"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 2195
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There are dangerous international terrorists hiding out in the mountain caves of Pakistan. But 79-year-old Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, the Baluch tribal leader, politician and rebel, was not one of them.
Now Mr. Bugti is dead and the impoverished but energy-rich province of Baluchistan is in an uproar after an ill-explained military operation last month. After a week of contradictory government statements, the only things now clear are that Mr. Bugti’s body was buried in the rubble of his blown-up mountain hideout, and that antigovernment fury in the restive province is at a new pitch of intensity.
The last thing Pakistan needs is an upsurge in violence and repression in Baluchistan. That would only be a distraction from far more important challenges, like developing a chronically underachieving economy; restoring a ravished democracy; and placing a dangerous nuclear weapons establishment, including exports of bomb-related technology, under firm and reliable civilian control.
And there are far more crucial things that Pakistan’s military could be doing than hunting down Mr. Bugti and his followers. For example, it could finally seal its scandalously porous border with Afghanistan, making it much harder for the Taliban to infiltrate into that country the fighters killing American, NATO and Afghan soldiers. It could permanently shut down the Pakistan-based Kashmiri terrorist groups that have survived past crackdowns by reopening under new names, with little interference from Pakistani authorities. Not least, it could make a more serious effort to find and arrest Osama bin Laden, widely believed to have spent much of the past four and a half years on Pakistani soil.
Any of these efforts would stir up opposition in one part or another of the Pakistani military, the only constituency that Pakistan’s president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, ever really cares about. So long as elections are brazenly rigged, opposition parties are banned and Washington’s uncritical support remains guaranteed, General Musharraf has little incentive to take up any of these vital challenges.
When General Musharraf comes to the United States, he loves to be lauded as a leader in the war on terrorism. Back home, his government too often acts like a garden-variety military dictatorship.
 Reply:   Musharraf did right !!script
Replied by(youaskedforit) Replied on (6/Sep/2006)

There are many proofs that bugti was playing in the hands of India, USA & Afghanistan
Balochistan is rich in minerals & natural resources with Gawadar in the making this Province is like a golden bird for other countries....... & how can india see Pakistan's progress, .. India broke Pakistan & made Bangladesh , he is again trying the same thing, he saw an opportunity in the face of bugti & they began to proved him with money & arms..... a little proof is the propaganda on the indian channels on the killing of Bugti as if india's own leader has been killed & the resolution passed in the Afghanistans parliament protesting bugti's killing... WHY, its Pakistan internal matter, what the hell is their problem to interfere in Pakistan? The answer is the same as i mentioned above.
Why bugti denied his own tribe to get higher educations, & to progress, he made them slaves so that they cannot raise their heads in front of him., if he is so patriotic, why i she bombing the gas pipelines, electricity towers, disturbing the gas & electricity supply of all the country, why is he killing the army., .................... remember Musharafs government is the only government who is doing so much for the progress of Balouchistan...constructing 5 star hotels, Port, beaches residential areas, roads, tourist spots, ... what was the reason none of the earlier governments did the same... Mr Bugti himself has been the cheif minister of Balouchistan,,, why not then he did anything for the progress of Balouchistan.... what rights he has to ask royality from pakistan government for gas fields... balouchistan is part of
pakistan & government has every rights to use the natural resources
without giving any individual person any royality. Balouchistan is
not bugti's property........Do u think it would be good if MQM's
Altaaf Hussain start asking the royality for karachi port, coz their
part is in majority there ??? how will u react to this ??

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