With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
Mr. Pervaiz Makrooh and Badrooh after killing over 1200 students and
over 130 military and rangers personnel is bent upon to hide the high
number of casualties. Most of the dead bodies are kept at Government
controlled secret places such as Sohawa Police raining Center where
30,000 Rs. ice had been brought to keep the dead bodies. DNA samples
were taken from three bodies including those of Ghazi Abdur Rashid.
Ghazi Badur Rashi was firs texposed to chlorofom gas and then killed by
grenades causing severe injuries to the perineal areas, fracture of leg
bone, abdominal and thorax injuries and one injury at forehead. Mr.
Pervaiz Makrooh and Badrooh carried out hundreds of blast today in the
Lal Masjid in apparent attempt to destroy the identity of the
students who are killed in large number (At least 1100). In order to
keep the mouth of newspapers shut, Pervaiz Makrooh and Badrooh has used
poor people's money on rich newspaper owners in the form of lavish
advertisement. As a result even so called Islamic news papers like
Islam was for the first time granted a half page advertiement. Islam
newspaper genrally does nto print picture of animals and human beings.
But today they did so. When contacted, the adminstratinof daily Islam
said they can't resist (? temptation of money or...) Same was the
situation with almost all other newspapers. As a result the news media
and print media is not reporting true picture. Ansar Barni as usual
the side of criminal Pervaiz Musharraf in order to please Unlce SAM
Either Pak Agencies running Wa
Replied by(
Replied on (12/Jul/2007)
Either Pak Intelligences running War OF Terror of American Agencies running Pakistan.
Like Iraq, nothing found from LAL Masjid.
and in the end simply said by Government, it is MISS REPORTING of intelligence agencies.
1000's dead and it is just an error...