"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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IslamOnline. net & Newspapers
Queen Elizabeth II has dedicated a room at Windsor Castle available for a Muslim employee to perform prayers during Ramadan.
CAIRO "“ Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has dedicated a room at her favorite residence available for a Muslim employee to perform prayers during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, reported the Daily Telegraph on Saturday, September 30.
"It feels amazing to be the first Muslim to read namaz (prayers) at Windsor Castle," said Nagina Chaudhry, 19.
"I was reciting the prayer with more power than usual because I knew I was making history."
Chaudhry, who works at the 11th century Windsor Castle gift shop at weekends, has requested for a special room to perform prayers during the fasting month.
Within days, an office in the castle's Saxon Tower, a stone's throw from the royal family's private St George's Chapel, had been converted.
Portraits were removed from the walls and a small marker indicating qiblah (direction of the Ka`bah) was set.
Copies of the Noble Qur'an and prayer mats were provided.
"I think I am the only Muslim working here, so I feel special knowing that they have made such an effort for me," said Chaudhry.
A spokesman for the Royal Household confirmed that the room had been set aside for prayers during Ramadan.
"We have had Muslim employees before who have taken time out to pray, but a decision has been made to make a particular room available during Ramadan," he said.
There are no mosques in Windsor. Muslims who want to perform prayers during Ramadan must travel into Slough, three miles away.
Respect of Islam
Chaudhry, university student, said the Queen's move has shown her respect of Islam.
"The Queen is the head of the Church of England, so it is great to know that she respects other people's faith," she said.
"I was worried that I might not get it because there are so many misconceptions about Islam. I've only worked there for two months, so I was surprised when everybody went out of their way to help me."
The British Muslim said that being able to pray during her normal lunch-break made her fasting much easier.
"Ramadan is hard at the start because the days are long and your body's not used to it. At 1.30pm I would normally be going out to lunch, but because I'm praying it seems to go faster.
"The prayer really relaxes me and gives me more energy for the rest of the day."
British Muslims, estimated 1.8 million Muslims, most of them are of Pakistani and Indian origin, started fasting on Saturday, September 23.
During Ramadan, adult Muslims, save the sick and those traveling, abstain during daylight hours from food, drink, smoking and sex.

 Reply:   "Mansion House" Hosts Iftar Ba
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (2/Oct/2006)
another attempt to improve the image
By Hadi Yahmid, IOL Correspondent
Muslim leaders and British dignitaries came together on iftar banquet in Mansion house for the first time ever. (IOL)
LONDON "” British dignitaries and Muslim leaders came together on Friday, September 29, in Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London, for an iftar banquet, in the first ever move of its kind.
"This is an unprecedented and historic event," Inayat Bunglawala, spokesman for the umbrella Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), told IslamOnline. net.
"No iftar banquet has ever been held in Mansion House before."
Organized by Lord Mayor of London David Brewer, the banquet brought together a galaxy of Muslim leaders as well as diplomats, parliamentarians, and judicial and business leaders.
Bunglawala said the event was evidence on the growing Muslim influence in Britain's financial centre.
Hosting Muslims as guests of honor on an iftar banquet at Mansion House illustrates their growing influence in the economic and trade fields in London, he told IOL.
Throughout its history, the City of London has been dominated by Christian traditions and communities as well as the Jewish influential role in the banking world.
British Muslims, estimated 1.8 million Muslims, most of them are of Pakistani and Indian origin, started fasting on Saturday, September 23.
During Ramadan, adult Muslims, save the sick and those traveling, abstain during daylight hours from food, drink, smoking and sex.
Islamic Banking
The event was also seen as a proof to Britain's aspiration to become a Western centre of Islamic banking.
Bunglawala said It signals recognition of the economic strength of British Muslims.
Britain has pledged to become a gateway for Islamic finance and trade, giving impetus to efforts exerted by the country's sizable Muslim minority to that end.
Mansion House is now eyeing Muslim capitals as well as the Arab and Muslim investments, added the Muslim activist.
Mansion House is one of the grandest surviving Georgian town palaces in London.
It was built between 1739 and 1752 and is considered the official residence of the Lord Mayor of the City of London.
It has a distinguished place in London's economic and financial history.
Bunglawala said the iftar banquet was held at a critical moment in the history of the Muslim minority in Britain.
This year's Ramadan came at a very tense climate in Britain after accusations leveled against British Muslims of plotting to hijack and blow up US-bound planes in mid-air, he said.
The iftar banquet was also meant to underline London's cultural and religious diversity.
"The City of London is at the centre of a global world of financial services. One of its strengths is that the hundreds of thousands of skilled workers who work here and in Canary Wharf come from a wide variety of backgrounds, countries and cultures," Brewer told reporters.
"Indeed, London is now a world centre in the growing field of Islamic finance."

 Reply:   i hope this action is in good
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (2/Oct/2006)
Is it the first ramdan she is having in her long tenure of kingdom?
Is it the first ramdan she is having in her long tenure of kingdom?

ofcourse not, then why in this ramdan, she dedicated a room

fcourse thanx to wrong doing of Blair, which flair all muslims world and community against UK US

so it is an attempt of making UK image better in the eyes of Muslims

so it proves Queen herself is not convinced with the acts of Blair

i hope this action is in good faith and will give the desired results

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