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User Name: SHBangash
Full Name: S H Bangash
User since: 9/Dec/2010
No Of voices: 45
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“Muharram is the month during which the blood conquered the sword”. by S H Bangash
Posted By: SHBangash Created On: 11/Sep/2018 Views: 1445 Replies: 0 
Muharram, the first month of Islamic or Hijri Calendar, Muharram is one of the four months declared sacred in the Holy Qur'an. The other three months are Rajab, Dhul-Qi'da and Dhul-Hijja. Muharram brings along with it a feeling of great sadness and sorrow in the heart of every Muslim. It is a month in which we commemorate Imam Hussain's (A.S.) victory in martyrdom, a victory which has permanently Click here to read Full Article

Imam Raza contribution to Health & Hygiene Principles.
Posted By: SHBangash On: 28/Sep/2016 Views:3166 Replies:0 
Centuries ago. Hazrat Imam Ali Raza(a.s whose holy shrine is in Mashad Iran, the son of Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim(a.s) has contributed a lot to Health & Hygiene Principles with addition to working for Islam and Humanity. Click here to read Full Article
Shab-e-Barat SpecialEdition by S H Bangash
Posted By: SHBangash On: 9/Jun/2014 Views:2233 Replies:0 
Title:- "Importance of Shab-e-Barat". OR World is waiting for Justice". The Blessing Night between 14 and 15 shaban is also known as shab-e-barat(the night of mercy) celebrated all over the globe by muslims.According to some traditions on this night the timetable of work of the believers comes for whole year.While according to one of the prominent traditions according to muslim history this night Click here to read Full Article
Islam contribution to modern Science & Technology
Posted By: SHBangash On: 16/Jan/2014 Views:2339 Replies:0 
Islam always stressed on the seeking of knowledge & using of it for the welfare of humainty & society.In holy Quran the Holy Prophet(saww) is instructed by God to ask supplication Click here to read Full Article
کربلا ميں بچوں و خواتین کا کردار۔ ایس ایچ بنگش
Posted By: SHBangash On: 19/Nov/2012 Views:2614 Replies:0 
Influence and ideaology of Karbala is spreading day by day without any discrimination all over the globe.The main reason of this is that in Karbla movement the participations of all age groups is present like children,youth ,men women and even aged.So for all age groups ideal personality is present and they can live a life for the betterment of humanity and islam. Click here to read Full Article
امریکی صدارتی انتخابات اور القاعدہ ۔ ایس ایچ بنگش
Posted By: SHBangash On: 1/Nov/2012 Views:2787 Replies:0 
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حجتہ الواداع انسانی حقوق کامکمل چارٹر۔ایس ایچ بنگش
Posted By: SHBangash On: 23/Oct/2012 Views:2568 Replies:0 
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What Non-Muslims Scholars Say About Holy Prophet(pbuh). by S H Bangash.
Posted By: SHBangash On: 3/Oct/2012 Views:2816 Replies:0 
On one side the enemies of Humanity and Islam Especially Westren Countries are trying to insult the Mercy for Universe Holy Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) due to fear of Islamophobia.But they cannot hide the sun with one hand as Truth is ever lasting. Click here to read Full Article
The splitting of Kaba because of Ali(A.S); Eternal Miracle
Posted By: SHBangash On: 31/May/2012 Views:2893 Replies:0 
On the 13th of the month of Rajab, twenty-three years before the migration of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Hazrat Imam Ali(a.s)was born in the family of Abu Talib(a.s), the light of whom kindled the whole World. Kunaab Mecci narrates about his birth: "We and Abbas (Ibne Abdul Mutalib) were sitting together when suddenly we saw Hazrat Bibi Fatima(s.a) bint-e-Asad moving towards the Kaabah in the con Click here to read Full Article
A comparision of Women's Status in Islam & West ". by S H Bangash
Posted By: SHBangash On: 9/May/2012 Views:3225 Replies:0 
This is big question from readers & the leadership of Muslim Countries especially Pakistan that Let's decide the day/date regarding "Youma-e-Khawateen (Women's day ) to observe it on 20 Jamidul Sani(Birth anniversly of the Woman of Paradise "Khatoon e Jannat Bibi Fatima Zehra Click here to read Full Article
خواتین کامقام اسلام و مغرب کی نظر میں۔ایس ایچ بنگش
Posted By: SHBangash On: 9/May/2012 Views:2698 Replies:0 
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