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User Name: nrqazi
Full Name: Naeem Qazi
User since: 25/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 390
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Destroying a Nation State: US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in Pakistan by Tony Cartalucci
Posted By: nrqazi Created On: 21/Jan/2014 Views: 1632 Replies: 0 
Baluchistan, Target of Western geopolitical interests, Terror wave coincides with Gwadar Port handover to China. The Hidden Agenda is the Breakup of Pakistan.Quetta, the capital of Pakistan’s southwest Baluchistan province, bordering both US-occupied Afghanistan as well as Iran, was the site of a grisly market bombing that has killed over 80 people. According to reports, the terrorist group Lashka Click here to read Full Article

An Excellent assessment on the 'Daughter of the East..... written with the usual Dalrymple flair=A great read
Posted By: nrqazi On: 9/Jan/2014 Views:1270 Replies:0 
The life and times of the Bhuttos is seen afresh in a passionately partisan but well-constructed memoir.William Dalrymple reviews it in context. The Bhuttos’ acrimonious family squabbles have long resembled one of the bloody succession disputes that habitually plagued South Asia during the time of the Great Mughals. In the case of the Bhuttos, they date back to the moment when Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Click here to read Full Article
The Mother of all Battles by Eric Margolis
Posted By: nrqazi On: 6/Jan/2014 Views:1315 Replies:0 
In October, 2002, I wrote a cover-story about Iraq for the first issue of American Conservative Magazine, entitled “The March to Folly.” My article predicted the impending invasion of Iraq would be a disaster for all concerned. Click here to read Full Article
Afghanistan and its Future by Nikolai BOBKIN
Posted By: nrqazi On: 30/Oct/2013 Views:1180 Replies:0 
The international scientific conference on Afghanistan will take place in Bishkek on October 10. The invitation list includes ministers, general secretaries and special representatives of the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Commonwealth of I Click here to read Full Article
Ex-Indian Army chief admits sponsoring terrorism in Balochistan by Umar Cheema
Posted By: nrqazi On: 26/Oct/2013 Views:1328 Replies:0 
Army report reveals special unit was raised for Pakistan; Indian media downplays its sensitive contents.ISLAMABAD: Recently retired Indian Army chief General Vijay Kumar Singh has admitted that India sponsored bomb blasts in Pakistan and doled out money to the separatist elements in Balochistan, a disclosure downplayed by the Indian media so far Click here to read Full Article
CIA Abandoning TTP - The Beginning of the End
Posted By: nrqazi On: 21/Oct/2013 Views:1210 Replies:0 
Latif Mehsud, second in command of the so called "Tehriq e Taliban Pakistan" was captured by the US forces a few days ago in Afghanistan, after Pakistan's ISI tipped off US forces of the "top commander of the Afghan Taliban". Little did they realise they had arrested a CIA asset. Why the US arrested him is a sign that the TTP is crumbling. Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: nrqazi On: 18/Oct/2013 Views:1152 Replies:0 
I had written earlier on two occasions, i am an eye witness to this whole lal masjid episode as i lived next door in G-6/3 where it all happened starting much before the operation till after the operation. To refresh our memories I am narrating it again for the benefit of all to know the actual truth. Click here to read Full Article
The Next Eleven!
Posted By: nrqazi On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1606 Replies:0 
The study is presented to US policymakers to plan for the best and worst possible scenarios. It includes a Goldman Sachs list of “Next Eleven” consisting of Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Turkey, and Vietnam.Although America’s influence will reduce, it will remain the “first among equals,” adds the report prepared by the US National Click here to read Full Article
Karachi Operation by Admiral Tahir
Posted By: nrqazi On: 17/Sep/2013 Views:1039 Replies:0 
It comes as a surprise that MQM wants the Pakistan Army to conduct operation in Karachi. Surprise may be an understatement as there are so many factors hidden behind this demand. It is therefore a very serious, significant and crucially important matter for our country and must be analysed dispassionately by all specially the Army and I am sure that is exactly what must be happening in Rawalpind Click here to read Full Article
Col. Imam Killed By Mossad-Backed Tehreek e Taliban (TTP) Group by Gordon Duff
Posted By: nrqazi On: 26/Aug/2013 Views:1343 Replies:0 
Colonel Imam may have been the single driving force that pushed Russia out of Afghanistan. A modern day “Lawrence of Arabia,” Imam or Sultan Amir Tarar, a Pakistani Brigadier General, trained with American Rangers and Special Forces at Ft. Bragg, was as instrumental as Lech Walesa in bringing down the Soviet Union. Click here to read Full Article
Saudi Rulers Pour Money Into Arming Militants in Region by Finian Cunningham
Posted By: nrqazi On: 23/Aug/2013 Views:1493 Replies:0 
If Saudi rulers had more brains, they might be formidably dangerous. Even with lackluster intelligence assets, they are already causing enough havoc and bloodshed across the Middle East and North Africa regions, pouring millions-of-dollars-worth of weaponry into Al Qaeda and other Takfiri networks that are destroying once proud civilizations in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Libya through nihilistic Click here to read Full Article

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