"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: A.D.KHALID
Full Name: A.D.KHALID
User since: 23/Nov/2009
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            Shiv Sina one of the many Hindu extremist groups is active these days on the roads of those cities of India where not only fashion elites but powerful representatives of all segments of society are residing. Media has reported activities of extremist group followers very clearly showing the growing intolerance& actual face of so called secular society of India.

Reportedly, the other day, Shiv Sina activists blasted on the exposed posters of famous Indian actress Karina Kapoor who along with many others were always busy in projecting western or so called secular image of India in front of the world. Activists were not only annoyed but aggressive as well because they were of the opinion that blind focus on western culture specially in films was spoiling their young generation .Tearing apart banners and posters- showing the beautiful body clearly visible through coming down from the top and going up from bottom mini skirt, of newly composed film “Qurban” has really rung the bells for incoming formidable future. The way extremists were running, damaging the property, snubbing media reps & throwing stones on the roads of Mumbai, right in the heart of Indian elites ,one can very easily be feared imagining the happenings in far flung regions specially south and Muslim minority areas. The incident may be very small but probably important enough to indicate the boiling sentiments of intolerance and militancy. India may be safe for anything but not for mini skirts and bikinis. Many will soon start questioning about real clash of civilizations.

The situation is further aggravated yesterday when tens of extremists vandalized the TV channel again in Mumbai and Pune as well. As per extremists statements, The channel was allegedly showing their leader Bal Thackeray in bad light. Vandals were beating up staff and journalists as well. The problem started in the backdrop of a statement from a cricket star saying that Hindus and Muslims could live happily together in Mumbai. The time has come that Hindus of India now are intolerant enough even to listen that all minorities of India can live together in cities like Mumbai. Indian government that had always been finding asylum by tagging others responsible for its internal unrests, extremism and militancy, is now in a difficult situation to tackle the incoming crisis being led by militants and extremists. India is a country of over 1.2 billion heads, always deceiving world by hiding its internal unrest, social inequalities, insurgencies, militancy and terrorist organizations. The country is under lot of pressure because of ongoing insurgencies especially in Tamil areas and Kashmir & fastly growing extremist Hindu groups as well.

Indian society is under going comprehensive changes leading to future turmoil. Leaders and government are busy in their own agendas and people on the other side are overwhelmed on unprecedented schizophrenic thought process of becoming a superpower making unnatural allies at one side and on the other mass deviation of India from its cultural roots. Hence, trying to achieve goals at the cost of others and regional stability. The leadership is focusing on such objectives which are neither achievable nor matching its cost if at all achieved. As a result, situation has gone not only funny but formidable as well. A couple of  days before, Indian Intelligence team has been denied access to investigate the recently apprehended suspects including David Coleman Headly by USA - just   a few days before visit of Indian premier to America who must be shocked hearing all this. Probably, world is now going serious and wants India to review its position on its internal militancy and extremism other than blaming others and hiding its own unrest. In India, intolerance is growing by each passing day. Previously, supported by state governed institutions like RAW, this extremist sentiment was mobilized against minorities like Muslims, Sikhs and Christians but now it has taken a new turn showing the split with in the Hindus of India. It may be the climax of the conservative thought process of Hindus and secular India as well.

India, at the moment is at the critical juncture of its known history. Conservatively thinking heads are in majority against the so called secular or westernized groups and these extremists are now ready to take on any adventure for their goals. These groups have a definite support from state governed apparatus and officers like Col Prohat are many more in number. Leadership is aware of their weakness and this is the reason that premier Singh has already started crying for future suspected terrorist assaults on Indian assets including atomic installations so that he can blame someone else other than people from with in. He will be caught this time because truth has come on the roads now.


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