"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ilyas_khan_Baloch
Full Name: Ilyas khan Baloch
User since: 26/Mar/2009
No Of voices: 16
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The vain guard of Pakistan….?

The Father of the Nation laid stress on social justice in his speech. In the historic presidential address at the session of the All India Muslim League in 1940, the Quaid-e-Azam said: Since the dawn of history, thinking people have realized that no human society can endure which allows the exploitation of man by man or which permits the application of different sets of laws to different classes of people. If these things are allowed then society develops inner conflicts. History tells us that internal strife rather than external aggression is the greater danger for any society.

Quiad-e-Azam's love for the labor and his efforts for the cause of the workers have generally been suppressed by the vested group within. This aspect of Quid’s life is being sidelined deliberately. His advocacy for representation of workers in bodies where their problems and fate is being discussed and decided; paying the workers a living wage and fair conditions of work are as valid today as these were in Quaid-e-Azam's life time. It is a great tragedy that in Quaid's Pakistan, despite, his repeated warnings to landlords and capitalists, the common man, are being ignored, exploited and suppressed.

An attempt has been made here to spotlight and focus on this aspect of Quaid's life, so that those, who are struggling for the cause of workers and other down-trodden sections of the society, take moral strength that they are on the right track But unfortunately Since the creation of Pakistan the Pakistani people are left at distant from the corridor of power so that the ruling elite can do what they wanted to do in favor of their interest, leaving the Pakistani at the mercy of circumstances. As this policy is denial of right of Pakistani people to rule their country according to their aspiration and desire to built this country, which can provide equal opportunity to all without any discrimination for the establishment of welfare society. Only the society base on tolerance, equality and justice can be the real guarantee for the prosperous and strong Pakistan there for your intention is invited to the crucial movement which could be the point of distraction or disaster. All the section of society such as common man, women, youth and laborer etc are isolated, ignored.

In reality even now a days, millions of workers in Pakistan are held in modern forms of slavery. Throughout the country, employers forcibly extract labor from adults; children and women restrict their freedom of movement, and deny them the right to negotiate the terms of their employment. Employers force such workers into servitude through physical abuse, forced confinement, and debt-bondage. The state offers these workers no effective protection from this exploitation. Although slavery is unconstitutional in Pakistan and violates various national and international laws, state practices support its existence. The state rarely prosecutes or punishes employers who hold workers in servitude. Moreover, workers who contest their exploitation are invariably confronted with police harassment, often leading to imprisonment under false charges. Debt-bondage in Pakistan is endemic and widespread, the problems of debt-bondage in Pakistan to be among the worst in the world ,Common in the areas of agriculture, brick-making, carpet-weaving, mining, and handicraft production. Bonded laborers in Pakistan suffer a range of violations. These include the right not to be held in slavery or servitude, the right not to be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfill a contractual obligation, the right not to be arbitrarily arrested, the right to liberty of movement, and the right to freedom of association, including the right to form and join trade unions.

The labor and farmers have collectively formed many union and federation but instead of getting freedom from the chain of exploiter they are further trapped in to vicious circle. The trade union activities in different name and color of nationality rather then being base for working class unity, fail to protect the rights of the worker, because they to, were not united and committed to get rid of the route cause of this problems. They involved in different type of moral and financial corruption and divide the workers force, then uniting them for positive change in Pakistan. They dishearten the masses and leave them in disarray.

One thing is very much clear now that the route cause of wild exploitation and injustice to manipulate labor and farm-labor is the system prevailing in Pakistan. But unfortunately still the leadership of working people is running after the feudal elites as savior of exploited people.

More so, after the creation of Pakistan the Pakistani people are left at distant from the corridor of power so that the ruling elite can do what they wanted to do in favor of their interest, leaving the Pakistani people at the mercy of circumstances. As this policy is denial of right of Pakistani people to rule their country according to their aspiration and desire to built this country, which can provide equal opportunity to all without any discrimination for the establishment of welfare society. Only the society base on tolerance, equality and justice can be the real guarantee for the prosperous and strong Pakistan there for your attention is invited to the crucial movement which could be the point of distraction or disaster.

This is a time to unite for collective action from all the section of the society, the labor, farmer, youth and women for emancipation of society from the exploiter of this country. Islamic Democratic Party has accept the challenge for the change of system from centralize sole power in the hands of one or few of them to decentralize the power at grass route level in the hands of downtrodden oppressed people of Pakistan for that purpose let us unite on following points of collective struggle such as;

• To provide free education with technical training (skill) to every citizen.

• A guarantee for job opportunity should be provided to every able person.

• To establish research institution at divisional level to encourage the youth having natural skill to invent and to encourage the youth for research work in order to develop technology at home.

• A better health facilities and insurance coverage should be provided to every working Person.

• A better residential facility should be provided to every worker.

• A chip and safe transport facilities should be provided to all working people.

• To co-ordinate, direct and guide the activities of workers federation’s, affiliated in industry-wise unions, in all matters directly or indirectly affecting the workers.

• To ensure the integration of women in trade union organizations and actively promote gender equality in activities and decision-making at all levels.

• To strive for elimination of child labor and all forms of forced/ bonded labor.

• To defend and promote at the, regional and national level the economic, social and occupational interests of all workers.

• To endeavor to secure, improved and better relationship between employers and workers.

• To promote and protect the interest of the affiliated units and endeavor to secure legislative support for furthering the interests of the workers.

• To work for abolition of contract labor in all its forms.

• To encourage and promote cooperatives and socio-economic projects and services for the benefit of the workers.

• To promote literacy and skills amongst the workers through, adult education; and free secondary education, vocational training and technical education.

• To work for rapid industrialization of the country, together with change of socio-political system to guarantee the rule of oppressed and downtrodden people of Pakistan.

• To promote, protect and defend all human rights and to establish and promote cooperation with like minded organizations of civil society for protection and advancement of all basic rights, and to endeavor for the establishment of rule of law, independence of judiciary and good governance.

Islamic Democratic Party, openly inviting all those believed in changing social and political state of downtrodden people and dream them to be in power, so that they can, decide the fate of their own future and their generation, such as, a unions and federation committed to working class, welfare and starved for, dignity and respect for labor and cherished treatment for all Pakistani, then ,they must come forward and join hands with IDP, take the rain of leadership responsibility and prove your self that you really want change, of socio-political system in Pakistan to establish welfare state of your dream, Because, only the society base on tolerance, equality and justice can be the real guarantee for the prosperous ,progressive and peace full Pakistan.

Ilyas khan Baloch
Organizer Islamic Democratic Party

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