"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
User since: 20/Jun/2009
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Indian Clever Pretension to Conduct Nuclear Test

(Dr. Anwar)


            The very purpose of every scientific inquiry and systematic study is to uncover the truth to enable the scientists to draw relevant conclusions. Hence, the testing instruments are prudently developed to withstand the rigors of the test and harshness of a scientific investigation. Nuclear scientists conduct extremely complex and serious researches. They simply cannot afford to bluff and cheat by reporting fake results for political reasons and personal advancement. Unfortunately Indian top nuclear scientists in May 1998 fell prey to temptations to claim that their nuclear tests at Pokharan-II were a success thereby edifying the political stature of the then Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee and building his image in Indian socio-political circle. Similarly Indian top nuclear scientist A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in recognition to his meritorious services rendered to successfully conduct nuclear tests, was rewarded to become the President of India. Who knew “Shining India” was actually growing dim casting shadows of doubts and speculation about its scientific investigation leading to nuclear testing device.

            The world would have never known the actual worth of Indian scientific prowess, had the juncture of signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) as a result of US nuclear deal with India not crept closer and or K. Santhanam, a senior scientist and Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO) representative at Pokhran-II, had not revealed that the yield of thermonuclear explosion was actually much below expectations and that May 1998 tests were perhaps more a “fizzle” rather than a big bang. In nuclear parlance, a test is described as a fizzle when it fails to meet the desired yield. In May 1998 Indian nuclear scientists had claimed 45 kilotons (KT) yield (15 KT from fission trigger and 30 KT from fusion process). Santhanam further suggested that Indian government should not sign the CTBT and that India needs to conduct more nuclear tests to perfect her nuclear device.

            Political parties including ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under whose patronage the tests were conducted, scientist community including the then Director General DRDO and political analysts including Professor Ajay Singh, & Professor S.K.Gupta have rejected Santhanam’s revelations asserting that May 1998 nuclear tests were indeed a success. Thus making the whole issue controversial and dubious, allowing the media to deliberate on options available to India.

            The question arises as to what motivated Santhanam to make an open statement on such a sensitive national issue? Was it the personal guilt of dishonesty which forced him to tell the truth after observing silence for 11 long years or was he acting as the voice of the hawkish elements of Indian establishment and scientific community? Pragmatism leads us to believe that Santhanam spoke in connivance with Indian policy makers. The aim is to develop an environment conducive enough to build a case for conducting more nuclear tests, enabling India to develop and fine tune a full-scale thermonuclear bomb. At the same time India will also cleverly avert signing of CTBT.

            Indian ambitions to dominate and control the resources of South Asia (SA) and regions beyond are increasingly growing while USA is encouraging India to cumulate her conventional and nuclear arsenals. India has become strategic partner with USA as she is being used as a counter weight against China. Indo-US deals to provide civilian nuclear technology to India and Indian recent plans to import military hardware worth $30 billion from USA by 2010, speak of the grand cooperation between the two countries. Selling military hardware to conflict prone countries like India is a superb US initiative to fight economic recession and fiscal depression at home. On the other hand India is determined to divert her resources on military build up grossly neglecting the miseries of poor people of India who commit suicides and sell their honors to get food stuff. Indian plans to raise its defence budget by 50% during 2009-2010 and recent launching of nuclear submarine with underwater ballistic missile capability clearly points towards the hegemonic designs of India.  

            Indians argue that their military build up and nuclear advancement is not Pakistan specific and make references to their national interests which go beyond South Asia. They talk of confronting neighboring China and cooperating with (later competing) Russia and USA. Recently Bharat Verma in his article published in Indian Defence Review claimed that China will attack India by 2012 and will divide into sub-states. If that be the real threat there was no need for Indian Army and Navy Chiefs to make objectionable statements that Pakistan has exceeded the minimum nuclear deterrence level. They also propagated along with US media that Pakistan has improved upon US version Harpoon missiles issued to Pakistan Navy for use by ground forces. Similarly Indian propaganda has been very systematic that Pakistan’s nuclear assets may fall in the hands of terrorists. Such hostile propaganda by Indian military and political leaders proves that Indian designs against Pakistan are perilous. Indian military and nuclear build up is also a great security threat for Pakistan. Hence prudence must be exercised to deal with US rhetoric that India is not a real threat to Pakistan. At the same time Indian clever designs to build a case for future nuclear tests must be projected to the world to show that India is simply creating an excuse to conduct more nuclear tests. USA must also note the deceitful attitude of Indian scientists who openly say that in 1998 their nuclear tests were a fizzle. To conduct nuclear business with Indian scientists will be dangerous knowing their fake reporting.     


 Reply:   Here is end Hindus Scientific Drama =That Nuke bomb Shakti was Fizzle !
Replied by(rchisty20099) Replied on (20/Sep/2009)

Here is end of Hindus Scientific Drama =That India second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device was Fizzle !!?? = 1998 Operation Shakti was Fizzle !!? = it is all that India do not want to sign CTBT ,NTP with USA –Nuke deal done by Bush Jr 2003 -2008 !!?? as In India two and more Leading scientist are putting there news ,views that this tests was fail and india required to do more nuke tests in Future !!??
Its science world 2009 , I think we can take the area shown of dust came up by Nuke tests , in NASA ,ESA satellite Pictures taken in 1998 , and we will measure the area of Dust came up in sky , then we will compare the dusts came up in USA Nuke tests , Russia ,France ,UK ,China , N.Korea Nuke Tests from past 60 years tests ,as I know that USA ,Russia did 50 Nuke test in down the earth , like What India did !!??
and there scientific data =like what was weight of Nuke bombs + we will take there Area of dust Came up , in satellite pictures , by this we will get Idea ,how much this 1998 Operation Shakti India Nuke test = secular Hindu Nuke test was successful !!??
As I know that Time all Hindi Media , Indian English news channels , shown to all Indian +World that we did successful this Nuke test 1998 !!?? I am absolutely sure that this nuke test data =Scientific data ! was given in Indian leading Journals also, related to Nuke , Physics ,Thermal power !!?? as scientific publication of A class !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 02-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC, ,National research council Canada = ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist ! ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology ( ) from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,

Note : Please I am getting (1) Complimentary NASA Magazine= NASA Tech Briefs = digital edition = NASA’s best new inventions , ,FROM COMSOL = (2) Defense Tech Briefs= digital edition . Also from COMSOL ,from past 2.5 years (3) Aerospace Manufacturing and Design electronic edition ,from Feb- 2009 . Its gift from Melody Berendt Circulation Director ,it have inside technology of Airplane ,space craft (4) Nature Photonics ,digital edition from nature publication group ,from past 2.0 years . (5) I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecturer FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals , these all are gift to my scientific brain , from these groups +NPG ,they know about above Resume =my scientific career , future .my real life social science case . , Ruhel date 17-05-2009 Udaipur –Raj India .
Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate
even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!??
we are facing harassment in our birth nation =Hindu democratic nation ,then ME=GULF countries also !! to get progress , career , prospects in USA ,EUROPE , from India and me… please if I can not got job in USA ,EUROPE ,from India ,ME=GULF , then who !!???????? from past 8 years !!???? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror and this Hindus government given me again forced unemployed from Jan 2009 to 2009 August =8 Months continuous , due to my work against Hindu terror and against Al-Quida !! Ruhel Date 26-08-2009
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Ruhel 26-01-2009 , Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel .
It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like
Note : (1 ) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at ,
(2) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ( ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program ,
But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(3) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) .
she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .

ACCOMPLISHMENT : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 ( , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (, ) ,all organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .

