distant from the corridor of power so that the ruling elite can do what they wanted to do in favor of their interest, leaving the Pakistani people at the mercy of circumstances. As this policy is denial of right of Pakistani people to rule their country according to their aspiration and desire to built this country, which can provide Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 3/Mar/2010 Views:3134 Replies:0 
The centre of malevolence in Pakistan is the centralized sole power in the hands of one person or few of them, Nobody talk about to empower the Pakistani at grass route level, why? Because they too, want to grab, total power in their own hands, so how, politician differ from Musharaf, mean all the eggs are one and the same in the basket. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistani Women at crossroads? by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 3/Mar/2010 Views:3184 Replies:0 
Everyone has the right to live with, liberty and security of the person. Woman is entitled to equal rights as citizen of Pakistan and live in a family, which is the natural and fundamental unit of society and is entitled to be protected by society and state. The women power in Pakistan is nearly 52% of the population, but while considering the status of 'women' in Pakistan, our women still look li Click here to read Full Article
Dare to raise your voice for the voiceless people of Pakistan by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 24/Feb/2010 Views:3259 Replies:0 
Pakistan is passing through a crucial time and is in imminent need for change of system, instead of change of faces, let the people of Pakistan the country belongs to be the real stack holder and empower them to decide the fate of their generation.Since the creation of Pakistan the Pakistani people are left at distant from the corridor of power so that the ruling elite can do what they wanted to.. Click here to read Full Article
A netted conspiracy to trap the nation for destruction and chaos by Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 24/Feb/2010 Views:2397 Replies:0 
It is really easy to understand why, the Pakistani have been left at a distance from the corridors of power so that the ruling elite can do what they wanted to do in favour of their own interests, leaving the Pakistani people at the mercy of circumstances. As this policy is a denial of the right of Pakistani people to rule their own country according to their aspirations and desires - a country wh Click here to read Full Article

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