"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Upon annexing the Kashmir valley in 1947, Indian government has pursued a multi-pronged strategy to retain Kashmir under its full control. The imperialistic strategy includes making the unwilling Kashmiris become a pro-India contingent taking dictates from New Delhi; foster animosity and hatred between Pakistanis and Kashmiris by splitting Pakistani-Kashmiri historico-cultural bonds; make Indians hate Kashmiris by painting then  in dirty colors through the media; keep the wedge intact; make the so-called Muslim India leaders oppose the freedom movement of the Kashmiris because these Muslims see a threat to their secured claims of privileges and profit shares on the strength of the number of Muslims in the Indian population.
Among all the features mentioned above, Indian strategists have achieved almost wholly all the objectives, except one but the efforts are still under way and India hopes to achieve that as well. That is splitting Pakistani-Kashmiri bonds and already seeds are sworn by India in the name of CBMs for “cross-border-trade'. Pakistan still demands, officially, that Kashmir issue be resolved first in order to ensure “close' relations between India and Pakistan. India seems to have pulled the strings in Washington to see that Pakistan sheds its “Kashmir baggage. But the bonds between the Pakistanis and Kashmiris are so deep and strong that India will find it extremely difficult and all her efforts will remain fruitless and the strategists remain frustrated.
Pakistan's relations with Kashmir have a very long cultural history. When Pakistan gained independence form India, Kashmir was annexed and being occupied, since then, by India. While Pakistan occupied Kashmir has an independent cabinet with a premier, India has made the major Kashmir a part of Indian Union and conveniently converted into a cantonment.
With the Rise of Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani as the new center of power politics in Pakistan, the noisy political scene in Pakistan has been on the decrease. Kashmir remains the central foreign policy issue of Pakistan and the new premier has reiterated the country's position. After assuming power in Islamabad, Prime Minister Gilani assured the Kashmiris that their sacrifices will not go waste and the lingering dispute will be resolved according to their aspirations. Addressing the National Assembly after getting a unanimous vote of confidence, Gilani said: "We will promote peace and brotherhood with neighboring countries." He added that the government would take forward the process of negotiations to seek resolution on Kashmir issue.
There has a feeling both in Pakistan and Kashmir that recently the government of Pakistan has diluted its stand on Kashmir.  The statement of PP leader Zardari that Kashmir should not be made a hostage to Indo-Pakistan ties. But the whole world knows India does not think well of Pakistan, Kashmir and Muslims in general.
Pakistan might, rightly, think of involving all Muslim nations in the timely resolution of Kashmir freedom issue. A leader who has seen the entire gamut of Indo-Pakistan politics with regard to re-independence of Kashmir, Gilani has made it clear that the ongoing Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) would only be effective if the issue were seen getting resolved according to the aspirations of Kashmiris and international principles.
Prime Minister Gilani on April 24 said Pakistan is committed to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to its Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle for self determination. Talking to Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Atique Ahmad Khan at PM Secretariat, Prime Minister Gilani said the government would continue to support Kashmiris' cause till the resolution of the dispute.
The Prime Minister reiterated the government's commitment and fullest support to the people of Kashmir for their right to self-determination. He said peace, stability and development in the region could only be achieved through the resolution of all outstanding issues including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir. The dispute needs to be resolved in accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiri people as enshrined in the United Nation Resolutions.
The Prime Minister said the government of Pakistan despite economic constraints would extend all possible help to AJK for its infrastructure and other social development projects in order to improve the living standard of people. Sardar Atique Ahmad Khan congratulated the Prime Minister on assuming charge of his office. He appreciated the support by the people and the government of Pakistan towards resolution of long standing Kashmir dispute. He also lauded the government of Pakistan's support for the development projects in AJK and also for the reconstruction efforts.
The Prime Minister said the government would strengthen its ties with the Islamic countries. He said the basis of country's foreign policy would be peace, solidarity and peaceful coexistence. He said Pakistan keeps respects the solidarity of other nations and expects a similar treatment from other nations towards Pakistan. Gilani said Pakistan wants peaceful and strong Afghanistan and desired peace and prosperity in its neighborhood.
Pakistan also desires close and friendly ties with Europe and USA. China has been a traditional and time-tested friend of Pakistan. Gilani said: "Pak-China friendship is higher than Himalayas and deeper than Indian Ocean. We will further strengthen our friendship with our exemplary friend." Perhaps USA, EU, Russia and China could take up the Kashmiris cause in a friendly manner at UN and UNSC to assert the resolve of the Kashmir people to get back their sovereignty form India. Meanwhile, without losing time further India must seriously consider revise its imperialistic policy and grant independence bck to Kashmir.
Analyst, Researcher & Commentator
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