(3.1) Please I have recommendation from respected , Kate Day ( =Assistant Director for Administration , Illinois Sustainable Technology centre , Tel =217-333-8943 , “that Your credential are impressive
(4) Please I have recommendation from respected Jorgen G Wedoe ( =recruitment officer , Norwegian Refugee council ) Tel =+47 91910820 , to apply for Jobs in .
(5) Please I have recommendation from , =Human resource help desk, United nations economic and social commission for Asia and pacific =UNESCAP , Tel=+66-2-288-2888, Fax =+61-2-288 2888 ,
to apply for, and ,
(6) Please I have a recommendation from respected Sarah Reybuck Technical Staffing at Rohm and Haas Company , that I have a fine record of achievement, and could make a positive contribution to Rohm and Haas Company and they encourage me to visit Careers Website at for future suitable openings at Rohm and Haas Company. please submit an electronic copy of my resume. It will then be available when you perform future database searches for specific talent. Ruhel date 26-12-2008 India
Note : Sir my first paper =abstract = New Gas chromatography instrument RChisty (P-15) at EAS selected by respected J.L. Martin ,Jr Exxon Mobil Biomedical sciences Inc ,( He was Chairman of GC And GC/MS Poster session ( 41st Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition New Jersey November 18-21, 2002 ,
While I got email from Prof J.D. Robert at Caltech ( , that your experience is indeed extensive . Ruhel date 05-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj India
I am getting two Free -Journals on Intelligence and FOIA , from one Respected , Dutch based legal Advisor and lecture FOIA ,And forensic intelligence researcher , who is editor of these Journals
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhel-
sensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro--
Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(Nano-
Tech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 7-
12 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US =
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 14-
15 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) =
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases & Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)=
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-أ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(3) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. =
(4) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ", ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .,
Note : While I got one email ,from Public Affairs Asia , =Nomination open for Gold standard Awards 2009 , , while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
SKILLS :-MS -word ,excel ,Office ,(have, "mine own" Personal Computer )From Dec, 2001 ,.
MSc-1992 Physical Chemistry + BSc -1990 , Physics chemistry Mathematics -MLSUniversity -Udaipur -RAJ India ,
Grade 75% (Physics-1989-BS), 79% (Optics-1989,BS), Approx 60% ( Electronics) ,69% (Magnetism and Electricity).(1989-BS),82% (Organic Chemistry-1988-BS) ,18th Position University (1989) =,
AWARDS :--Get International Merit Award of poetry , Poet of the Year for 2003,2002 ,2003 ,Hollywood ,Disney land
ACS (American Chemical Society )(Sub Div (Analytical Chemistry ,Computer - Chemistry, Organic Synthesis )
IUPAC (International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry )
Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=
INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF JOURNALS :- for 1 J.Analytical chemistry 2 J. Pharmaceutical 3J. Organic Synthesis 4 J.Medicinal Chemistry (with )
Passport Number:-E-6884179
Date Of Birth 26-08-1966
Single (Kid Mr. .F. Chisty)
ADDRESS :-(1st address=Home ): Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) .23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj ,India , My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,& Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home )
Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chistry) My Cell =Mobile =0091-9636919708
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty date 17-05-2009
Note: Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world . ,But after that they My today’s working company officials did not allowed me to join conference , even I want to join and meet leading innovative scientist , speakers those have papers there , I want to ask them jobs options for me in UK ,USA +Europe !! But my career in innovation , space ,defense ,forensic was badly destroy by today’s officials !!??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) , Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= & ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
But I like to thanks to SABIC Officials , those sent me all my dues which was discuss with me on 3rd Dec 2008 , it tell me that SaudiKayan ,is real part of SABIC . And SABIC This activity prove its among top rank in Global petrochemical companies .
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Note : Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 , Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan ,all organic analysis . its central Laboratory .

Note 4: Pl "I got one letter ,form Drug Discovery News – advisers ,that " A major industry group has agreed to sponsor me=Ruhel Chistry , subscription to Drug Discovery News.& I would benefit from the late breaking industry news found in Drug Discovery News ,
Note 5 : Pl I am getting two Journals from Nature Publishing Group (1) Nature Methods (2) Nature "reviews "Drug discovery ,from past 2.1 years at my Home address =23 AA Kishan Pole Udaipur Raj 313001 "India ,Tel=0091-294-2488521 ,and I am reading latest Brain discoveries +Brain disorder ,the research ,from these Journals !! Like , article "Research in situ " P- 887 , Nature "Methods , ,Vol .4 ,No 11 , November 2007 , Where you Given Picture of African Giant Pouched rats , which has been trained to detect landmines ,are also being trained to detect Mycobacterium - tuberculosis by the Apopo Program in Tanzania =Use of animal is very ,very cost effective !!?? (P-888)
Note 6: Pl I am getting digital issue of The Lancet Neurology ,from past 2 years , while I got this gift ,from Dr. Helen Frankish Editor, The Lancet Neurology at My email address = , for example , ,

Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email :, , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ( / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !

On date 07-05-2009 ,I given my Vote to congress Party =Dr Manmohan Singh ,Sonia Gandhi Party , its was for Member of Parliament ,for congress party government at Central level =New Delhi level ,so that they can control whole India , =MP at Udaipur ,I am giving my All votes to congress party ,from past 1983 to till now =2009 !
My Voter ID was =694, ward Number=24, part =83, Name =Ruhel , Vote ID Number =RJ/18/143/238028
Made on date 01-01-1995 , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 07-05-2009 Udaipur raj india

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10 Honest nation , USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates top 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,for my work to protect world environmental + global warming , Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work +it fear that ME =Gulf Muslims religion people will got rise over Indian =Hindu ,poor ,huge population !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption data in INDIA at Transparency international web !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,
I want to mention that once in will get USA ,Canada ,EU Citizenship +work there I will put my all money in Christen banks + will get interest of my saving money till I have money , bse from past 2009 Jan to till now 20 Sept 2009 , I am getting threat from Indian =Hindu +Muslims , that you are getting interest of your saving gin india only !!?? other nations =USA ,EU ++ UN =world bank are not providing !!??

From Feb. 2008 to Dec 2008 ,RAW==India intelligence= A Hindu terrorist organization, Used Indian living in Juabil ,Saudi Arabia specially muffseer apartment , one flat =6 Indian =Operator level , low profiles Indian + Indian working in Saudi Kayan 2200 =two thousand two hundred Indian = Upper level to lower level =G12 Upper to G3 lower , there was only 7=Seven Pakistani ,100 Indonesian , 100 Pilipino were hired in Saudi Kayan , for Jobs !! But from Jan 2008 it self these Indian start to torture me by Body rays ,brain voice 0,160 ,220 to 2500 Cps !!?? and night torture was also from 11.30 PM to 2.30 AM by Indian living in muffseer apartment , these Indian =Secular !!it was continuous from Jan 2008 to till December 2008 ,=whole 1 years !! every day torture By Indian in front of USA,UK ,Korean , China
, European ,Pakistani ,Local Saudi , Qatar ,Kuwaiti ,with out any shame =with think Indian are great !!
intension was clear that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A should do not have nay job in hand +no money !!?? should go back to Kalam ,Dr Manmohan Singh nation + live there unemployed +see the secular Indian !!??? + see the play of RAW =Hindu terrorist intelligence !!?? now I can say ,SABIC Should hire Pakistani , as 1000 ,1200 + Saudi governments , ,they have good records of Counter terrorism from Jan 2009 to till now , they are not like secular !! india which I seen +face in Saudi Arabia +india !!??there work against terrorist is accept world level !!?? proved work !!??
Saudi Kayan have 30 USA , 200 UK , 200 Europe , 100 Korean +2 China !!?? =working for Licensor = KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC , and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) , Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,
And forced -Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .
As Indian HR Agents –At Mumbai, Delhi having order from Hindus terrorists = Indian Politicians =BJP +Congress +Other Hindu Groups + Hindus Terrorist organizations =RAW,IB,MI,PMO –New Delhi !! that do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME =Gulf companies = ME-Gulf employers = ,SABIC ,Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas !!?? As its NOT liked by HINDU that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , can get Good salary ,Good Job in Petrochemical companies !!?? its same what my real life tell from 1990 to till now !! these people=RAM,IB,MI, PMO activities is same from 1998 to till now to use HR agents Mumbai !!?? =Its tell That What does Hindu=Indian Mean !!??
New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorists to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!?? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi Ruhel date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??

Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,( Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of India ) , ++ ++ Ruhel Chisty date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
=Pl, Indian constitution provide these ,Articles for backward class = 15(4) ,16(4) ,46,325,338,340,341,342, 366(2) &366(4) ,tell about =social ,economic and political liberty , 14,15,16 (1) ,17,29 ,38, ,46 , 325, 350, ,18, Pl article 16 = right of equaity of opportunity & Article (16(4) Tell about employment ,in government services (its empowered the States (Like Rajasthan ,Gujarat ,MP ++) , to reserve posts in favor of OBCs candidates !! Article 23 = Prohibitions of traffic human beings & forced labor ,(Fundamental right =Part 3 ,the constitute of india ) , Sir , Article 340 ,Tell that president of india( Partibah patil ) , may appoint a commission to investigate the condition of social and educational backward classes with in Indian territories ,& made recommendation to remove such difficulties and improve the condition , through Union & states != to eliminated inequalities in status ,facilities and opportunities, not only among individual but also amongst groups & Article 38 &46 =Directive principals of states - policy ( Part-4 ,The constitute of india ) , Article 46 tell ,The states shall promote ,with special care ,the educational and economic interests of weaker section of the people its included OBCs By article 16(4) ) & states shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitations . .. , article 334 grants reservation of seats and special representative , Article 335 grants special claims to services and posts , Article 16(4) , 320(4) , 333 ,tell 15% reservation for SCs ,7% for STs ,27% for OBCs in government jobs , articles 29,30 cultural & educational rights ,article 345,347 ,28(2) ,29(2) ,30(2) ,article 337 ,& ++ these are safe guard for socio-economic development & Justice for social ,economic & political equaity .& Article 21 =Right to life & Personal –Liberty =Freedom from arrest & Freedom from detention & freedom from Physical restraint ! sir did you think ,Rajasthan /Indian Government are full filling these =Freedom from detention !! I think I am Hostage from past 1991 to 2009 =18 years continuous & facing torture to Heinous extreme level & Facing –Humiliation !?Sir Indian constitution say that if any person , is discriminated on ground of any these mention articles , he can challenge such discrimination ,in court of laws & enforced his fundamental rights &any other constitutional rights ! Books (=Encyclopedia of Backward castes :Reservation (ST & OBCs) By M.L.Mathur ( Sr Research officer Ministry of social Justice & empowerment ,Government of india ) =ISBN:81-7835-069-6(Set)=4 Vol =3600 Indian rupees ,publisher =Kalpaz Publication ,C-30 satyawati Nagar ,Delhi 110052 Email & (Book =Social Justice and the Constitution of india ( with Ref ST’s /SC’s ) By C.B Raju (MA. LLB ,PhD ) =ISBN .81-8387-035-X), ,=Cost 695 Indian rupees ,2007 edition . Indian-Constitution made for to aim of establishing an egalitarian society and eradicating distribution of power ,in its several social sections ,to achieve goal of distribution of political administrative ,and economic power ,constitute of india was amended 85 =80+5 , Times during last 50 years .Sir Pl ,One survey told these data’s = Class I Officer in Government ministries Departments = 1980 OBCs = 303/11707 =2% ,&STc/SCs =7.18% ,Class II Officer = OBCs =1742/43803 =3.98% ,STs /SCs =5985=13.66% , Class III &IV Officers =OBCs =1502/17829 =8.19% STc /SCs =5518/17829 =30.95% ,,Now Autonomous bodies attached to Government of india , Class I officers =OBCs =4147/81325 =5.09% ,STs /SCs =5339/81325 =6.64% ,Class II Officers OBCs =59079/503337 =11.74% STc ,SCs= 91341/503337=18.16% , Class III &IV Officer =OBCs =67118/322984 =20.98% STc /SCs =67118/322984 =20.78% ,Now Public undertaking Class I Officers ,OBCs =3719/80994 =4.78% ,STc/SCs =3652=4.51% ,Class II Officers =OBCs =9.91% STc/SCs =18.74% ,Class III& IV Officers = OBCs= 15.77% STc/SCs =31.72% ,P-135 Vol-2 ,Encyclopedia of Back ward castes ,By M.L Mathur ISBN : 81-7835-269-9 (Vol -2) , ISBN :81-7835-069-6 (Set )
,This survey did by Government of india repot of Backward class commission ,New Delhi ,1980 ,(Vol-I&II) Appendix VIII , Statement No 1,P-92 ., sir Indian constitute article 39 (1-4) Tell that , every citizen of india ,have rights to got , good job to live satisfactory according to his education & experience & % In degrees !! rights of , good medicine ,job condition ,living condition , its also tell to state =Rajasthan , government ,that they should , provide me all facilities to live like human up to my education & experience & % of my education degrees ! P-191 ,Book ISBN:81-7487-277-9 By Pradeep Tripati , cost ~ 495 Indian rupees , , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

pl I read book =American social welfare institution ,=ISBN: 0-471-80195-X , written by Russel E .Smith & Dorothy Zietz ( Prof at Sacramento state college ,USA ) Which tell that “ 1st Freedman’s Bureau , put ,of Major General Oliver Otis Howard =A military Hero and openly pious man , in 1865 it self ! just after US Civil war ,B’se USA ,President was Mr Abraham Lincoln (Minority of USA=Negroe ), & Mr Oliver directed 10 districts , created by legislation with dignity and conviction under his supervision , Bureau develop ,numerous projects to provide relief for hungry ,schools and orphan asylums , for the young and literate , employment services , for the freedmen’s ,courts of justice , and legal aid for helping negroes , learn there rights of citizens , this is USA Did in 1865 it self =19 centaury =they develop federal welfare agency , while my this case to you is in 2007 from india those pass out 61 years of freedom !?? ,Pl note till today ,India do not have any prime minister =PM from Indian christen Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , date 06-05-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
When I got BSc result ,I was top student in whole University, Minorities –Indian christen ,Indian Muslims ,Indian Sikh 1990 !!
(1) Ruhel Chisty 70% Physics BSc ,68% BSc Chemistry ,applied for Physics MSc ,Chemistry MSc !
(its my real life case !)
(2) Miss Shehnaaz Hussein , 64.13 % BSc applied for MSc zoology ,Join MSc chemistry BN College , she is now in USA Chemistry scientist
(3) Oching Ombaka ,63.6% BSc Christen Kenya ,Applied MSc Chemistry ,now ,he is assistant professor in Kenya
(4) Mr. Nadeem Chisty ,60% BSc Applied MSc zoology !! now he is Associate professor in Rajasthan
(5) Mr. Inderjeet Singh =Sikh , Hindus , 59% BSc Join MSc chemistry , he is now scientist , in Indian Government ,as he got First class in MSc ,and due to his father was former army person ,=Solider .

Reason of Idly Years : Please , I faced forced unemployed ness from 2003 Feb. to 2008 Jan , By HR Agents of whole India those are working for ME =Gulf jobs = In this Secular nation !! I got selected in Chemists Jobs also in ME=Gulf like Kuwait for Chemist post at Kuwait Sulfuric acid company (its told by HR Agent ) ,I was selected by Its GM , Manager those were Original Arabic and citizen of Kuwait ,But HR agent told me after 20 days that post will filed by Local Kuwaiti as per new ruled of Government ! like that I got selected in Libya , Saudi Arabia , for chemist posts but HR Agents asked me money , 30,000 to 75,000 I was not having money ,so I kept forced unemployed ,torture, discriminated continuous 5 years from Feb. 2003 to 2008 Jan in India !? even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989, I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
Reason of Idly Years from 1999 July to 2001 : but HR Agents asked me money , I was not having money . even I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class – scientist ! have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in 1989 ,I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
The PMO –India having schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why
PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
while I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , is facing this nation Army =RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh office –Human dogs !! from past 1999 to till now 2009 31st July !! they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

(6) This PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also !! that why it ordered to its Human dogs =RAW,IB,MI ,CID to kidnapped my emails ,web +mail at my laptop !! while I am paying every month 600- 900 Indian rupees for Internet charge from my pocket !! from past 8 months ,its not from PMO !! them also this Hindu =PMO and its human dogs do not have shame to kidnapped my emails !!?? while , Dr Manmohan Singh worked in UN branch world bank for 10 to 20 years !! I think now EU ,USA ,UN people can understand the , Hindu , why these people have , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for Assam ,Kashmir ,AND Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 31-07-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001
While India have prime minister =Dr Manmohan Singh=congress party from 2003 to till now from past 6 years of my forced unemployed ness =My=Indian Minority scientist !! is this called secular party of Hindu india !!?? will world promote this Prime Minister +this congress party at UNGA ,UNSC ,EU ,USA level !!!?? Ruhel Date 15-07-2009
This Hindus nation do not have any scientist working against Al-Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist ! even not a single journalist =TV ,News papers , and this Prime minister = Dr Manmohan , keeping me forced unemployed from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to 2009 July till now=9 years !!?? by use of RAW,IB,MI =PMO , Satellites ,HR Agents in Mumbai !! he is doing all these b’se he is Hindus and I am minority ,who is NOT HINDU !!?? they KIDNAPPED my emails ,mail system , all emails , webs , ACS =American Chemical society career web !! New Scientist career web , guiding to HR Agents in Mumbai to do not sent my Resume at ME=Gulf companies =petrochemical Companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like

I got one mail from Control Engineering = Invitation to Join experts = e-Rewards ® Opinion panel


We recently sent you an invitation to join e-Rewards(R) Opinion Panel,
a leading global market research provider, and your participation is
critical. Here's why:

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Enroll today, and select two Welcome Gifts! Choose from movie
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If you haven't already done so, join now.

