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Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Existential threat to Muslim nations, and not to USA!

- By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal




In the name of counter-terrorism, US-led terror forces have been indeed focused on counter-Islamism by eusing proxy war techniques. But the US-led terror forces have not succeeded in accomplishing the objective with the global terror leader Bush gone, leaving the scene open to unoccupied by President Obama. Not only Bush remains untried for his terror actions in Islamic world, the leftover of the Bushdom are still harping on “threat perceptions” to continue genocides of Muslims and to escape punishment for terrible state terrorism activities killing thousands of Muslims and destroying Iraq , Afghanistan and now Pakistan . 


Aiming to garner the energy resources, the US Neocons hatched the terrorism plank to do away with Islam and kill as many Muslims as possible, while many could be tortured in a sustained manner. America has become the largest threat to humanity with its terror wars in Islamic word. The state terrorists think they can mange the show further by adding more troops in Afghanistan and use India , another state terrorist, as a chip to bully Pakistan . The world’s largest power with most sophisticated remote weapons & technology tries to bully the Pakistan with dangers emanating from Islamization of Pakistan. That is how the US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has described the merging Islamization of a part of Pakistan while all the anti-Islamic nations and their paid terror forces-cum-media making all out efforts to mix region with politics and defame Islam and brand the Muslims as militants, terrorists, including the suspected ones. 


The unprecedented broadside followed the announcement by the US President Barack Obama of a new strategy for Afghanistan . Obama cited as its cornerstone the need to destroy militant safe havens in the Pakistani tribal belt along the Afghan border, something he knows can't be achieved without complete cooperation from the country's army and intelligence. The US hawkish generals have offered a mixture of incentives and warnings: for example, an increase in civilian aid alongside a warning that there's no "blank cheque" for the military if it doesn't perform. Pakistan has lost more soldiers in fighting the Taleban and al-Qaeda on the Afghan border than all of the NATO forces combined; and that American officials acknowledge the ISI has captured more al-Qaeda operatives than any other intelligence agency. 


American media outfits call Muslims as extremists and terrorists. With Swat gearing up for Islamization, the Obama administration, guided by the CIA-Pentagon, over-reacted with increasing alarm to ongoing Taliban “advances” in Pakistan, warning the Pakistani government that failure to take action against the “extremists” could endanger its partnership with the USA as well as American strategy in neighboring Afghanistan. Obama held a White House meeting on the subject with Vice President Biden, Hillary Clinton and Richard C. Holbrooke, the administration's special representative to the region, and also brought it up in a separate session with congressional leaders. Pakistani stability is central to U.S. efforts in neighboring Afghanistan , Gates said, and it is also “central to our future partnership with the government in Islamabad ." Gates also emphasized the urgent need for congressional support for a defense budget that shifts billions in spending toward equipment designed for counterinsurgencies. He repeated his call for cuts in weapons systems as part of the Pentagon's proposed $534 billion 2010 defense budget. Holbrooke spoke by telephone to Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and with Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi. 



The presidents of both Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan - where international forces are battling the Taleban - are due to come to Washington for talks with Obama next month. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and the army chief of staff, Gen. Ashfaq Kiyani, will remain in Pakistan during Zardari's trip. Mrs. Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates publicly expressed frustration with reports that Taliban forces had moved eastward into two new districts of the country this week with no apparent resistance from government forces, bringing them within 60 miles of the Pakistani capital. The Pentagon is pressing the Pakistani military to refocus the bulk of its attention away from the eastern border with India, its traditional adversary, toward the Taliban and al-Qaeda sanctuaries in the west. USA has a plan to quickly and significantly increase development and military assistance to Pakistan and to reassure them the administration is on top of the fast-moving situation. But there is little direct action the administration can take beyond exhorting the Pakistanis and redoubling efforts to quickly implement key elements of the Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy Obama announced late last month. For the past several months, Zardari's government has been enmeshed in other domestic political turmoil; his popularity has dropped while ratings for his principal political opponent, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, rose to 80 percent in recent polls.



 India keeps fueling the Washington bosses to “contain” Islamabad and respect the “nuclear deal” by appeasing the Hindus sentiments. Indians pester the American bosses to denounce and pack off the Islamization move in Swat. The real issue remains the validity of the implementation of Sharia law itself because the anti-Islamic nations and their wicked media oppose Sharia’. A declaration was made for it to take effect from 15 March but the actual ordinance has still to be signed.



  An Afghan policeman (left) and a US soldier on patrol near Bakwa, Afghanistan, 26 March

Searching for WMD?



