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Capitalist-technocratic psychopaths of imperialism vs. the psychopaths of Islamic State (IS) by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted Created On: 18/Feb/2015 Views: 2407 Replies: 0 
After failing to defeat the forces of Islamic State (ISor ISIS or ISIL, also known by its Arabic name Daish) in Iraq and Syria by massive aerial bombardments of the US and its Arab and Western allies, the American President, Barack Obama, has announced sending the American troops there for that purpose, again demonstrating his extraordinary trapeze abilities. Such escalation will inevitably lead Click here to read Full Article

QUID PRO QUO, DO GOOD AND HAVE GOOD Barrister Amjad Malik writes on an attack on French magazine and publishing cartoons
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 19/Jan/2015 Views:1720 Replies:0 
Muslim as well western countries are in the grip of latest stir caused by the attack on ‘charlie Ebdo’ a satirical magazine known for its slur and satire publishing cartoons considered to be anti Muslims. Previously Sam Bacile’s fiction on the life of Prophet and knighthood status granted to ‘Satanic Verses’ fame writer Salman Rushdie which created an uproar in the Islamic world though the stalw Click here to read Full Article
The Charlie Hebdo Affair in France: Is it a matter of defendable free speech or sadistic desecration and humiliation of Muslims by Fazal Rahman
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 14/Jan/2015 Views:2354 Replies:0 
During 2012, a desecrating, defaming, and slandering film against Prophet Muhammad, Islam, and Muslims-made in the US-sparked numerous angry riots in many Muslim countries, resulting in many deaths, injuries, and arrests. The current Charlie Hebdo affair in France is very similar in its nature and effects. This author had analyzed the nature and causes of the Muslim reactions to that film in his Click here to read Full Article
Global Peace and Conflict Management: Power Makes America Powerless by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 5/Dec/2014 Views:1349 Replies:0 
The global warriors have infested mankind with tyranny and transgression. The resulting corruption, cruelty and global disorder are widespread across the Iraq-Syrian war zones and go unchallenged. All tyrants get corrupted by their own tyranny. America needs to be wise, not a warrior empire in global political affairs. The US economy is bankrupt because of the decade-old wars in Afghanistan and Ir Click here to read Full Article
Global War on Terrorism is Killing Mankind: Why Soldiers Commit Suicide? by Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 5/Dec/2014 Views:1260 Replies:0 
We should be saddened but not shocked when we see the broken men and women return from battles overseas. We should be angry with those who send them to suffer and die in unnecessary wars. We should be angry with those who send them to kill so many people overseas for no purpose whatsoever. We should be afraid of the consequences of such a foolish and dangerous foreign policy. We should demand an e Click here to read Full Article
US air strikes in Syria driving anti-Assad groups to support Isis by Mona Mahmood
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 26/Nov/2014 Views:1666 Replies:0 
US air strikes in Syria are encouraging anti-regime fighters to forge alliances with or even defect to Islamic State (Isis), according to a series of interviews conducted by the Guardian. Fighters from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Islamic military groups are joining forces with Isis, which has gained control of swaths of Syria and Iraq and has beheaded six western hostages in the past few month Click here to read Full Article
Defeat of another super power in Afghanistan by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 21/Nov/2014 Views:1493 Replies:0 
In the 19th century, Great Game was played between Russia and Great Britain in the regions of Central Asia and Afghanistan. Durand Line was demarcated in 1893 during Abdur Rahman’s rule and Afghanistan was created as a second buffer State between the two competing powers. Afghanistan was ruled by King M. Zahir Shah from 1933 till 1973. Absolute monarchy in Afghanistan was transformed into constitu Click here to read Full Article
War and Peace: Western Leaders Terrorizing the Mankind by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 21/Nov/2014 Views:1319 Replies:0 
A “war of religion” is unfolding, with a view to justifying a global military crusade. In the inner consciousness of many Americans, the “holy crusade” against Muslims is justified. While President Obama may uphold freedom of religion, the US inquisitorial social order has institutionalized patterns of discrimination, prejudice and xenophobia directed against Muslims.” (Michel Chossudovsky, “Ame Click here to read Full Article
None Dare Call It A Defeat by Eric MargoliS
Posted By: nrqazi On: 13/Nov/2014 Views:2916 Replies:0 
Lord of our far-flung battle-line, Beneath whose awful Hand we hold Dominion over palm and pine— Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget! Far-called, our navies melt away; On dune and headland sinks the fire: Lo, all our pomp of yesterday Is one with Nineveh and Tyre! Judge of the Nations, spare us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget!” Rudyard Kipling “Recessional” Novembe Click here to read Full Article
The US War of Ideological Cleansing by Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 5/Nov/2014 Views:1692 Replies:0 
The US-led imperialists now have entered the Syria soil and started a new killing mission to add up more massacres, more destruction and more blood bath along with the killer regime of President Bashar al-Assad. The Syrian tyrant has already killed more than 200 thousands people over the last three years. Most of the victims are children, women and innocent civilians. His army has turned hundreds Click here to read Full Article
Global War and Peace: Insanity’s Quagmire by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 5/Nov/2014 Views:1581 Replies:0 
In a knowledge-based age, contemporary world is fraught with perpetuated violence and killings to undermine the sustainability of mankind’s future. Complex societal conflicts need rational and flexible strategies using men of new ideas, diplomacy and peaceful means to conflict management. War is not a prelude to peacemaking. The UNO is a failure in conflict prevention and peacemaking as was the L Click here to read Full Article

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