Thank you, we know your time is valuable.

Denise Moser
Product Marketing Director
Control Engineering

But when I try to fill this invitation from ,Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI,PMO did not allowed me to fill it , it try to fix my living nation name as USA , not INDIA , while I am at present in this poor ,Corrupt ,Hindu nation =India only !!?? an them not allowed to fill full Invitation from !!??

Hindu Terrorist , is doing research to make fool international organizations , like OSCE , those having codes to prevent spam’s , which required to fill by human hand , but these Hindu terrorist =PMO =Prime minister office of india human dogs , did work ahead to make fool this codes to prevent spam’s !! like it done in Interpol , Interpol system will put you work in spam if you sent from India=this Hindus nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 09-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got Interview scheduled for post =Director of process analytical development ,By Qun Li PhD , Chief Scientific officer - at ChemPartner, Shanghai –China , on 17th August 2009, 10.00 AM USA ,ACS National meeting National meeting , But I was not able to attend this Interview , as I am in INDIA ,Udaipur raj 313001, ! ,

And forced - Unemployed from Dec 2008 to till now 19-08-2009 !! But this call encourage me , my brain ,Life , a good from China . as its was for Good post at International level = Director of process analytical development ,Via ACS –Like international organization . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 19-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 Time : 11:45 AM .
Qun Li PhD ,have Papers in Neuroscience, Cancer , metabolic , Diseases , have 64 publications –scientific , have 5 reviews articles in Medicinal chemistry , drug discovery , 23 US patents , he is graduate ,MS ,PhD from Peking University China , and Post doc from Boston University .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror And poor’s Hindus Nation Think Tank ,Media , PMO =prime Minister office , Start to use its =Indian Muslims name =Sharuk Khan , Ajim Ji PremJi , Kalam used after 9/11-2001 as Tool to rise Hindus nation at International level that we have Indian Muslims those are not like Pakistan , ME =Gulf Muslims learn from us how to keep Muslims !!?? !!!?? so that all world Charity + Goods will come in Bag of India =Hindus Nation !!?? where 84.5% Are Hindu and Sikh !!!?? Ruhel Date 26-08-2009, as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is Indian Minority who is not Sikh and Hindu !!??

Russia have ,3909 to 28,000 Nuke weapons , Nuke warhead , But its separated parts Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia += do not have single Nuke war head ,space technology till now !! what does it tell , it tell that Russian was not keeping these people , in there Nuke ,Space ,defense programs =organizations , do not providing them jobs in Nuclear and space of Russia from the origin of Russia taken place !!?? that why they = Ukraine , Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Belarus , Georgia + do not have single , few scientists able to make Missiles , Satellites , Nuke Bombs !!??
That’s why they did like separate them self from Russia in 1990 !!?? and now they are free nation , have there own views ,own growth , Own life at international level they are not looking at Russia to get all basic things !!??
China signed , CTBT , in 1996 , BWC , and BTWC in 1984 , CWC in 1997 , and NTP in 1992 , But india did not signed any CTBT , NTP till now , 2009 ,25th august ,
China have 150 Nuke war head , india have 100 !!?? China have , DF -5A Missile =range 13,000 Km =ICBM ,
In 1966 -67 , Canada given CIRUS reactor , to India ,for Uranium and plutonium separation technique , for electricity in Poor India , But , in 1974 India did , nuclear explosion =called as Smiling Buddha , this test caused great international concern , and anger , particularly from Canada . which has supplied india , this power , and research reactor , for peaceful purpose only !! But India made Nuke war head =Nuke bomb !!?? then in 1998 India did second Nuke bomb test and thermo Nuclear device =called Opration Shakti = Muscle =arms Power !?
As Biological weapon produced =epidemic disease , =Infection , which can able to affect many , Human ,
Like , cholera , dysentery , typhoid , bubonic , plague , and anthrax , ++ hemorrhagic fever , +++,

While From India , in 1946 Muslims did like to separate them self from Hindus =So called secular Hindu !!?? they were having few scientists =Munir Ahmad Khan , Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan , Dr Abdul Salam , Dr I H Usmani , these all given to Pakistan the power of Nuke war head , Missiles , now space technology also !!??

Feb 1948 ,Founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah ,announced , The weak and defenseless in this world , invite aggregation from Others, The Best way , we can serve peace by , removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and , for that reason they can bully , or attack us , That Temptation can only be removed , if we can make our self , so strong ,that no body dare , entertain any aggregative design against us , Pakistan have come to stay , and no power on earth can destroy it . , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 ,Udaipur Raj INDIA .

Wikipedia tell That , Japan did human experiments on thousands Chinese , Korean , USA, other nationality , as well as Japanese criminals , =use of biochemical weapons , it also infected civilians by Plague infested food stuff , such as dumpling and vegetables , also supply , contaminated water =plague and cholera , virus supply to , 580,000 civilians=Biochemical weapons in 1937 to 1945 war , ,
(BWC =BTWC = Biological and Toxic weapon convention , CTBT =Comprehensive test ban treaty , NPT =Non proliferation Treaty, CWC = Chemical weapon convention , )

While My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life as Indian Minority =Christen tell that Hindu think that Indian Muslims , and christen do not have brain !!?? as they are living in Boundary of India =Hindu nation where all goods are for Hindu only ,all rules ,jobs , prospects are for Hindu only !!?? even this Hindu will move out side india =EU ,USA there also it =Hindu thin k like that only !!!??
China get Nuke power ,due to Russia , France got Nuke power due to UK , India got Nuke power due to Russia , Canada !!, Pakistan got Nuke power due to China , Israel got Nuke power due to France ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 25-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

while these Indian were torturing me=Ruhel Chisty =RChisty , up to extreme of inhuman level ,from past 11 months of my work – life + life in Saudi Arabia at SABIC =Saudi Kayan =Jubail industrial city as these people are there 40-50% of total work force !!?? this job I Join At January 2008 ,these people intension was clear that I =Ruhel Chisty should not have to job in hand ,and no -money in hand !!
The real face of India ,secular Hindus !!! The Sikh Terrorism =Second face of Hindu terrorism from 1978 to 1996 !! this terrorism was open at UN ,UNSC , Interpol ,DHS level up to 18 years continuous !!??
(1) did not stop Secular Hindus to hire Sikh in Defense , army as Official , Soldiers, that why BJP +Congress party =Indian Total Party given 30% of Indian defense =Army ,Navy ,Air force as Sikh =One Hindu Minority of india , its total population is 20 Million only !!
(2) Indian Police , also have 20 % Sikh In its Total India Police , here also Sikh Terrorism did not stop to hire Sikh =Hindu Minorities in Jobs !! in India =Hindus nation !!??
(3) RAW ,IB ,MI =Intelligence system of india also did not stop to hire Sikh in Jobs In india , that’s why RAW,IB,MI ,CID ,CBI having 20% - 40% its officials are from Sikh only !!??
(4) Canada ,UK ,USA ,EU , ++ 20% Citizen ships of India’s + H-1B visas are with Sikh only=Hindu Minority !! its tell that Sikh terrorism also did not able to stop Sikh to get Canadian ,UK ,USA ,EU Citizenships and jobs !!?? As it promoted by Indian Government =Secular Hindus government from past 66 years !!??
(5) The Sikh Terrorism , Also did not stop to get Jobs in Civil servants , =Sikh In Indian government that why 5 % to 10% Civil servants are Sikh only in India !!
But Kashmir ,Assam ,Indian Muslims ,Indian christen =Indian Non –Hindu Minorities NOT Allowed to get Jobs in India army ,Defense , Police ,Civil servants to get job there as due to problems of Kashmir ,Assam look to Indian government as terrorism activities !!
That why This Hindus Nation ,politicians =Innocent !!?? do not like to hire Kashmir ,Assam People , Indian Muslims ,Indian christen in 30% Job level ,these people have only 1% to 7% Jobs Lower Posts only !!!?? as they are Not Hindu ,And Hindu minority !!!?? =Jobs In Indian army ,Police , Intelligence =RAW ,IB,MI , Civil servants = IAS ,IPS +++ =Hindu s Nation !!?? while these people have 26 Million are Indian christen in india !! 130 Million Indian Muslims in india , Kashmiri are 50 Millions , Assam are 46 millions !! these people only have 1% to 7% Jobs that also ,low level =solider level ,not officials level !! but Sikh are Brigadier + caption , highest - Top ranks of India army ,Navy ,Air force are. were with Sikhs only ,, even Prime minister of india is also from Sikh from 2003 to till now 2009 August 27th !! !! Sikh terrorism also did not stop Sikh to get highest Jobs of Indian Government !!?? while non =NO of Indian Christen ,Indian Muslim got Indian Prime minister post till now + Indian highest Top defense ,Army , Navy Jobs also =NO from past 66 years of this Hindus nation freedoms !!??
What does it tell , is this is only due to Kashmir ,Assam problem posed By Hindus =Hindu media as terrorism activities of Indian Muslims + Indian Christen !!??

