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User Name: Usman_Khalid
Full Name: Brig (R) Usman Khalid
User since: 20/Sep/2007
No Of voices: 155
Brig (R) Usman Khalid's Favorite Voices
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Afghanistan: The War after the War by Anatol Lieven
Posted By: Usman_Khalid Created On: 1/Oct/2013 Views: 1218 Replies: 0 
The two part article below is a realistic analysis of the prospects of a settlement in Afghanistan. There are three issues that require to be settled: 1) a UNSC Resolution on time table of withdrawal of NATO forces, 2) formation of an interim government, 3) provision of aid for reconstruction. A comprehensive settlement is neither possible nor even the best prospect. It is better to stretch the ti Click here to read Full Article

Inaction is not acceptable over the brutal murder of the GOC 17 Division by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 18/Sep/2013 Views:1186 Replies:0 
I was posted in Bannu in 1970 when a lady doctor was abducted and taken to South Waziristan. The response of the military was a warning to target villages followed by aerial bombing of those who had harboured fugitives. It was not known who had abducted the lady doctor but it was well known who harboured fugitives. No statement was issued by the military or the Governor of NWFP. Actions speak loud Click here to read Full Article
There is more behind the statement of MQM than meets the eye! by Admiral Tahir
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 17/Sep/2013 Views:1366 Replies:0 
Analysis of Admiral Tahir is appended below. The latest demand by the Chief Fugitive of Pakistan is to demand more provinces. In the past he opposed the Kalabagh Dam and recommended SIX POINT level of provincial autonomy vide the 18th Amendment. He succeeded on both occasions. His demands are drafted by Indian RAW as was the case with Sheikh Mujib. Usman Khalid Click here to read Full Article
Balochistan News Letter – August 2013 by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 4/Sep/2013 Views:1297 Replies:0 
This is a brief Talk of the Town Report compiled for those interested in Balochistan. Significant developments are listed hereunder. Click here to read Full Article
19 August Speech of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 27/Aug/2013 Views:1244 Replies:0 
I consider myself a supporter of PML(N). If I was to vote today, I would vote for Mian Nawaz Sharif and his party But that doe not prevent me feeling sad and disappointed. The Prime Minister has devoted a lot of his time, political capital, and public money in efforts to deal with load shedding of electricity. The subject has been extensively discussed in the media and the scale of theft is well Click here to read Full Article
Balochistan News Letter – July 2013 by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 7/Aug/2013 Views:1252 Replies:0 
1. Law and Order Situation, 1-5 July. The suicide bombing in the Shia-Hazara Town kn Quetta on 30 June resulted in 31 dead and over 70 wounded. For a change, the CM visited the wounded in the Military Hospital while Quetta observed a shutter down strike. On 2 July, the PM also visited Quetta and condoled with the aggrieved families besides emphasizing that lawlessness and terrorism would not be to Click here to read Full Article
The Key is “Betrayal” Rise Mamnoun Hussain! Let Pakistan Rise with you! by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 1/Aug/2013 Views:1643 Replies:0 
Pakistan has elected a new President – Mamnoun Hussain. Memnun is a Turkish word which means ‘grateful’. Memnun Oldum is ‘Thank You” in Turkish. But memnun is more than a word; it describes a personality. I served in CENTO in Turkey for more than three years (1966-70) and was inspired by the Turkish institution of ‘gratitude’. During the First World War, the Muslims in India were the subjects of t Click here to read Full Article
Main Battle in the Social Media in Pakistan by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 1/Aug/2013 Views:1204 Replies:0 
PEMRA has refrained from submitting before the Supreme Court that in money for the massive advertisement campaign titled @Aman Ki Aasha @ and @Zara Sochiye@ - ostensibly harmless campaigns - is intended to provide an avenues and a cover to foreign intelligence agencies to fund pliant TV channels like GEO TV. While PEMRA clearly got cold Click here to read Full Article
Pakistani Channel known for ISI-bashing receives generous funding from India by H.Saqib
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 24/Jul/2013 Views:1649 Replies:0 
The Media Commission Report has revealed that among other Channels GEONEWS has been receiving foreign funding from dubious sources notably from India. That has confirmed the suspicion that the foreign sources are not just the USA and some countries of Europe but also India. The blatant bias of some TV Channels and Anchors against the Pakistan Army particularly the ISI and the inaction of state reg Click here to read Full Article
How to Make Proxy War Succeed in Baluchistan by Dr Amarjit Singh
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 21/Jul/2013 Views:1217 Replies:0 
This article published in India’s official “Defence Review” confirms that the creation of Bangladesh was the result of an Indian military operation and that the “Mukti Bahini” largely comprised of Bengali soldiers of Indian forces. India hopes to replicate that ‘success’ with a war all along the Indo-Pakistan frontier with the BLA beefed up with “volunteers” and Pakistan’s nuclear deterrent neutra Click here to read Full Article
Tale of Two Mutinies – by TTP & WAPDA by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 16/Jul/2013 Views:1263 Replies:0 
Pakistan has been a home to several mutinies starting with mutiny of Bengali armed forces personnel in 1971. Since it was hailed as ‘freedom struggle’ even in West Pakistan, every subsequent mutiny enjoyed enough political support to make the crushing of the mutiny impossible. Since 2008, the TTP and WAPDA mutineers have defied the writ of the Government and would continue to do so until dealt wit Click here to read Full Article

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