"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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U.S Presidential Elections and role of Al-Qaida and Taliban.


After 9/11 Al-Qaida and Taliban factor played a key role in winning and losing of candidates during U.S Presidential Elections.

According to experts and analysts taxpaying people of America only watch Presidential debates and different media sources for their decision to vote a candidate instead of making their own opinion based on logic.

On one side the U.S establishment and regime has highlighted Al-Qaida and Taliban via media as enemy No 1 and big threat to America while ground realities shows that Al-Qaida and Taliban always benefited [Al-Faida]the losing U.S Presidential candidates by  issuing audio video tape and even a tragedy like OsamaBinladan death pre plan drama.

Taxpaying people or common citizens of America are so much fouled by media campaign against Muslims [Islam phobia] Al-Qaida and Taliban threat in so called war on terror that they even attacked Sikhs Religion followers and their praying places inside different states of America the reason is that Sikhs Religion followers have turbine and beard similar to Al-Qaida and Taliban.

During last three terms after 9/11 Al-Qaida and Taliban factor played key role for the Zionists lobby favorite candidates by using Media as well as Al-Qaida and Taliban as puppets for achieving the goal.

After invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq during its first term George W Bush was very unpopular among Americans and before second term elections different independent surveys results showed that Bush is going to lose but suddenly a video tape of Al-Qaida head OsamaBinladan appeared in media just some days before elections. In this mentioned video tape Al-Qaida head OsamaBinladan threaten American people of another 9/11 and this was propagated on media all around the world. This becomes u turn for losing George W Bush because he in his speeches told Americans people that if you are not electing me [George W Bush] as President then Al-Qaida and Taliban will attack you once again. Thus the losing George W Bush won with the help of Al-Qaida and Taliban and its leader OsamaBinladan with whom the Bush family Bush group of companies and OsamaBinladan family Binladan group of companies are business partners.

Same situation is for the upcoming Presidential Elections between Obama and Romney where once again Al-Qaida and Taliban factor is going to play an important role for Obama . Before the Abbotabad pre plan drama of declaring OsamaBinlada dead and the latest attack by TTP on Malala Yousfazi at Swat the popularity of Obama was going very low according to different independent surveys. The reason of unpopularity of Obama according to mentioned different independent surveys that Obama during its first term promised the closing of notorious Guntanamobay prison as respect to Human rights but failed to do so in four years tenure. While the Abbotabad pre plan drama of declaring OsamaBinlada dead and the latest attack by TTP on Malala Yousfazi once again Al-Qaida and Taliban benefiting the Obama and It is hoped that He will win with the help of Al-Qaida and Taliban.

Al-Qaida and Taliban role for winning the losing candidate after 9/11 is a preplan strategy of zionists controlled American establishment and it is fact like bright day that Al-Qaida and Taliban are partners in justification of so called war on terrorism inside Afghanistan and Pakistan. Not only inside Afghanistan and Pakistan but even in Middle East Al-Qaida and Taliban always worked for America and Zionists interests. Latest and best proof is Syria where Al-Qaida and Taliban are fighting inside Syria by killing civilians and doing suicide attacks as partners with America its puppet Arab regimes for achieving Zionists interests. On one side American regime is saying that it is enemy of Al-Qaida and Taliban while on other side the same American regime helped Al-Qaida and Taliban fighters from Yemen,Saudi Arbia,Iraq,Pakistan Wazirstan  and Afghanistan by equipping them with arms and money with addition to giving media sources propaganda support by declaring them as free Syrian army. It is worth mentioning that Syria was declared as most peaceful and cultural heritage region by UNESCO, But Al-Qaida and Taliban with the help of America and Zionists lobby destroyed the Peace and heritage just to protect Israeli. While the Zionists controlled American and World Media is giving full coverage to foreign Al-Qaida and Taliban terrorists inside Syria as Free Syrian army while never showing the People movement started in Euorpe and America from last one year in the name of “Occupy Wall Street”.

The protestors of Occupy Wall Street has same opinion that 1 % powerful Zionists lobby is controlling and blackmailing Americans 99 % tax paying people and this 1% is responsible for worldwide terror.

Al-Qaida and Taliban not only benefiting America in ongoing Presidential Elections But always benefited its master for defaming Islam  and Al-Qaida should be name as [Al-Faida] beneficiary for U.S. If someone [readers] have still ambiguity and questions then they are advised to Watch this Video Link of U.S Sectary of State Hillry Clinton in social media

[Link Given   ]and it will be clear to them. American regime and Zionists lobby is very happy from Al-Qaida and Taliban [Al-Faida] as partner in so called war against terrorism for occupying different countries and killings innocent civilians. Once again well done Al-Qaida and Taliban [Al-Faida] for benefiting your master.


The End

Written By:-S   H  Bangash


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