OR Something else !!?? Just Innocent Hindus nation =Innocent 82 +2.5 % =84.5 % Hindus /Sikhs =Hindu Minority = brains !!!??
Indra Gandhi was killed by Sikh terrorist only ,when she was prime minister of india in 1982 -1984 !!?? that also did not stop to hire Sikh in Army official Jobs = Top hire official jobs for work at India ,and Kashmir ,Assam !!?? to allow Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir , While these Indian government did not put any army rule in Punjab ,Hariyana !!!?? Like they have Army Rule in Assam ,Kashmir from past 30 years !!!?? Sikh were allowed to get Canada , UK ,USA , EU citizenships , more and more , from support of Indian Government ,But this support is not with Kashmir and Assam people as they are Not Hindu minority ,they are Indian Christen , Indian Muslims !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 27-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO ,CID-Rajputana , hijack =Kidnapped =Make hostage - my Laptop Linkdn account (20 days back ) Facebook account 3 months Back ,My ,Emails ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephone , Mail from 24th Dec 2008 to till now =31st August 2009 , !!! Its all to kept me forced unemployed + then discrimination ,torture ,Harassed !! like these Hindu terrorist done from 1999 Jan to 2001 Feb , 2003 Feb to 2008 Jan , then now from Dec 24th 2008 to till now =Total 9 years forced unemployed ,torture ,Discrimination , Harassed !! while I am paying per month 900 =Nine Hundred Indian rupees for internet Charge at My Laptop !!
=BSNL =Government of india enterprises !! I Made 400 Friends at Linkdn and 195 friends at Facebook all these networking destroy by Hindu terrorist +my time + brain work all finished by these Hindu terrorist !! I am surprise why UNSC ,UNGA is keeping India , as UN member ,why this nation is not getting warning from UN Higher officials ,concern my case +Orissa 2008 Christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarg 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 Genocides !!?? + my real life case from 1991 to till now ,Why this Hindu nation who had 310 million population in 1947 ,Now it have 1260 Millions population in 2009 !! 4.0 times population increased Just in 62 years , it will be , 6174 Million in 2071 , it will be , 6 billion Indian will be in 2100 !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 31-08-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister =Julia Gillard told that all students of Racial Attack ( Minor level .) will get back there whole fee =Refunded ,or And , will guaranty a seat in another college .
While In INDIA =Hindu Nation ,the victims of Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide , Assam , Kashmir 30 years forced Hindu Army ,Murder to 1,80000 innocent , mental cases 90,000 , forced unemployed by use of Kidnapped emails , mails ,mobile ,cell ,Telephone fax !!?? Forced destroy the business by use of Hindu army!!?? These all Victims are still crying for justice +Basic human rights ,from past 1 year to 7 years till now ,4th September 2009 !!??
Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!

While Australian Government deployed special Police force also at all places in Australia where racial attack taken place , they told they have zero tolerance in Such type of racial attack at Australia land !!??
This is real life difference between Western people And HINDUS !!?? whether its BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? for them Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims are not human , Hindus only human !! india all benefits for Hindus =secular Hindu only =RSS,BJP,VHP,Bdal ,congress party Hindus !!?? while Hindus army recently killed Innocent Kashmiri + Assam Human !!?? with out any reason !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 .

While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are doing all on life risk , they have penetrated there people in Taliban ,Al Quida for information to given to Drann , which is doing missile kill from past 1 =One year successfully and killed maximum Taliban ,Al-Quida leaders , there trainer ,teacher !!?? the all informer are Pakistani Human ,working on life risk as informer of terrorist to Drann ,
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

Pakistan as nation friend of USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now and 10,000 Era .
They are sending there army to support USA Army in Africa + where ever USA demand from Pakistan government , like Somalia , ++

(1) All Talented brain +rich Muslims shifted to Pakistan in 1950 it self , they were really talented that why they did not face these Hindus =Hindu like me =Age 43 years ,Birth 1966 !!??
(2) Its tell that Pakistan formation taken place due to Talented +rich Muslims only !!??
(3) In 1969 USA =CIA ,pentagon ,state department told to Pakistan government to made formation of Taliban to kill Russian Army ,those captured Afghanistan for Minerals + land !!?? by Tank ,Missile ,Bombs , Huge army force !!?? killing innocent Afghani , while taken place from 1969 to 1995 =25 years .
(4) As till Jehadii mentality ,None of afghani was able to kill Russian in real way !!?? so CIA ,decide to made group population of Taliban =Jehadii to kill Russian only !! there many people =Afgani ,Pakistani army were forced to live as jahhadii , forced to develop there kids as jehadii to get success with Russian invaders !!?? = forced ruler =forced army !! that’s why from 1970 to till 2009 Jan the Afgani +20% Pakistani were of Taliban mentality !!?? as they were kids when CIA start to use ISI ,Pakistani army to develop jehadii =Talabanii !!??
(5) From Jan 2009 to till now 2009 ,4 September , Pakistan army ,ISI given quality work ,Honest work ,serious work to eliminated all Taliban +Al Quida leaders + main brains .
It all prove that Pakistan Deserved all what ever possible in technology +economic ,
While one Hindus nation living far from Afghan border 5000 kms to 8000 kms , is taking 100% benefit of 9/11-2001 , it think it’s the point the Hindus +genetic poor quality Hindu can rise !!?? they start to given all possible ideas to USA =Bush Jr !! poor brain !!? that how to keep World Muslims learn from Gujarat 2002 ,Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chatrtisgrah 2007-2009 +Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A life !!?? how we people are keeping these +Assam +Kashmir people under forced Hindu rule !!= Brahma –Knowledge god one god on 680 Millions god goddess !!?? who enjoy the life from 1450 to 1946 !!?? the God goddess gene ,and Nobel prizes +Olympic medals from 1900 to till now = with Hindus names from these !!?? see these fingers !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 04-09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .
While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas, ,
She told about my above whole article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she did taken interview of Democratic President Bill Clinton ,USA , Interview of Japan leaders at Tokyo , Interview of prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Former Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 , she had written lot of article for The Dawn , The News ,International , she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)

East Timor (= forced 25 Years ) and Indonesia Army =Government
In compare to Assam ,Kashmir (=forced 30 years +++ ) And Hindu Government =Indian Government !!??? its for Open discussion about The difference in Hindu and Indonesia !!??

