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User Name: PressMediaCPP
Full Name: Press Media of CPP.
User since: 2/Sep/2010
No Of voices: 3
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CPP View Point on Call of Altaf Revolution in Pakistan in Current Scenario! by PressMedia CPP
Posted By: PressMediaCPP Created On: 9/Sep/2010 Views: 2460 Replies: 0 
8th September, 2010) The press statement on the subject CPP View Point on Call of Altaf Revolution in Pakistan in Current Scenario as issued by the Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP) for the information of public, electronic and press media is as under:- Click here to read Full Article

CPP Demands Nationalization of PTCL and acceptance of workers Press Media of CPP
Posted By: PressMediaCPP On: 7/Sep/2010 Views:2258 Replies:1 
4th September, 2010) The press statement on the subject CPP Demands Nationalization of PTCL and acceptance of workers demands as issued by the Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP) for the information of public, electronic and press media is as under:- Click here to read Full Article
CPP filed High Treason Case under Art 6 against Altaf Hussain in Supreme Court.
Posted By: PressMediaCPP On: 2/Sep/2010 Views:2597 Replies:0 
The press statement on the subject CPP on 30-8-2010 Filed Petition against Altaf Hussain, Quaid-e-Tehreek MQM in Supreme Court of Pakistan and move Supreme Court for trial of Altaf Hussain with Musharraf on High Treason Charges under Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 as issued by the Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP) for the information of public, electroni Click here to read Full Article

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