II- Madam Clinton & US Hypocrisy  



A former ally of regional terror India, Hillary Clinton is taking special care to appease, and not to offend, India which is hiding behind her to shield itself from any punitive action for its holocaust in Jammu Kashmir killing over 100,000 thousands defenseless Muslims. So, US Secretary of State has accused Pakistan of “abdicating” to the Taleban by allowing them to control parts of the country. Clinton told a congressional panel the situation in Pakistan posed a "mortal threat" to world security. Naming the real Muslims seeking Sharia’ as extremists, she said extremists were being allowed to control the Swat Valley in north-western Pakistan. "I think that we can not underscore the seriousness of the existential threat posed to the state of Pakistan," she said, shamelessly describing the Islamic Muslims as a "loosely-confederated group of terrorists and others seeking to overthrow the Pakistani state". She also called Pakistan’s judicial system corrupt, adding that it has only limited power in the countryside.



India tries to influence the US foreign policy by getting Hillary Clinton to its side. Now under pressure from India, the Obama administration, knowing well that USA and its drones are responsible for the chaos in the country, openly blames Pakistan, its government, judiciary and intelligence ISI for turmoil in the country. The charges against the ISI stems from imagined links with “militants” on Pakistan’s borders with both Afghanistan and India.. Now both USA and India consider Pakistan as their client state. Indian support to Frontier insurgents and some Taleban commanders extends to "money, military supplies and strategic planning guidance. Revelation of Indian involvement in the July bombing of the Indian embassy in Kabul has created a peculiar situation in India. However, both American and India and other anti-Islamic media outfits malign Pakistan asking it to kill Muslims. However, the charge of collusion is rigorously denied by Pakistan.’



The administration is recalibrating the schedule drawn up for a May 6 and 7 meeting here among Obama and the presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan. When Zardari arrives in Washington early next month, he will share Pakistan’s national counterterrorism strategy and will also list the areas where Pakistan looks forward to American support and cooperation in implementing that strategy. The Pakistan government has rightly downplayed U.S. concerns that the situation is spinning out of control. "In any counterinsurgency effort, there are changing ground realities," said Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington, Husain Haqqani. "The important thing is the overall picture, and in Pakistan, as a whole, the government remains firmly in control and Pakistan continues to have the military capability of dealing with the threat."



But for Pakistan’s security establishment, its concerns - the presence of India in Afghanistan, Kabul’s refusal to recognize the border, the festering Kashmir dispute - are strategic threats far greater than those posed by Islamist militants. The Pakistan army knows that it and the Taleban have Pashtun support on both sides of the Durand line.


III- Post-Script: Existential threat? Is USA Joking?  



US President Barack Obama has put new emphasis on trying to resolve the security problems in Pakistan, offering billions of dollars in aid but demanding greater co-operation from the government.. But the condition is Pakistan military must kill more and more Muslims there. Giving evidence in Washington to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Mrs. Clinton said the situation in Pakistan "poses a mortal threat to the security and safety of our country and the world". "I think the Pakistani government is basically abdicating to the Taleban and the extremists," she said in American English. Using stark language, Clinton said the situation in Pakistan needed urgent attention. She called on the Pakistani people, who are now under the terror attack form the occupying US-led forces, to speak out "forcefully" against their government's policy, in an unusual move.




Rogues talk and pretend like great democrats, as GW Bush and his daddy did. In the face of the US has accusation that Pakistan is abdicating to the Taleban, the Taleban say they are withdrawing from a Pakistani district where their consolidation of power this week has caused deep concern in the US. By showing flexibility, the Muslim leaders seeking an Islamic republic inside Pakistan have even accommodated the concerns of the USA. However, the Indo-US strategists are deeply worried that the Taleban had further consolidated their hold on Buner in Islamic Pakistan. US Defence Secretary Robert Gates warned Pakistan that relations with the US would be threatened unless Islamabad combated the rise of the Taleban. America, as usual, has used all coercive tactics to bully Islamabad.




The commander Maulana Fazlullah had issued the order for fighters to pull back from Buner, just 100km (62 miles) from Islamabad. The Taleban have agreed a peace deal bringing Sharia law to some districts in return for ending their insurgency. The peace deal covers six districts of Malakand division, including the troubled Swat region, in North West Frontier Province (NWFP). Administration officials in NWFP have confirmed that Taleban fighters have started to leave. A delegation from the Taleban and the cleric who negotiated the peace deal, Sufi Muhammad, is on its way to Buner to oversee the withdrawal. In stead of a "mortal threat" to the world by abdicating to the Taleban, Pakistan has shown it is indeed a real democracy.



