"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
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On 8th October,
Saturday I was sitting in front of my PC and typing my notes, at once the my chair and my PC table start moving or trembling I heard my mother calling me to come out of the room. I was not able to understand that what happened but by going out of the room I came to know that it is an earth quake. The very first thing came in my mind was my college building as it was in quite good condition but thinking that how much it would shock by the
earth quake make me feared as it is thick but long building and I was on that day on holiday and thinking about the girls which were sitting there. I at once open the T.V for listening news about the earth quake I was waiting anxiously but the news after some time I heard was shocking for me, not only for me but for all PAKISTAN I usually always pray at these moments that PLS ALLAH don't make any
body to weep, but the pictures on the T.V was not making me only weep and cry but by seeing all this every person in my home was weeping and praying ALLAH `ALLAH TU RAHEEM HA ALLAH ZIADA NUQSAN NA KRNA'But as we were praying the more we weep, as the day passes all the PAKISTAN and the people outside and inside the country were making calls for knowing about there relatives and loves one.

The earth quake stroke the parts of N.W.F.P and AZAD AND JAMMU KASHMIR but mostly the earth quakes make more destruction in BALAKOT, MUZZAFRABAD AND RAWALAKOT.

The people started helping the affected people by putting there struggle together and every PAKISTANI in or out of the country were trying their best to help their brothers as much as they can, they did not remember their cast, their different provinces and their different religions at that moment they were only PAKISTANIS, the spirit of true PAKISTANI was can be seen at that moment when my younger brother ask my mother that I want to donate my self by
asking that why u want to donate yourself he replied that my PAKISTANI brothers need me and I want to just help them by utilizing my human resources. It was the spirit of a kid of only 10 years so we can imagine the youth and others.

The earth quake not only unite us but sent the message to the world that what we are and what we can be for any Muslim brother. Thinking all this one thing always came in my mind that is this spirit will always be alive as foreign forces try to create disturbance in our country to make the pieces of our country and take there advantages accordingly. We should think about it, as chances do not came again and it is the right time to decide.

In the end want to say that although we are not developed country and we have not as much resources as any other country have or chances due to some circumstances are not avail correctly but to keep alive the spirit of Islam and spirit of true PAKISTANI one must have to work sincerely by utilizing what we have as it is quoted

`The secret of success is working with things as they are,
not with the way you wish they were or think they ought to be.' .... ROMA ....
 Reply:   Another Pakistan winter withou
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (11/Oct/2006)
Oxfam estimates that some 1.8 million earthquake survivors in northern Pakistan will face a second winter in makeshift shelters.
(Photograph) TEMPORARY SOLUTIONS: Oxfam estimates that some 1.8 million earthquake survivors in northern Pakistan will face a second winter in makeshift shelters.

