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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
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Indian Fake List & Desire of Cashing OBL Killing

By Zaheerul Hassan



Osama Bin Ladin (OBL) killing made India crazy for cashing the situation of pressurizing and maligning Pakistan in terrorist activities like Mumbai Drama. In this regard she released a list of 50 "most-wanted fugitives" hiding in Pakistan. The list includes Dawood Ibrahim, 26/11, LeT founder Hafiz Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Wazhul Khan.  Indian authorities are habitual of dragging Pakistan in terrorism which can be judged from the name of that individual “Wazhul Khan” who is already on bail in India. Interestingly Wazhul Khan and his family admitted in an interview on various electronic channels   that they have never visited Pakistan and are not even involved in any kind of terrorist activities. Thus the ignorance of Indian intelligence agencies makes the “wanted list” furnished to Pakistan doubtful. In this context, we can simply say that Indian have lost the moral grounds to try Ajmal Kasab (already in the custody of Indian authorities in the case of Mumbai Drama). In fact New Delhi is trying to keep the issue of Mumbai Drama alive and always made an effort of involving Pakistani State agencies in Mumbai Drama. But she probably is not in the knowledge that on May 19, 2011 American leadership has acknowledged now that Pakistani leadership have probably not aware of presence of OBL in Abbottabad. The Killing OBL in a covert military operation undertaken by US Special Forces in Bilal Town near Abbottabad is indeed a significant development in the wake of war on terrorism (WoT). It’s an established fact that all peace loving people of the world including countries like Pakistan which have sacrificed precious lives and valuable property in its efforts to fight the menace of terrorism indicate firm resolve against terrorists. Unfortunately anti Pakistan elements including USA and India have used it as a propaganda tool to malign Pakistan. The implications of Osama’s killing inside Pakistan have been quite negative as the people of Pakistan felt that the sovereignty of their motherland has been violated and Pakistani leadership had not been informed in advance due to trust deficit between US and Pakistani officials /intelligence agencies. The nation awesomely perceived that the whole world appears to have forgotten over nightly the sacrifices made and losses suffered by Pakistan during WoT.     

U.S. and Indian media went ferociously aggressive projecting anti Pakistan themes directly targeting Pakistan Army and ISI. Indian propaganda hung around their past claims seeking credibility of their claims that Al-Qaeda leadership was hiding in Pakistan. They also shamelessly insinuated against Pak Army and ISI for their alleged involvement / complacency in Mumbai terror attacks. The probing techniques used by Indian media against Pakistan clearly indicate their desires to implicate Pakistan in terrorism.

      On the other hand US (Pakistan’s ally) used derogatory jargons against Pakistan in their arrogant commemoration of the OBL killing episode. They minced no words to repeat the same commando operation against high value targets found inside Pakistan in future and that operation would also be done without informing Pakistani leadership. US leadership and media demanded answers as to why OBL was found inside Pakistan and asked details of the support elements that made it possible for OBL to live in Abbottabad for such a long time. At the same time US financial aid was used to allure Pakistan to compromise national interests. Even offensive and disgusting media reports were released to take care of Pakistan’s nuclear assets. Resultantly Pak-US relations suffered a setback while enormous pressure was built relations on Pakistan’s military leadership who gave detailed briefing to the joint session of the parliament. Military leadership demonstrated veracity of honor and truthfulness suggesting to the political leadership to realize the threat to Pakistan’s sovereignty in the wake of criticality of Pak-US relations and challenges posed by WoT. Pakistan kept cooperating in WoT while others worked with a cut throat sense of competition. To malign Pakistan for its cooperation in WoT is totally unfair and people of Pakistan out rightly reject the same.

Sacrifices made by Pakistan and losses suffered during its efforts to fight the menace of terrorism cannot be forgotten overnight. Pakistan is a victim of terrorism and Al-Qaeda has been targeting and is still involved in suicide attacks in Pakistan. The recent suicide bombing at FC Training Centre, Charsada, KPK, is a case in point.

Parliament must decide the contours of Pak-US relations and give clear policy for the Armed Forces to follow. In this regards comprehensible rules of engagements and vivid direction of action must be given by the political leadership to allow the military and ISI to guard the national interests. The addresses of Air and ISI Chiefs to the Parliament are an eye opener for all of us and clearly reflect that foreign hand is involved in the terrorism. Here, I would like to say that Pakistani openly admitted their intelligence failures in the case of OBL but on the other hand world and NATO do accept from Americans to admit CIA, FBI and MI-6 failures too in the presence of al-Qaida network in America, occurrence of 9/11, 7/7 and provision of false information regarding WMD in Iraq.

Coming back to the Indian wishful thinking of cashing the prevailing regional situation I would only say that the New Delhi efforts of maligning Pakistan in terrorist activities has be terribly failed. Indian media too failed to hide the facts of fake list . According to Times of India, Khan is a man whose name features prominently among 50 alleged terrorists India wants from Pakistan is living in Mumbai and regularly reports to a court that gave him bail. Home Minister P. Chidambaram too acknowledged what the media described an embarrassing lapse but disowned responsibility for preparing the list.

Pakistan is front line ally in WoT and any malicious efforts to degrade and demean its Armed Forces and Intelligence Assets will be considered a deceitful act of Machiavellian scheming against Pakistan. It is also a known fact that India leaves no stone unturned to show Pakistan in bad light. Indian propaganda against Pakistan at this juncture of time is very damaging and would be damaging the ultimate cause of elimination of terrorism from the world.

 Reply:   Desire of Cashing OBL Killing
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (23/May/2011)

You know, there is God? He may prove it to you later if that list is fake or not because God does not think you should worship your gods in Pak Army more than Him by violating His orders to never lie.
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