East Timor is christen rich Area , which faced 25 years forced Army rule from Indonesia +Portuguese !!?? it got freedom due to Australian government interfere (Major ), UN, USA,EU interfere (Minor) , It have One Nobel prize winner = 1996 =Jose Manuel Romos Horta , born 1949 at Dili Capital of East Timor , He was exiled =asked force to leave East Timor by Indonesian + Portuguese government both ,other wise threat of Kill to him by Army +Police +Intelligence agency !!??
His 4 =four brothers were killed by Army , his father was also exiled by Portuguese government , b’se these people were demanding free East Timor =Free nation ,Free life !!?? He has support from USA =America , who admire his political and his determination ,he reached to UNSC =UN security council at NY –USA also to Put his voice , concern ,East Timor innocent people killed =90,000 Murdered , 84,000 Excess death due to hunger and illness , (Benetech Human rights data )
He = Horta , play an important role in freedom of East Timor , after range of talks at UNSC ,UNGA ,USA ,EU delegates , and East Timor got freedom in 27th September 2002 ,from Indonesian Army + portages army both !!??
Now see the Hindu Nation =Indian Army , which is doing forced rule from past 30 years in Assam ,Kashmir , still it is continuous , , Prime minister Office New Delhi given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 70 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 60 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice at All christen genocide states= Orissa ,Karnataka , Gujarat ,Chhattisgarh after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face , even they do not want to compare with Indonesia army =Government it self !!?? while I know that Indonesia army =Government is Muslim government , but they are good in compare to these Hindu =Indian !!?? whether its Dr Manmohan Singh ,or Atal Bihari Vajpayee !!?? in real sense they are Good then these people + Hindu Think tank + Hindu ideology !!?? B’se these Indian Learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? like countries , But have dream to eat food with EU ,USA ,Delegate ,want to seat with them want seat with Think tank ,scholar of EU ,USA , but taking learning from Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar !!?? then why not this Hindu nation prime minister ,Scholar ,Army top official should eat food , Sudan ,Cambodia , Somalia , Niger , Myanmar Prime minister +Army people + make friendship with These peoples population , announced these nation as near and good friend of india !!?? read there News paper ,put there news India , learn from there Police ,News papers , Army , Brains , to got some thing from UN ,UNSC ,UNGA !!?? Why these Hindus want to take seat with EU ,USA delegates !!?? Not Only This My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life case against torture by Brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in Udaipur –Rajasthan 313001 ,313001 =INDIA , By Human society from 1991 to till now + Not only this forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to August 2009= 8 months, Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !!
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 06 -09-2009 , Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror
Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank, EU ,USA ,NATO , = Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !!
I want to urge UNSC =UN ,World Bank ,European Union , USA =White House ,pentagon ,NATO ,ME=Gulf , China , Japan ,Australia Please provide me Laser Gun X-56 , to shoot laser on these Indian Torture = Indian Terrorist body +brain !! these are doing torture to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A terrorist expert =At International Map ,

RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Indian Muslim =Kishan Pole street , those are doing Nigh torture to me up to abused level , from Jan 2009 to Till now =9th September 2009 ,and from 1991 to 2008 Jan !! =18 years ,
If UN permitted me I like to be taken Remand =3rd degree of India to these people also !!
these are doing these things from past 18 years Not only this , RAW,IB,MI ,CID-Rajputana ,PMO Trained Udaipur Hindu also , –Raj india 313001 ,313001 by use of Satellite technology , At Radio , TV free voice mode , Cell ,Mobile ,Tape recorder , and
I have doubt that may be RAW ,IB,MI, CID-Rajputan ,PMO used these Udaipur Indian Muslims ,Hindu or other city of India , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan , Afghanistan , so that these nation High lighted at International Map ,that Some Islamic terrorist did this ,in real that was done by RAW , Trained Udaipur Terrorist !!?? and India will use that Terror activities to Rise India !!?? I dough till now !!?? But It may be possible That Udaipur Raj 313001 ,313002 City Torture= Terrorist can be used like this !! as RAW , using Sikh community of Rajasthan -Pakistan border, Rajasthan Muslims also to do Bomb blast ,spy of Pakistan from many years !!?? at Pakistan Mosques + other !!?? kill to civil people !!=terror activities +Spy both !!??these things of to do spy came in News papers also ,in there auto biography like !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 09-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001 .

I got one Invitation be friend of , Respected Elihu Eli El =Chair precinct , District Maryland ,Democratic party , at Facebook ,by, Tel =301 906 1292 at my email , But I am not allowed by Hindu Terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO , to work on Facebook ,As its kidnapped by these Hindu terrorists from past 4-6 months back !!?? at This account I had 195=100+95 Friends , maximum of them were renowned =eminent ,like Geogre Miller ,US Congress ,
Paul Miller , Hamdan Mohamed UAE , Elizabeth Autumn Harvard , Steve Rathje , Corrogan R Vaughn , ++ these all were my friend at Facebook ,USA , but now I can not Work ,and enjoy Facebook !! even I will able then also Hindu Terrorist will do add something else in my note ,emails at Facebook !! that can be heart My image at International level !!?? as this India is Hindu nation ,controlling by Dr Manmohan Singh ,who sent 4 =four days later army in Orissa 2008 christen genocide ,Karnataka 2008 genocide ,chattisgarh genocide , !! whose army =Hindu Army are killing innocents in Assam and Kashmir from past 30 years !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 10-09-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001

New tactic developed by Indian HR Agents and RAW,IB MI =PMO =Hindus =Hindus terrorist to kept minorities person forced unemployed !!??
The walk in Interview ,call by SABIC ,But The forced Change done by Indian HR Agent !
(its my real life article !)
On Date 16-07-2009 I reached to Mumbai =800 Kms far from Udaipur Raj INDIA , to attend Walk in interview for Chemist Post Job ID =05104 , At SABIC =IBN ZAHR ,

I reached to JW Marriot Hotel , Vile Parle –(W) Juju Tara road , On date 18-07-2009 Time 8:00 AM
I wait for Walk In interview like other candidates ,there was 2 candidate for chemist those got Interview call letter ,by SABIC , 2 like me in Walk in interview !
I wait for interview till 12.05 PM from Morning 8.00 AM ,then one Indian HR =G Gheewal ,came to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
That you are calling for interview , I got inside , There was Ggheewal ,second brother was standing he was having my Resume + ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,memberships +All other certificates , he told me that I forwarded your resume SABIC =IBN ZAHR Officials ,they seen your resume +told me that as YOU=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Is SABIC past employee ,so you do not required Interview , as you worked 1 years SABIC QA Department ,so they will just ask about you =Ruhel Chisty at SABIC =Saudi Kayan and will send me selection letter ,direct , no need of interview !
But I have one question in my brain ,that same resume + Documents I sent to G.Geewala
On 24th June 2009 by =Indian FEDEX courier , C.N =542318792 ,
does it mean that these GGheewla HR people are not sending my Resume +documents to all Jobs I applied in ME =Gulf from Jan 2009 to till now !! as per order from RAW ,IB,MI =PMO =Hindu terrorist !!??
I applied to following Jobs from Jan 2009 to till now 20th July 2009
and sent courier =Indian FEDEX for each +applied through emails also !! This courier is highest costly in india and best of india !!??
(1) Laboratory engineers GG 02303 At Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge , I sent Courier = C.NO =542319035 On date 11-07-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(2) Lab Analyst =at QAFCO Job ID=GG 04101 , I sent Courier = C.NO =542318674 On date 20-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(3) Sr Lab Chemist =Ref No F-3415/KPR , at TAKREER =Abu Dhabi oil refining co , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858336 On date 10-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
(4) Chief Chemist at GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co . , I sent Courier = C.NO =539858082 on date 03-06-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at Smart Consultancy service Golwalla Bldg basement Nehru Road opp Vihar HotelSantacruz (E) Mumbai 55 .
(5) (5) Lab shift leader =at Qatar Gas , Job Id=49462628 , I sent Courier = C.NO =539859902 On date 07-04-2009 I Paid for this 75 Indian rupees to sent at ,Mumbai INDIA !!
Now I have doubt that all these Job application sent me to These Indian HR Agents = GGheewla + Smart Consultancy service + are not sending my resume to ME=Gulf employers = Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, QAFCO, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas , by order of RAW,IB,MI =PMO =Dr mammohan Singh office !!?? to keep me again forced unemployed like these Hindu kept me from 1999 to 2001 then 2003 to 2008 =8 years and then torture also !! I like mention here for what india is allowed for membership of UN all branched !! why they are not asking review ,put new terminology for India like poor, cruel ,corrupt nation !! for that these people allowed loan from world bank ,other EU Banks !!?? is these corrupt ,Hindu people deserved that !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-07-2009 Udaipur raj india 313001 .
Notable thing is india is controlled by Congress party =So called secular party= , !!)
Dr Manmohan Singh = is Prime Minister of india !!?? from 2003 to till now =6 years !!??
They are telling them self that they are not like BJP RSS,VHP ,Bdal =Hindu terrorist !! they are telling that congress party is good for Minorities !!?? But !!??
but I facing this party torture from past 1999 to till now = 10 years , from them 8 years forced unemployed ness ,torture !!??