Another Pakistan winter without a roof

Despite a year of work and billions of dollars, some 1.8 million people may still be homeless in northern Pakistan.
By David Montero | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
A year has not made that much difference in the life of Shamsul Akbar. When last October's earthquake struck this remote Himalayan valley, his family migrated to a camp village in Battagram and fought the bitter winter inside a small donated tent. They have returned now to their village of Rashang in Allai Valley - but they are living in the same tent, and staring down winter once again. It is the kind of déjà vu that Mr. Akbar never imagined.
As the nation commemorates the first anniversary of its worst natural disaster, a mood of heightening concern hangs over northern Pakistan. More than 3 million people became homeless on the morning of October 8, 2005. The disaster killed more than 70,000 people and wiped a generation of children from the land and whole cities from the map.
"I'm worried. How can I live this winter?" Mr. Akbar asks, while standing in front of the same mountains that last year shook with such violent force. Villagers young and old lined up on Friday to receive a free donation: corrugated galvanized iron (CGI) sheets donated by Save the Children. The donation is part of a larger effort to provide building materials for about 1,100 families to use for temporary shelters. For Akbar and others, the CGI sheets are a kind of salvation - a slice of hope in desperate times. "If I receive these CGI sheets, then it is possible," he says.
Oxfam reported last week that 1.8 million people remain in temporary shelters and tents - a staggering but disputed figure. The deprivation persists despite donors' distribution of some $2.6 billion in grants and in-kind gifts.
Many Pakistanis had hoped for faster and more effective relief. Government officials, including President Pervez Musharraf, have rejected Oxfam's claims, but other anecdotal evidence gleaned throughout the area seem to bolster it. Field workers with international and local agencies describe continuing difficulties one year on.
"Ninety percent of people are still living in tents," in Neelum Valley, says Saima Ghazal, a surveyor with the International Organization on Migration (IOM) in Muzaffarabad.
But not everyone shares Akbar's concern, or his plight. Just up the road, Saifur Rahman, a schoolteacher, has already built a smart and solid home of cement, mud, and stone, with enough room for his family of 12. Thoughts of winter bother him little, and he is already planning to expand.
But Mr. Rahman's comforts represent an extreme, underscoring that home reconstruction has been otherwise rare in this landscape of ruin and doubt.
"There is a risk that we foresee this winter," says Shakeel Qadir Khan, the district commission officer of Mansehra. On Friday, the US Ambassador, who flew into Allai Valley to reiterate the US commitment to rebuilding, echoed that risk, highlighting the work still to be done.
The estimated reconstruction costs have forced a national debate over how much hope a year can bring. Intermingled with mourning, many survivors are questioning the pace of reconstruction; others bristle that so many months later, squalid conditions are still all they know.
Government officials now expect rebuilding to take 10 years and cost $4.3 billion. But some aid agencies and local officials caution against assigning blame. The scale of the tragedy - 12,000 square miles spread over remote corners of the country - coupled with inclement weather has created a challenge that even the world working together could not overcome in a year, they say.
Harsh rains and landslides during the monsoon season, which lasted nearly four months, wreaked havoc on progress, washing away homes and lives that were once on the path to recovery.
Perhaps the biggest obstacle was simply one of identification: for months, survey teams worked to determine which families required what form of compensation. Reconstruction could not begin until this process was complete. Many have criticized it as slow and corrupt, but officials say that, given the Herculean task at hand, the system has worked well. About 90 percent of survivors have been compensated, according to the government, in a cash flood amounting to about $1 billion.
"So far as the compensation is concerned, its execution on our part has been excellent. You cannot compensate millions in a day," says Masood-ur- Rehman, the assistant commissioner of Kashmir. Major deaths by disease and cold were averted, and thousands, having received their checks, are now ready to begin rebuilding.
Many international agencies have a mandate to remain for years to come. On Friday, Ryan C. Crocker, the US ambassador to Pakistan, told a crowd assembled high in the valleys of Rashang that US commitment to rebuilding has only just begun.
"We spent $200 million in the relief operations. We'll spend another $200 million in reconstruction, " he said, flanked by US military Chinook helicopters, which this week began ferrying 20,000 CGI sheets to highly affected areas.
Moments before he spoke, residents could be seen walking up the mountainside with CGI sheets balanced on their heads. Surefooted, they headed in the direction of treacherous peaks, where new roofs glistened in the afternoon sun.

Replied by(Noman) Replied on (8/Oct/2006)

 Reply:   First Anniversary Of The Octob
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (8/Oct/2006)
First Anniversary Of The October 8 Devastation Caused By A Massive Earthquake In Northern Areas Of Pakistan
First Anniversary Of The October 8 Devastation Caused By A Massive Earthquake In Northern Areas Of Pakistan
Sunday’s first anniversary of the October 8, 2005 the devastation caused by a massive earthquake in Northern areas of Pakistan will be a day of mourning for more than 73,000 people who died. It is also a day of reckoning for what was done for the rescue, relief and rehabilitation of 3.5 million people made homeless in four districts each of Azad Kashmir and the North Western Frontier Province..

According to the reporst in Pakistan’s leading papers, despite a widely acclaimed job done by foreign and domestic governmental and non-governmental agencies to lessen the pain of Pakistan’s worst earthquake, government agencies face a storm of complaints ranging from a meagre compensation to delayed payments, costly construction materials, lack of trained work force, corruption and repeated changes of designs of earthquake- resistant dwellings.

Government functionaries engage in a lot of self-praise to defend the performance of their agencies. The foundations of a sustainable recovery have been laid with money and technical advice disbursed to thousands of affected households to help rebuild their homes to earthquake- resistant standards,” Britain’s Oxfam relief agency said in a report.

Complaints about inadequacy of relief work still come from the worst-hit towns such as Balakot in the NWFP and Bagh, southeast of Muzaffarabad, and rural swathes that suffered most of the casualties: a total of 73,338 killed, including 35,000 children, and 128,304 injured in 30,000 square km of affected area where infrastructure, communications and crop and land were severely damaged and 42,600 families deprived from earning members.

Government estimates say some 600,000 houses, 6,298 schools and 796 health facilities were demolished, about 6,440 km of roads damaged and 50-70 per cent of water supply, sanitation, telecom and power infrastructure made non-operational.

Pakistan Government is asking for $800 million more in foreign aid because of 200,000 additional homes to be built than previous estimates, in addition to $6.8 billion pledges at an international donors’ conference last year.
Shah N. Khan
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