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متاثرین وزیرستان کی امداد ۔ محمد شاہد
Posted By: H.Talha On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:1330 Replies:0 
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ڈنڈہ بردار انقلاب نہیں چاہیے ۔ نزر حسین
Posted By: H.Talha On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:1954 Replies:0 
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آپریشن ضرب عضب ۔ قاضی کاشف
Posted By: H.Talha On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:1292 Replies:0 
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Ajwa Dates can prevent the effects of poison and witchcraft, a Hadith in Sahih Muslim
Posted By: Hussain_Khan_Tokyo On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:2321 Replies:0 
Ajwa Dates can prevent the effects of poison and witchcraft, a Hadith in Sahih Muslim Click here to read Full Article
Who is God and who is not? by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:1347 Replies:0 
Worship of any kind is meant to obtain the blessings of the Almighty. While Muslims who seriously worship would wonder why the Muslims are so weak in faith and why they conduct themselves in a nasty manner, those who worship idols of gods and goddesses and pictures of humans, would also doubt if they worship the real God the right way. Many others may have doubts of different types. Click here to read Full Article
Kidnap & murder: Israel's new strategy for expansionism and genocides in Palestine! by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:1419 Replies:0 
Israel continues to terrorize the besieged Palestinians and plans now strategies to get rid of the Unity government in Palestine and make Hamas and Fatah resume the civil war, killing each other , so that Zionist military can take away the remaining Palestine lands. With US backing, Israel comfortably reins in Mideast, effectively controlling the Arab nations with its huge arsenals of t Click here to read Full Article
War with Pakistan, troops in Afghanistan, friends with Iran, …. India prepares for war against Pak..
Posted By: nrqazi On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:3471 Replies:0 
You are also supposed to be an authority on foreign relations, how do you look at what is happening in middle-east especially the way ISIS is marching ahead with vengeance? According to some media reports, the ISIS has the vision of an Islamic state that stretches up to Gujarat in India. How serious is that from Indian perspective. Swamy: Serious enough for us to prepare for war. We’ll have a war Click here to read Full Article
Tennis: Djokovic downs Federer, Kvitova beats Bouchard at Wimbledon by Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Posted By: abdulruff On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:1285 Replies:0 
Once again the East Europeans have displayed their tennis talent at Wimbledon with Serb Novak Djokovic and Czech Petra Kvitova winning the male and female championships respectively. As usual, the Serb Novak Djokovic plucked a blade of grass and put it in his mouth on July 06 to signal to the crowd at Wimbledon court that his victory over Roger Federer who had won the title 7 times, tasted p Click here to read Full Article
Political gambling: Have Kashmiris lost Kashmir once for all? by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 8/Jul/2014 Views:1263 Replies:0 
Nuclear India and its nuke neighbor Pakistan have been very strategically using two parts of Jammu Kashmir that are under their joint occupation - viz Jammu & Kashmir occupied by India and Pakistan controlled Azad Kashmir. Today there is no Kashmir nation and alas, there no honest Kashmir leaders who seek independence from joint occupiers. Kashmiris are now parts of India, Pakistan and China Click here to read Full Article

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