I want to Put One interesting thing that =Dubai =UAE ,is Indian- company ,Whose Owner is south Indian Muslim , But taken education in USA from age 8 Year , and get citizenship of USA , he is Texas Citizen that also lone star area , he is Bush Jr Voter =A republican !!?? it’s chemistry supervisor is South India Hindu !!?? very , typical , Con , used to taken benefits of UAE , for own +company +his Hindu Nation =India rise !!??
This company few Top guy was did not wanted that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,should get Job in USA , and citizenship of there so They start to use its other Indian employee ,Like Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , to do some thing like that Ruhel chisty MRACI CChem A , should get stop to USA Job +Citizenship !! these were doing lot of criminal level activities at Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak
to get there told target by Juber Anwer =Charted account LTS Dubai !!?? these people used my two years work in Dubai to rise India =Hindu nation at USA Map !! by used my Name !!??? which liked Bush Jr =poor brain , worst reputation in his last time !!?? who given chance to India =Hindu nation as best + serious ,Honest nation !!?? Ruhel Chisty MARCI CChem A Date 12-09-2009 ,,13-09-2009 Time : 8:25 PM .

Note D : D-a : I meet one Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki , who was doing PhD –in economic ,from Janardan Rai Nagar, Rajasthan vidyapeeth , University , , , under guidance Dr MS Bapana , & I told him my all human right case ,concern continuous - forced un employed ness from past 4 years ! & I told him that I am applying to all jobs +I have 10 publications at international level ,included four to anti terror ,anti explosive I told him that my all publications are in USA, Canada ,only ! not in southern Asian countries !! & I shown him my all original BSc Position certificate ,BSc degree , All original published bulletin & I shown him my 75% in BSc physics ,82% Organic chemistry BSc 1988 + I shown him that I got 74 % in theory Physic While I got only 70% in practical 1988 BSc physics ! I shown him the invitation letter for speaker proposal ,from , & he taken this address emails ,web from me & I shown that I am getting free Journals nature , from past 1.6 years !
= Nature methods & nature –reviews =drug discovery ,I show him ~4 latest - copies of these journals 2006/2007 !! & I shown him my member ship certificate with ACS ,IUPAC ! &Invitation form Nobel House publishers , that ,may we publish your poetry world wide ? this email send to me by Nigel Hillary Publisher Poetry Division ,Nobel house UK , + Nomination letter for 2005-2006 edition of international Who’s who of professionals , all I shown him original , then I told him that my real uncle is former vice chancellor of JNU –New Delhi =its cover Indian all international policies ! & he is former member of national minority commission = www. =Human right organization ,India (mine real uncle) !! he know all about my case ,But till now he did not support me & did any thing form me !! I told him that India is under top corrupt nation ! then I given him my full case ,with my color picture ,with my sing & authorized him to handle my case at UN ,USA,EU level,
D-b : Them I told him that I am approved by UN officials to apply for UN Jobs in 2003 Dec /2004 Jan it self ! & I applied to ~340 UN Jobs even these Indian are not given me UN Jobs it self !! even I given my this uncle address for UN Jobs +other jobs !1 but still I am forced unemployed from past 4 years !! I told him that I know Indian constitute providing me many benefits as I am Indian minority & OBCs scientist ! then he ask me to given the email &telephone of UN Official those support me to apply for UN Jobs ! I given him = Haiyan Qian
, UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) ,Div for Public Economics and Public Administration, and Online Network in Public Admin & Finance (UNPAN) ,One UN Plaza, Room DC2-1712
New York, NY 10017 ,USA ,Tel: +1 212 963 3393 ,Fax: +1 212 963 9681
Email: ,Website:
& I told him , that I have two papers on Brain disorder also =Ruhel –Audio hallucination =Ruhel Scizophrenia ! & I told that I worked in International company +I shown him my old four international Jobs selection =Oman copper & I shown its Visa +air ticket original copy which is still with me !! & I shown him other Interview telegrams +fax ++ courier from Gulf companies =Original letters !
D-c : . I given him my Chemistry cover letter through email to send to his father in Tanzania ,he is there Chemistry professor in Tanzania university ,& I request him to ask him some research associate post in Tanzania university chemistry department, I send here my chemistry resume +Cover letter ,to Dear Hon. (Mr) Pius Y. Ng'wandu (Chairperson) (,,nmnzava@msthe.go.tze )
to , he is Tanzania UNESCO Chairperson & I send few emails concern my human right case ,to Tanzania Prime minister & UNESCO Tanzania , & Dear Edward N. Lowassa (, ) PM-Tanzania.) ,,, ,,,,,,, & to forward this case to UN secretary general & UNSC !! I asked him did he is getting my emails !! b’se I was/am thinking that its not reaching to other end !! where I am trying to send !! even UN ,USA,EU !! B’se against this nation Communal people !
D-d :Now Tanzanian student=Mr Juda Leonard Misaki finished his PhD & gone back to Tanzania ,his , his PhD Completed news came in Local news papers & University original magazines = on 27/28th Jan 2007 , ,

Bcc:,,, Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry , Ruhel Chisty , Ruhel Chistry ,
Dear Oelrich, Ivan ( Acting President of the Federation of American Scientists

RAW =A Hindu terrorist organization for Indian minorities it self =those are Non Hindu !!??
(Real Article : From My=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , real life )

RAW =Research analysis wing have killing activities for Indian Minorities ,scientific ,physics ,chemist , Scientists from past 30 years =Non Hindu =RAW is terrorist organization for we minorities also then Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,ME =Gulf =Specially UAE , Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Malaysia, And China +Assam +Kashmir !!??

1 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia : ( Its controlled by PMO= Dr Manmohan Singh!! from 2003 to till now ) )

RAW existence I face in Saudi Arabia =Jubail at Mufssir Apartment at My flat 1/11 Saudi Arabia

At My TV , from Feb 2008 to 2008 December, this Hindu terrorist organization was active there , its have power full satellite technology got from KGB =Russian International terrorist organization founded by Stalin !!??

RAW have ability from Satellite , to listen talk at Any place of Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,india !! ?? can see you in dark ,can see your dress in dark , can see you at depth of 20 feet inside Building ,can listen your talk there , with out any problem all through satellite technology !!?? can see you in Bath room , can see you in Bedroom in nigh =Dark night !!?? this much power is with Hindu Now !!?? =it control by Prime minister office Only !!?? it =RAW is not responsible to give answers of any question to any body else in India included Any Minister !!any Army officer !!??

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! (1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A

New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,

P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of

Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

Then in 2008 = again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world = federation of American scientist issued report on ,

RAW =is Hindu nation =India intelligence , made by Prime minister office , its developed to support Russian in Afghan war , by doing terrorist activities in Pakistan , by bomb blasts , to civilian , b’se Pakistan Was doing support to USA ,on War against Russia in Afghan , RAW was having full support of KGB = Russian intelligence , it established training camps in East Punjab , Indian Hold Kashmir , UP =Uttra Pradesh , Rajasthan , here all places RAW Agents trained for terrorist activities , to do at Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Shri Lanka ,

RAW have 35,000 agents in Pakistan in 1983-1993 , 12,000 in Sindh , 10,000 punjab , 8,000 north west

Frontier , 5,000 in Balochistan,

!!??specially from east Pakistan ,RAW Reached at East Pakistan in 1960 it self !!?? RAW Trained Mukti Bahini ,but also Arms to worker of Mukti Bahini in 1970 !!??

This report also tell that , RAW Staged the drama of hijacking of Indian air lines plane in 1971 which was proceeding to Lahore Pakistan the aim was , to , put blame on Kashmiri freedom fighters and put them bad name as terrorist at all world level !!??

Not only this about RAW ,Shri Lanka one leading news Paper =Daily Mirror , told that RAW , is playing heinous role in regional counties to destabilized them , having rise nursed and fortified to LTTE , =Liberation Tiger of Tamil eelam , ,this news paper mention that RAW ,employee are , bankrupt and spiritually barren , like Ravi Nair 1975 having , allegedly affair with other nation spy , and 2004 , Rabinder singh , he escaped to CIA =USA with copies of several highly confidential documents ,having affair with US embassy based female spent time in resorts at Delhi JAIPUR HIGH WAY !!??

