"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ilyas_khan_Baloch
Full Name: Ilyas khan Baloch
User since: 26/Mar/2009
No Of voices: 16
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The role of youth in the rebuilding of Pakistan should be envisaged and elaborated in such a way that it becomes easy to address the grievances and suggest ways out of it, so that a new era of dawn can be started. Since the creation of Pakistan, the Pakistani is deprived of their basic right to rule this country according to their aspiration and dream. At the same time, the real strength for the development along with their internal skill i.e. the youth power of Pakistan was left alone in isolation at the mercy of circumstances and their basic right to get the development opportunity without any discrimination was denied. Pakistan is a country of diversified culture and traditions. It is a nation of one hundred sixty million diverse people ranging from having skill within, having no opportunity to utilize the skills, and those who need help and guidance for Ait needs organized planning and a system to develop and utilize these skills for rapid development in industrialization and agricultural sector.

Though the youth of Pakistan is still under its formative phase, they have the ability to increase vast production processes and providing substantial training to the masses in all parts of the country. According to the vision of the father of the nation, Pakistan was to be a democratic country based on the concept of equal citizenship for all Pakistani, irrespective of their color and creed. As per Jinnah's vision, Pakistan had to facilitate vibrant economic opportunities by curbing corruption and partiality. Although this speech was censored by those who wanted to create confusion, derail democracy, and deny the development as per aspirations of Pakistani.

The Youth of Pakistan, the "Nation Builders", are also nullified and ignored in sharing the rewards given to us by our mother land. The country, which was established after countless sacrifices of our forefathers to attain the liberty, prosperity and peace, simply. For being free and prosperous Pakistani. But, In return, our rulers have given this country nothing but a gloomy future, poverty and betrayal. As a result, our youth has been co notated as “Young Seagulls” trying to fly without feathers towards their destiny. Pakistanis in their quest for real freedom continue to struggle to get free from the shackles of ruling elites, encircle us. Whenever a person rises up for something new in his mind, it is pressed down as being a "rebellious thought".

The question is, to what extent such a paralyzed mind and body can serve the nation? In fact, the "Nation Builders" themselves need overhauling and ample space to fly. Unless and until, we develop an optimistic thinking and unshackled of the chained, our journey to the country's prosperity cannot reach its destination. We should not lose the right path for the fear of being followed by absurdities and unfair means, like a dark shadow. Islamic Democratic Party has decided to give the rain of socio-political change in the hand of new generation in Pakistan. IDP wants them to read and understand the program and come forward to lead this party at grass route level to decide the fate of their future destination and take power in their hands.

As the Pakistani people, have been left at a distance from the corridor of power so that the ruling elite can do what they wanted to do in favor of their interest, leaving the Pakistani people at the mercy of circumstances. This policy is an outright denial of the right of Pakistanis to rule their country according to their aspiration and desire to build this country, which can provide equal opportunity to all, without any discrimination for the establishment of welfare society. Only the society based on tolerance, equality and justice can be the real guarantee for a prosperous and strong Pakistan.

Islamic democratic party has accepted this challenge to rationalize the system from its base of centralization of sole power, controlled by the feudal and mighty elites, to the new base of decentralization of power in the hands of Pakistani at grass route level so that the route cause of deprivation, hatred and poverty could be eliminated and Pakistan can become a prosperous, developed state without any discrimination. Under the name and banner if Islamic Democratic party (IDP), the power should transfer at divisional level within the provinces with financial, administrative and political power to establish real democracy in Pakistan. The divisional council will be responsible for providing the basic guarantee for the people living or settled in the division with transparency and accountability of the public representative and institution, where as provinces should be based on democratic division and the centre should be based on democratic provinces. There will be no politician in the senate but experts form all walks of life, including religious scholars assuring that no law can pass in NA against the law of Allah.

We have already lost the major part of Pakistan in 1971 simply to save the centralized sole power to exploit the resources of this country, they let the country breaking, in a part then allowing the masses to rule this country democratically. In the present circumstances they are again dragging our sovereignty at stack for the external interest in the name of national interest, instead of our interest i.e. the interest of Pakistani people at large.

The only way out of these crucial circumstances is to empower the common Pakistani at grass route level i.e. the change of system. This change is inevitable for the prosperous Pakistan .As a citizen of this country I have try to provide an alternate socio-political system to empower the masses at grass route level for rapid industrial and agriculture development with transparency and accountability in the system. Along with basic guarantees for the creation of welfare state, where in public representative and institution shall be answerable and accountable to the masses.

We invite the youth of Pakistan to take the rain in their hands and lead the nation in right direction.
Ilyas khan Baloch
Organizer, Islamic Democratic Party.

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