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Jammers in the Assembly by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz Created On: 29/Oct/2014 Views: 952 Replies: 0 
Agha Siraj Durrani – the Speaker of the Sindh Assembly, according to a news report, has ordered installation of mobile jammers in the Assembly Hall as the cell phones of the august members of the assembly keep ringing thus distracting the proceedings of the assembly. Strange, and to me such an expenditure on the jammers would be totally unwarranted and a sheer waste of the public money. For, I do Click here to read Full Article

مودی حکومت کسی غلط فہمی میں نہ رہے ۔ عقیل خان
Posted By: AqeelKhan On: 28/Oct/2014 Views:918 Replies:0 
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Jobs in Saudi Arabia for fresh engineers
Posted By: nrqazi On: 24/Oct/2014 Views:2650 Replies:0 
Jobs in Saudi Arabia for fresh engineers Click here to read Full Article
مودی سرکار کے مسلمانوں پر مظالم ۔ ممتاز اعوان
Posted By: Mumtaz1 On: 23/Oct/2014 Views:1796 Replies:0 
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تاریخ کا جبر ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 23/Oct/2014 Views:992 Replies:0 
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انقلاب یا تبدیلی کیا ہے ؟ محمد عباس خان
Posted By: Muhammad_Abbas_Khan On: 21/Oct/2014 Views:1970 Replies:0 
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1973 Constitution by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 20/Oct/2014 Views:751 Replies:0 
Let me admit at the outset my COMPLETE incompetency at such legal, judicial and constitutional matters. I would, therefore, solicit the views of the more learned on my following queries: Click here to read Full Article
Latvian Pakistani Relations in Modern Period by M Abbas Khan Tashkent
Posted By: Muhammad_Abbas_Khan On: 16/Oct/2014 Views:1821 Replies:0 
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کھلی جنگ ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 16/Oct/2014 Views:1597 Replies:0 
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مھاراشڑ کا سیاسی منظر ۔ محمد آصف اقبال
Posted By: MAsif On: 16/Oct/2014 Views:1198 Replies:0 
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خلیفہ سوم حضرت عثمان غنیؓ ۔ علامہ پیر محمد تبسم
Posted By: MuhammadYaqoob On: 16/Oct/2014 Views:1929 Replies:0 
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