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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Whither Pakistan?

(Anti-Islamic Strategic Coalition in Pakistan)

- By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal




Today one really does not know what exactly has been going on in Jinnah’s Pakistan and one has to just believe how the global media narrate the stories to suit their goals in pursuing the interests of their hawkish masters. Perhaps Jinnah had not chosen the right people then for the new Islamic nation he wanted to establish. But it looks strange that Pakistan, which came into existence to protect Muslims and promote their interests inside and worldwide, is killing Muslims in side the country desperately. By calling the victims as “terrorists” Pakistan is also, like Israel, India, USA and UK, keen to take all credits for the destruction of Muslims inside Pakistan. One could call this anamoly as irony of Islamabad’s destiny.


The anti-Islamic world proudly swears that Pakistan is on its way towards total disorder crippled by its greed for extra US dollars equipped with the global terrorists are desperately killing the Muslims by calling them terrorists so that USA, UK and India would concede a position that Pakistan is indeed “is doing enough”. The long-standing struggle in Pakistan has been going on for years already and GSTs (Global State terrorists) are killing the innocent Muslims. The presence of US-UK-India in Pakistan has empowered Pakistani leadership to sue Pakistan as a battle field to appease Americans for payments. Pakistan thinks it cannot exist without US dirty dollars.


Extreme fluctuations in war scenario in Pakistan does not allow for the possible development of the situation in Pakistan. In the trade-off with the Taliban in February 2009, the government legalized the Shariat law in North Waziristan, which the Islamic radicals required. Now they break the truce agreement, which they signed. It is not the Taliban, but the Pakistani government that is presumably responsible for the disruption of the talks. Pakistani troops have recently begun to intensify their activities in the north-west of the nation, in Waziristan, because the US government required so. The Taliban, in their turn, only needed a reason to resume the combat action against Islamabad. The movement seeks more independence from the government of Pakistan. Consequently, both the government and the movement are interested in escalating the situation.


One does not know why the Zardari-Gilani combine agreed to Islamization of Swat in the first place, if the Muslims there have to be killed later. The essence of the Pakistani standoff is not only about the difference of ideologies of the Pakistani government and the Islamic radicals. All of them can be described as people who know how to wage wars. To put it in a nutshell, they can only promote destruction offering nothing else in return. Civil war has resumed in Pakistan. On June 30, the Taliban from the Province of North Waziristan broke the agreement signed in February of 2009 with the government of the nation and resumed military actions.



One also does not know what the Pakistani elites seek being Muslims and what their media search from the West for Islamabad! The government of Pakistan has not done anything to improve common people’s lives. The Taliban used people’s protests in 2006 to announce the establishment of their own state in Waziristan. The movement symbolizes struggle against the central government for the local population. The people view the government as the source of all their problems.” Like its strategic partners in Islamic slaughter in Islamic nations, Pakistan also claim all those whom they are killing mercilessly are “terrorists” and US plus India made,  forgetting that Muslims are not supposed to kill each other, The Pashtuns who reside in the problematic zones present the united front, and it is very hard to split them. The population of those districts supports the Taliban unanimously.


Islamic world is made to look to Western civilization for advice and guidance and Pakistan is a case in point. The whole burden of all this terror war is to deny the Muslims any opportunity for establishment of Islamic societies a by following Sharia’. As a result, even many so-called educated Muslims oppose Sharia’ suggesting updating Holy Quran and follow the Western money making strategies to make the best use of one’s existence in this material world. Pakistan’s genocides of Muslims only strengthen the anti-Islamic derives of even Muslims and that is indeed a tragedy modern Islamic world.



Finally, reports suggest, the Pakistan’s nukes & technology has already fallen into the hands of the global state terrorists led by the USA, as the terror forces of USA were quitting Iraq. And, where exactly Islamabad heading towards, if not for total dislocation! Islamabad seeks directions from Washington and other western capitals. The journalists have got used supporting American views and are concerned only about remittances from media hawks in their bank accounts as quickly as the weapons flying strategically from Washington to Islamabad (also from New Delhi arms depots?). They say Osama Laden is back around.




India claims all Pakistanis terrorists and cross border terrorists, while Pentagon-USA calls all global Muslims suspected terrorists; Pakistani government favors the American stand and possibly considers most of the Pakistani Muslims as terrorists. India knows it can kill any Muslim just by calling him first a terrorist. Democratic India kills Muslims in Kashmir to give credibility to its secular credentials and gain western support for nuclealrism, it does whatever it deems fit, but when Pakistani government also does the same with Muslims, the pro-India Kashmiris probably accept Indian slaughter of Kashmiris as their fate.


One does know if Pakistan has already fallen a failed state, as the Americans, Indians and their "strategic partners" scheming anti-Islamic strategies around, make the world believe, but the Islamic state has become a kind of funny state without any proper Islamic directions. Pro-India elements in Kashmir would feel satisfied now because they would argue an Islamic state that kills Muslims indoors cannot let Kashmir live freely. Pakistani government has lost its moral right to rule the Islamic country, even though they have some majority to do what ever they feel like until their term is over. 


Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Independent Researcher in International Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation in South Asia.

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