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Full Name: dr shabir choudhry
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Jihad is back on agenda - it is official

Dr Shabir Choudhry   21 July 2010


It might be terrorism elsewhere, but it is still ‘holy jihad’ in Kashmir. Despite being an important partner in so called ‘war on terrorism’, this is the real policy of Islamabad; and they make no attempt to even hide that.

This message was reiterated in very aggressively in a public rally held in Muzafarabad, Pakistani Occupied Kashmir, which was organized by United Jihad Council, a coalition of militant groups set up by ISI to fight India. The rally had full support of Pakistani Occupied Kashmir; and the Prime Minister of this territory Raja Farooq Haider Khan thundered: "Let me assure you that every home in Kashmir will become a bunker against India." Apart from that Syed Salahuddin, Chairman of UJC said:

"It is mandatory for every child in every street to wage war against India to bring it down to its knees."

Those who have interest in ascertaining as to why Krishna Qureshi talks failed have to look at timing of this message. This show of public strength in Muzaffarabad (in a place like Muzaffarabad they managed to muster around four thousand people) and strong resolve was demonstrated one day before the Indian delegation headed by Indian Minister for External Affairs S M Krishna was reaching Islamabad to begin dialogue to promote ‘peace’ and cooperation.

Also this strong stance has to be viewed in the context of recent unrest in the Valley, which Pakistan has very smartly ‘staged’ and made India defensive, especially on issue of human rights abuses. Furthermore, it has to be viewed in the context of the conflict between the two countries over the issue of Kishenganga Hydroelectric Project. Both countries after failing to resolve differences over this project have decided to refer it to Court of Arbitration.


On reaching Islamabad the Indian Minister for External Affairs S M Krishna said: “I am here with a message of peace and friendship. India wants to resolve all the issues with Pakistan through a process of dialogue”. But how could you hold a dialogue and have peace when guns are out and roaring on both sides of the LOC, in which innocent people perish?


I have been pointing out contradictions in the Pakistani policies on terrorism for a long time, but not much attention was given to this. I was the first to blow the whistle that Lashkar e Taiba, a declared terrorist group possessed huge piece of land in mountains near Muzaffarabad to continue indoctrination and training of militants that they could be used to advance cause of ‘jihad’. 


In a seminar organised by Interfaith International during eleventh session of the UN Human Rights Council on 10 June 2009, I said:


‘Moreover Lashker E Tayeba, a banned terrorist group has purchased a land of 200 kanals in district Muzaffarabad in Pakistani Administered Kashmir. This land transaction could only be done with the help of Pakistani establishment, as legally no Pakistani individual or organisation could purchase land in any part of the State. It is clear that Lashker E Tayeba is known for its terrorism and violence and could not be expected to run courses on peace studies, conflict resolution or human rights’.


This news was later on confirmed by a report of BBC, here is the web link:

Abbas Butt, Chairman of Kashmir National Party said, “There is no ambiguity in Pakistan’s policy on terrorism. If there is a bomb blast in Balochistan or any other part of Pakistan, even if carried out by a disgruntled Pakistani, it is terrorism. But if a bomb blast takes place in Srinagar, even when it is carried out by a Pakistani, Afghani, Egyptian or Bangladeshi who has been trained by Pakistan and sent across with weapons by them as well, it is surely a Jihad. Despite that if some countries don’t understand or don’t want to understand then it is not Pakistan’s fault.”

Anyhow, as expected the talks failed, because both delegations had different priorities. India’s priorities were an end to infiltration, terrorism and action against culprits of Mumbai carnage; and Pakistan’s priorities were human rights abuses in the Valley and issues related to water. As far as India’s priorities were concerned Pakistani government put their cards on table by facilitating a big rally in Muzaffarbad in which call of Jihad was reiterated. It was declared that jihad was must and India must be brought “down to its knees."

India had its reluctance to show any flexibility on issues related to the Kashmir dispute, whether that is water, human rights or future of the State. However, in view of many experts the Muzaffarabad event coupled with other activities coordinated by Pakistani establishment sealed the fate of the dialogue before even it started.

In view of some experts, India is not too keen to negotiate any deal with leaders who have no power to deliver, as Pakistan has more than one centre of power. It is difficult to tell who actually holds power: is it the President, the Prime Minister, the Parliament or the army. Despite the civilian outlook many believe it is the army which calls shots in foreign affairs, especially related to India, Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Ayesha Siddiqa, an expert on defence related issues commented, ‘Shah Mehmood Qureshi was not keen to be viewed by the military establishment at home as being soft on India….. The military's top management neither took ownership of Musharraf's peace initiative nor did it agree with his proposals on the Kashmir dispute.’  Shah Mehmood Qureshi enjoys ‘cordial relations’ with the army top brass, and he had to show that, unlike President Zardari, he was tough when it comes to dealing with India

Pakistan’s tussle with India is no longer only related to water, Siachin Glacier, Sir Crick, terrorism, infiltration and future of the State of Jammu and Kashmir; but they are also actively confronting each other in Afghanistan. Both India and Pakistan know that America and other forces of occupation will have to leave one day, and both countries are competing to fill in the vacuum.

Future, stability and type of government in Afghanistan is of great interest to both countries. India doesn’t like extremism or Taliban like government in Afghanistan, but if Taliban are defeated and there is ‘stability’ in Afghanistan with a pro Pakistan government,  then many experts think hordes of tribesmen will rush to Kashmir for Jihad, as they did in past. Also this will have tremendous impact on Indian plans for the region and especially Central Asia.

According to Indian claims infiltration has increased by 40%. Local people in Pakistani Administered Kashmir also confirm increased activities by Jihadi outfits, but exact percentage of infiltration could not be ascertained. Pakistan, of course, denies this charge, and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has strongly said: "Infiltration is not the policy of Pakistan or any intelligence agency of Pakistan.…But if there are individuals who have crossed over, deal with them firmly." 

Some Indian commentators read this statement in the following sense: ‘Pakistan will keep on sending terrorists across the LOC, and it is for India to decide how to deal with them’. It is believed, either Pakistan is unable or unwilling to comply with the demands of India with regard to terrorism and Mumbai carnage; and despite policy of non interference Pakistan will not stop infiltration of militants and jihad will continue in Kashmir.

This policy will not only throw a spanner in any peace talks, but it will also have disastrous impact on people of Jammu and Kashmir on both sides of the LOC. My request to those who have some say in policy making and its execution is, please stop this ‘blood trade’ in name of ‘jihad’. We people of Jammu and Kashmir have already suffered too much. Like anyone else we also want peace, stability and economic prosperity. We also want to live with dignity and honour and enjoy fruits of independence.


The kind of jihad you people have imposed on us will only make our lives worse. It provides an excuse to people in uniform to commit human rights abuses. In any case, Kashmir dispute is not a religious dispute. Don’t divide us in name of religion. This strategy will never win us independence; and we don’t want to be part of any country. Our struggle is for united and independent Jammu and Kashmir which could not be achieved in name of religion.


Writer is Director Diplomatic Committee of Kashmir National Party, political analyst and author of many books and booklets. Also he is Director Institute of


Dr Shabir Choudhry
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell.

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