I think your one point is not implementable/practical, with rest
"NO MNA or MPA Should be declared elected if the total number of votes cast in the constituency is less than 60% for MNA and 70% for MPA and at least 50% + Votes from the votes cast for all the MEMBERS.. "
the above mentioned point is not practical bcoz firstly even in America on many seats there is always very close fight and some tie the percentage of votes for each candidate is 51-49%.
secondly at the moment the casting %age of votes is very low, in last election overall average was 44%, i think, so i think increase in voting %age to 60% will take 5-10 years.
the penalty of breaking the constitution is death i think, by law in Pakistan, but the only problem is the implementation of law.
but i agree with you that any one who breaks the constitution should not be spared.
why we should not use CNG?scr
Replied by(
Replied on (24/Jan/2007)
In my recent trip to USA I noticed that, IN North America AutoShow andin Advertisments, with great zeal Automobile manufacturers, in Europe specially in UK and In North America specially in
In my recent trip to USA I noticed that, IN North America AutoShow andin Advertisments, with great zeal Automobile manufacturers, in Europe specially in UK and In North America specially in USA< Automobile makers advertise Mostly Hybrid cars which are mostly Electric and Fuel run cars, no need of recharging their electric batteries from any electric socket, they start on fuel and then their fuel starts the generator/motor which produces power and in many cases this technology doubles the Average Miles/kilometer driven per Gallon/Liter.
"¢ I think we are wasting our natural resource of GAS buy burning at into Cars as fuel.
"¢ WE have Spent Huge foreign exchange on CNG Refueling Station (100,000 Euro +) (No Custom Duty Charged on it)
"¢ We also have Spent a huge sum of Foreign Exchange ON Importing CNG Car Kits (NO Custom Duty Charged on IT)
"¢ The Gas we are burning to run cars should be used in our houses and industry.
"¢ We should make every possible effort to deliver Gas to all the villages and specially the northern areas, the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Region, FATA, PATA and all the other areas of Pakistan where Gas is not available and wood is used,
"¢ In this way not only new technology will come into Pakistan, We will also be able to Cut down the rate of distortion of the jungles which is very high in Pakistan.
"¢ We Should consider importing Gas from China and giving it to Gilgit and the vicinity.
"¢ Govt CAN give some Tax Holiday like they gave on CNG car kits and CNG refueling Plants to make this technology a success in Pakistan.
"¢ Govt can also think of giving some Custom duty Reduction in importing the Hybrid Cars in Pakistan. These cars not only give better mileage they are also good for environment.
I think the USe of HyBrid Cars (Fuel and Electric) can change the way Poor live without Gas and Electricity in Almost 60-70% Areas of Pakistan.
Muhammad Tawaqul Ch