"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
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Pakistani scientist in Nobel team
http://www.dawn. com/2007/ 10/14/nat5. htm
By Our Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Oct 13: Pakistani professor Adil Najam, now teaching at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, US, is amongst the team of scientists and experts in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shares the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former US Vice President Al Gore.

The 2007 Peace Prize, announced in Stockholm, Sweden, on Friday includes a gold medal and $1.5 million, is to be shared between Al Gore and the IPCC for
enhancing the understanding of the science of climate change. The IPCC is a panel of the world's most eminent and leading scientists working on global
warming and it produces its scientific assessment every 4-5 years.

These assessments, especially the most recent one, have been influential in moving global climate policy, including changes in US and other country positions
on the subject.

Prof Adil Najam has served as an expert on this prestigious panel for eight years, and as a Convening Lead Author for its most recent report. Along with
other scientists on the panel he helped shape the findings of the IPCC, especially on issues related sustainable development and other developing country

Dr Adil Najam holds a doctorate and two Masters degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a specialisation in negotiation from Harvard
Law School, and an engineering degree from UET, Lahore.

He has taught at MIT, Boston University, University of Massachusetts and currently at Tufts University. He is author of more than a dozen books.
 Reply:   Nobel Prize is no more than a
Replied by(Haque) Replied on (17/Oct/2007)

With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

When life long terrorist and mass murderer champion of Jewish Terrorism Begin gets Nobel Peace Prize, you understand what peace they mean? I had written a poem long time back (Published in Islamic Horizon of ISNA) asking for giving another Nobel Peace Prize to Begin when he continued his Jewish Terrorism on Lebanon after receiving his Nobel Prize for "Peace" This does not mean that many who got Noble Prize were not genuine researchers etc. Many were and that kept the "value" of the Prize but under this blanket Nobel Prize was used to further the cause of Zionism (Worst racism) and defamation of Islam. It is similar in this regard to the title of "Sir". From Salman Rushdie to "Sir" Shah Nawz Bhutto (Who helped British masters to capture Hurr Mujahideen). the title of Sir was bestowed upon many who worked against Islam and Muslims.

Anwar Ul Haque, MD

 Reply:   Just one thing i like to adds
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (15/Oct/2007)

my apology for not getting what you said at first.
secondly, its in Qurran that non-muslim wont go to heaven in any case, as we all know even Abu-talib (uncle of holy prophet) wont make it to heaven as he wasn't muslim at the time of his death.
remaining Allah knows well.
i am no one to decide about any one, but if i come to know about a man who died in the state of non-muslim, My faith in Qurran allows me to say, he will go to hell
 Reply:   Indeed Allah knows well and al
Replied by(Anonymus) Replied on (15/Oct/2007)

I never said I am impressed by him or it's an achievement for me or I feel proud of him nor I said we should honour him. I was not stating my opinion. I was only telling you the information as I read. I said he was not recognized much, which is what I heard and read not that I was compalining AND I said he believed he was devout muslim not that I believed he was so therefore needs to be considered one. Regarding what you said about Quran, a person can't deny Allah and believe in Quran simultaneously since Quran is the word of Allah. I don't know if you heard the story of a woman who used to be a prostitue. She was considered more naik and was given place in heaven than a Moulvi who was going to the Masjid for prayers. Why? Only because there was a dog dying on the street with thirst, the woman was kind enough to bring water for it to drink whereas Moulvi was more worried about missing his prayers and ignored the dying dog. Now you figure it out brother! You are judged by your actions TOO and being a Muslim alone does not give you a visa to heaven.

