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Afghanistan: base of terrorism by Afghanistan: base of terrorism
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja Created On: 10/Jan/2014 Views: 1168 Replies: 0 
When war against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan was won by the Mujahideen duly supported by Pakistan in 1989, the US claimed that the war couldn’t have been won without surface to air stinger missiles. In its view, stingers made the difference and forced the Soviets to beat a hasty retreat. In the ongoing war on terror in which the US for all practical purposes has lost the war and its forces ar Click here to read Full Article

Problems faced by USA in Afghanistan by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 3/Jan/2014 Views:1126 Replies:0 
While 2013 is at its fag end, so far there is no light at the end of the tunnel as far as breakthrough in US-Taliban peace talks is concerned. Stalemate has made the US position rickety. Although the US officials including Obama are repeatedly mentioning that Pakistan is a key country in the Afghan endgame, however, the American commentators gave the twirl that Pakistan has had a real change of he Click here to read Full Article
Religion and State Law by A. Haq (London)
Posted By: Haq On: 19/Dec/2013 Views:1566 Replies:0 
In any country, if a religion is designated as a state religion and that is promulgated with all its injunctions as the law of a country or state, it can cause enormous hindrances in the way of progress and improvement of the country. As for example if today we implement Christianity as the state religion in England and promulgate its teachings as the law of the country, Hindus, Muslims, Jews and Click here to read Full Article
Iran-US rancor melting into amity BY Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 10/Dec/2013 Views:1284 Replies:0 
In the aftermath of 2nd World War and start of super power rivalry in the form of cold war, the US saw Iran as a counterweight against Soviet expansionism and a source of stability in oil-rich Persian Gulf. CIA and MI-6 jointly engineered a coup in 1953 to oust elected PM Mohammad Mossadegh since he had tried to nationalize Iran’s oil industry and brought US friendly Reza Shah Pahlavi to power. Th Click here to read Full Article
Global War on Terrorism is Killing Mankind: Why Soldiers Commit Suicide? by Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 10/Dec/2013 Views:1373 Replies:0 
We should be saddened but not shocked when we see the broken men and women return from battles overseas. We should be angry with those who send them to suffer and die in unnecessary wars. We should be angry with those who send them to kill so many people overseas for no purpose whatsoever. We should be afraid of the consequences of such a foolish and dangerous foreign policy. We should demand an e Click here to read Full Article
Afghanistan: Rationality Questions Insanity of War by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 29/Nov/2013 Views:844 Replies:0 
“We Are Going to Lose the War in Afghanistan and it will Help Bankrupt us. One of our major strategic blunders in Afghanistan was not to have recognized that both Great Britain and the Soviet Union attempted to pacify Afghanistan using the same military methods as ours and failed disastrously. We seem to have learned nothing from Afghanistan's modern history -- to the extent that we even know what Click here to read Full Article
The US is after Haqqani network by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 26/Nov/2013 Views:1172 Replies:0 
It seems that the US has renewed its efforts to disrupt and dismantle Haqqani network (HN). After the suicide attack on Camp Chapman of CIA in Khost on December 30, 2009, CIA carried out aggressive drone campaign against HN under Jalaluddin Haqqani in Khost and his son Sirajuddin in North Waziristan (NW). HN was banned by USA since it was considered a big threat in Eastern Afghanistan and Kabul. A Click here to read Full Article
How to Protect Humanity from Perpetual Animosity and Wars? by Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 22/Nov/2013 Views:1119 Replies:0 
The mankind is fraught with sorrows and pains of institutionalized animosities and wars. When fear of unknown animosities and killings overwhelm the daily thinking process, a society - a nation no matter how normal claims to be, cannot function as normal beings to co-exist with their own self, the surroundings - in the human culture and make any positive contributions to human change and progress. Click here to read Full Article
Lesson of karbala:an eternal fight of right by Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 5/Nov/2013 Views:1668 Replies:0 
The message of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet (Peace be Upon him), is held very dear by billions of Muslims across the globe. This message is remembered zealously during the first month of Islamic calendar Muharram.Imam Hussein was the grandson of the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), a fact that played an important role in his life and contributed to his death at Karbala which Musl Click here to read Full Article
America’s Intelligence Spying Scandal Draws Global Outrage by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 30/Oct/2013 Views:972 Replies:0 
From George Bush onward to President Obama, the sadistic politics of the few flourishes in darkness being unable to know the difference between the foes and friends, fair and foul. The draconian mindsets try to envisage the unknown - the distant future out of the perpetuated animosity if missing dots and codes and secret voices could usher something useful to protect the solidarity of the few warm Click here to read Full Article
Afghanistan and its Future by Nikolai BOBKIN
Posted By: nrqazi On: 30/Oct/2013 Views:1217 Replies:0 
The international scientific conference on Afghanistan will take place in Bishkek on October 10. The invitation list includes ministers, general secretaries and special representatives of the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of I Click here to read Full Article

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