Although President Obama has said the USA has changed its policy and image, his secretary of state still uses the same cold war tone, warning that Tehran faces "very tough sanctions" if it rejects offers of engagement over its nuclear program. The US was "laying the groundwork" for such measures if Iran refused dialogue or the process failed, said Mrs. Clinton arrogantly. The concept of pressuring Pakistan is flawed. Ultimately America’s leverage is limited: in pushing too much, it may lose even the limited cooperation it has.


In accordance with its Strategic depth, USA wants the Pakistani government to kill Muslims as Taliban. They insist top levels of the army and intelligence agencies were purged of ideological officers after 2001, when the government dropped its open support for the Taleban and fell in with what the US called its “War on Terror” which means war against Islamic faith and Muslims fir energy resources in the Mideast. Prior to his election, Obama recognized that Pakistani peace with India was key to stability in Afghanistan. Since his inauguration, however, he has dropped any suggestion of an initiative on Kashmir in the face of Indian objections and cash bags from Indian industrialists. Media outfits have warned USA about dirty twist to Indo-US nuclearism trends. Now, he hopes a mixture of carrot and stick will force a rethink of Pakistan’s security calculation.



USA and India require Islamabad to kill some Afghan Muslims too. Indo-USA decides what Pakistan’s legitimate regional concerns are. Many say army wants a "neutral" Afghanistan.

But Kabul is not neutral as far as the army is concerned, to defend itself against its traditional enemy, India, which is full of factions hostile to Islamabad and closely allied with India, Pakistan's great regional rival. And India is expanding its influence in the country. This is all the more troubling because Pakistan is worried about its borders. India wants to fish in troubled waters in the region. Afghanistan has never recognized the boundary drawn by the British, known as the Durrand Line. 




Annoyed with Islamic movement in Pakistan and provoked by India and other anti-Islamic nations, top American generals in recent days have turned their guns on Pakistan, accusing the ISI of supporting Taleban and al-Qaeda- both were created by the USA. Israel is expanding the territories by killing the Palestinians, but the USA-India terror combine has not yet condemned it. Emboldened by their terror genocides in Iraq and Afghanistan, the blatant interference in internal affairs of an Islamic nation Pakistan, both USA and India are crossing the “Lakshman rekha”, the control line. They say the government's policy was conceding "more and more territory to the insurgents, to the Taleban, to al-Qaeda, to the allies that are in this terrorist syndicate".



Since anti-Islamic media re ill-focused on Islamic leaders, the Taliban leaders should keep a smiling face when the media approach them with cameras so that they don’t get a chance to defame Islamic beard in any manner. They require some public diplomacy because they are surrounded by the anti-Islamic media to brand Islam as a religion of terrorists. In the current scenario of anti-Islamic wars, the global media personnel are essentially anti-Islamic, including some “Muslims”. The well-dressed fanatic media personnel move around in human skin to hide their ugly anti-Islamism. They are in fact the animals in human-skins and should be kept at a distance with smiling face.    


Is US-India combine still searching for WMD in Islamic world?   Why can't they openly call their terror wars as counter-Islam wars, hey? In Israel Hillary actively supported the US ally on terror Israel. Having miserably failed  to achieve their goals in Toto in Mideast on terrorism plan and got thoroughly got exposed  abut their mal-intentions and fictitious terrorism  planks, the anti-Islamic nations and their quirky media  keep inventing new strategies to target the Muslims and defame Islam. Recently, thus, a US move was hatched to announce the attack on the White house by the Taliban, but quickly the schema evaporated. Last year some Indian agents pretending to be the Taliban members suddenly appeared in a Mosque in Srinagar and announced to fight Indian occupation, but again the move flopped. Will the USA & co stop their nasty attempts to defame Islam now?   


Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Columnist & Independent Researcher in World Affairs,

The only Indian to have gone through entire India
South Asia

 Reply:   A True Pakistani will never pose as an indian.
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (30/Apr/2009)

H e is an indian and i hope he will reply to you as well. Some TV interview of him, is also posted on this site and if you go through to his posts, may be you will going to get that. This is the real delima with indians, they will never accept their failure and problems.
 Reply:   La La Land
Replied by(Chow_Badshah) Replied on (29/Apr/2009)

Yet another Pakistani posing as an India. Get over your persecution complex, will you? There is no global conspiracy to eliminate islam. When these same westerm powers were helping Pakistan wage bloody jihad against the Soviets and eventually India as well, they were Angels. Now suddenly, these same people are Satan. Very convenient. Pakistan lives off the money which the western world and Saudi Arabia throw at it, and then calls them names. This is the height of shamelessness. If they are so evil, stop begging them for their money. But you wont. Playing such convenient double-games is an intrinsic part of Pakistani mindset
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