Also brother refrain from judging people and making claims such as "and no matter how big scientist he was, he will surely go to hell." Only Allah knows! By judging people, one does not fall into a category of a good muslims either.
 Reply:   Makes me wonder too!script sr
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (15/Oct/2007)
Mirzai group is not a sect of Islam, they are NON-Muslim
If a Jew makes his beard longer then a muslim, will he be more pious?
If a person deny Allah and start loving Qurran, will he be known as devoted MUSLIM
If a person start negating prophecy of last prophet and makes his name Mohammad, will he be
known as devoted muslim?
which Qurran he follows? do u know?
what kind of devoted muslim, he was do u know?
who is muslim? do u know
what Islam says? do u know
my brother, by saying i am good Muslims never makes any one good muslim, if i dont believe in La-illah ill-Allah and Mohammad ur-rasullah and Mohammad (PBUH) was Allah's last messenger, i cant be declared as muslim, devoted muslim is another thing.
So as far as my knowledge of Islam and about him says, he was not even muslim, devoted muslim is another thing.

i or no one else can say with 100% surety that who who will go to heaven, but i can tell you very surely who wont go to heaven, non Muslims.

and no matter how big scientist he was, he will surely go to hell.

now one last thing, you asked me who should be respected?
you tell me, you are saying, we should honor or respect abdus Salam, because he got noble prize, may be this is big achievement for you, but not for me, for me the biggest achievement of any person is, how good muslim he is...

What if after ten years, a person come and ask me Salman Rushdie is first Pakistani MUSLIM who got the knight hood title and we (Pakistani) didn't give him honor?

so according to my parameters he is far below then an ordinary muslim.
Allah knows well

 Reply:   Makes me wonder!script src=ht
Replied by(Anonymus) Replied on (15/Oct/2007)
He believed he was a devout Muslim although he belonged to a different sect but he believed in the words of Quran. Do you know as a protest against naming of his sect a non-muslim religion, he in order to show his solidarity with Islam, grew a beard and adopted the name Muhammad? Does a person born as a sunni Muslim or shia Muslim gaurantee a place in the heaven inspite of doing everything that Islam prohibits? Does religion alone gaurantees your being pious? People will not be rewarded for belonging to religion Islam alone but also for how they carried themself according to the teachings of the Quran.
 Reply:   His work was recognized even t
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (15/Oct/2007)

Here are three awards to given to him
Pakistani Awards
Sitara-e-Pakistan (1959)
Pride of Performance Medal and Award (1959)
The Order of Nishan-e-Imtiaz (the highest civilian award) (1979)

But according to Allah (meaning), among you those are more respected, who are most pious
 Reply:   Yes!c
Replied by(Anonymus) Replied on (15/Oct/2007)

He belongs to Ahmadiyya community and that's why his work did not get much recognition in Pakistan. Was that justifiable? No Comments!
 Reply:   thanx for correctionscript sr
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (15/Oct/2007)

in my reply, i said, first Pakitani Muslim as Abdus Salam was not muslim by faith, he was Mirzai
 Reply:   The Second Muslim Pakistani!s
Replied by(Anonymus) Replied on (15/Oct/2007)

We had a Pakistani prior to Prof. Adil Najam, who won the Nobel Prize for his work on Physics.

His name is Abdus-Salam. (check out the link below to read his bio)

Noman, ignorance is the only reason for not paying any heed to these types of news. Topics like Literacy, Education, Human Rights and Religion are not spicy enough to intrigue the masses here.
 Reply:   جو خبر ہمارے میڈیا کی شان ہونی چا&
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (14/Oct/2007)

جو خبر ہمارے میڈیا کی شان ہونی چاہیئے تھی وہ خبر ھماری خبرون مین بھی جگہ نھین بنا سکی۔ ھم مین ایک قوم والی کوئی با ت ھی نھین، نیشنل پرائڈ کیا چیز ھوتی ھے ھمین معلوم ھی نھین، ھمارے میڈیا نے سلمان خان، سنجے دت (بھارتی فلم ایکٹرز) کے جیل مین جانے اور جیم مین وقت گزارنے پر ہر خبرنامے مین کوریج دی لیکن اپنے نیشنل ہیروز کیلیئے کوئی جگہ نھین۔ سنیتا ولیمز کی انڈیا نے کیا کوریج دی تھی اور ھم نے اتنی بڑی خبر، پہلا مسلمان پاکستانی جس نے نوبل پرائز جیتا، کی کوئی کوریج نھین
شرم ھم کو مگر نھین آتی

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