RAW is doing one more work , in UK ,Canada ,USA , ME =Gulf ,on fighting against its separatist =Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikh , separatist , it getting annually 250 millions to counter these separatist in USA, Candaa, UK !!??

It doing illegal funding to Political candidates in USA in 1996 it given 46,000 $ illegal fund to Political candidates at USA , for federal election , the Indian , man caught was Lalit H Ghadia , who put in front of USA Court ,he accept that he worked through Indian embassy , and various Indian American organization ,

Balochistan chief minister , jam Mohammad told that, RAW =Indian intelligence , role can not be ruled out concern current terrorism activities in , Balochistan , he referred RAW has been running various terrorist camps , in Balochistan , each camp have 30 people those are getting 10,000 rupees monthly to each person from RAW !!??

RAW people are getting huge salaries , +from money from drugs +arms illegal !!??

about its = federation of American scientist ,which have 55 =Fifty five Nobel Laureates in its advisor board ,

Its do analysis ,advocacy , on science , technology and public policy specially on global security , specially on nations having Nuke power =Nuclear power !!??

( Parts from FAS + Ali Sukhanver =Pakistan based nation and international strategic and defense affair )

Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .

RAW was torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , at my TV by TV Free voice mode , and using its Indian population =those are 50% population of Jubail working in Petrochemical companies there !!? using Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!?? it was using Indian =Secular Hindu ,Indian Muslims at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,Riyadh ,Bahrain !!?? =these are 3.5 lacks in Population at Jubail =Saudi Arabia ,while there are 10,000 people of UK ,10000 people from USA ,10000 from South Korea , 5000 from China , 50,000 from Pakistan ,50,000 from Bangladesh , 50000 from Philippine in Jubail in front of these all Indian were torturing me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A at open level !!?? !!

B;se I am not Hindu =I am Minority !!??

while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC !! WMD =Weapon of mass destruction and Ruhel sensor 2002 ,IUPAC , =Against Bio chemical terror , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror

I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,

this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !!

2 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india , up to abused in terror level!! : (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

Udaipur Raj INDIA , Hindus Human society research=Torture ,on Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =Rchisty , Minority scientist ,By use of RAW + Satellite technology ,TV Free voice mode ,+0,160,220 cps Brain waves torture By order of RAW =PMO =Prime minister office India , going on from 1991 to 2009 ,18th September )

Hindu Defense -experiment , working for use of its huge population , training like as Bio robot by satellite + TV free voice mode At Udaipur Rajasthan INDIA 313001 ,313002, this city have 2.6 lacks are Hindu ,75,000 are Indian Muslim !! also fully supporting this torture to minority scientist=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , ,as these are Con ,poor ,Corrupt , !! AS THIS POOR NATION HAVE HUGE POPULATION=So huge BIO Robots for Hindu world !!??this Hindu nation have population 1.266 Billion =1266 Million in 2009 ,was having 310 Million in 1947 !! 2009 its 4.06 times of 1947 population ,it will be ,5139 Million in 2071 , It will be 20864.34 Million in 2133 !!?? =20.9 Billion !!?? Hindu Population =Indian population !!? a simple trick innovated by Hindu !!?? as these Hindu know that Canada, EU USA having rate of population increased is only 0 .3% !!?? so these Hindu =Indian will captured whole world in 2137 those having Kalam ,Sharuk Khan Nayak ,Amir Khan , M Agwani ,S Agwani ,Q Chisty , FK Nayak , like Indian Muslims +5000 Illiterate Indian Muslims from Kishan pole Udaipur =BJP =RSS Lover getting EU , NGOs $ ,to these poor Indian Muslims also !! !!?? Whole world will be part of Hindu world !!?? then You =All USA ,EU ,Australia ,Japan ,Korea, China ,ME =Gulf have to follow Hindu Police ,Hindu army ,Hindu Prime minister !!?? have to work on Hindu given quantum computer +internet !!?? have to live like Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A from 1991 to till now !!??This Hindu terrorist Organization =RAW , have one Indian Muslims = Dr MS Agwani ,

Who was teaching to Nation foreign affair Officials ,India , National Defense academic , upper level Hindu army people , National civil servants , from past 1955 to till now !! who is from Udaipur Raj india ,who is advisor to Prime minister ,president of india from 1964 to 2009 !! he also have full support to RAW and Udaipur Hindu society brain waves torture 0,160,220 cps from 1991 to till now ,18 September 2009 !!?? he is representing India at international level ,for diplomatic level +peace !!?? actually he is part of RAW ,IB,MI ,PMO as he have good relation ships of all former presidents Like Gayanni Jail Singh + Nelam snajev Reddy + Dr Manmohan Singh + Indra Gandhi as he was Prof in JNU ,and vice chancellor in JNU !!?? these type of profs ,advisors to PMO India are ,those fuel kill of Innocent Assam ,Kashmiri , Minorities at all india level =At all Hindu nation level as these type of Indian professors are getting good salaries +respected what RAW =Hindu terrorist organizations getting from prime ministers of this Hindu nation =India directly !!?? 250 Million $ annually to RAW for international activities only !!?? like this Hindu nation PMO providing fukll money to these types of JNU +Other universities professors also those deal with International affairs + diplomatic channels if this Hindu nation ,yes these may be Indian Muslims +Indian Sikh ,Pharisee + Indian Buddha !!??

Ruhel Chisty date 18-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india 313001

3 RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Dubai =UAE =International level !!?? (Its controlled by PMO=Atal Bihari Vajpayee =BJP =RSS =Hindu terrorists !! from 1990 to 2003 )

RAW was torturing me in Dubai also from Feb 2001 to 2003 Feb. by use of Indian living there in Dubai =LTS =Lone start technical service Dubai !!?? this company is Indian Company = torture by use of Tajuddin MR , Mobin Sheikh , AB Denil , Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver of LTS –Dubai , Open level torture , in Whole Dubai =UAE ,Abu Dhabi ,Sharahaha , Fujaraha ,By Brain waves ,voice 0,120,220 Cps , Body Ray !! open Level In front of EU ,USA ,Dubai people from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb !!?? Dubai ,and UAE having 70%-80% its population from India only , on 3rd Feb. 2001 ,Night 3.30 AM it self , Indian start to torture me by Brain waves 0,120,220 Cps ,Doer was Mubarak driver Indian -Tamil Muslims, he was stopped by One Arabic girl that we will not allowed this here !! then only he stop torture at Dubai Air port out side !! then on 4th Feb 2001 ,I was facing torture by Indian At ,Sharahaha -UAE that I was at Room of Shajaad for 1 days only !!?? then this Torture by Brain waves 0,120,220 cps was continuous from 5th Feb 2001 to 2003 5th Feb !!?? even there is USA ,EU ,Canada ,Australia +Local Dubai people are there =Arabic !!?? this is India !! this company having 80% of its staff from South India only !! from that 30% are Indian Tamil Muslims = Tajuddin MR, Sultan Ahamad Jamil =Driver, Mubarak

RAW was using its Population at ME =Gulf different countries and Indian embassies there !!?? to use its power at International level to prove Asian power !!?? =By Hindu terrorist organization !!?? like KGB was doing on innocent Russian people !!?

these people enjoying these things from 1991 to 2001 in Udaipur Raj India , and from 2008 23rd Jan in Bahrain , 2008, 24th Jan to 2008 ,16th dec in Jubail ,Riyadh =Saudi Arabia ,Indian did open torture by brain waves 0,160,220 cps , in front of 182 nations people =EU ,USA ,Korea ,Japan , Canada ++++Australia ++ as Jubail =KSA have 60% its population from india only ,those are working there in petrochemical companies !!?? then from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb in Dubai ,Abu Dhabi ,Shajarha , Oman , Ajman ,Fujarah , its was all open done by Indian !!?? while Udaipur Raj 313001 .02 INDIA was place for this research on Human !! it was Hindu defense research to use its Poverty rich ,corrupt Human population to produced , Ruhel Bipolar Disorder ,By 0,160,220 cps ,use of satellite technology + TV Free voice mode to guide to these Hindus , !!??

RAW = A Hindu terrorist organization in Udaipur Rajasthan india from 1991 to 2009 ,20th September It train Udaipur Human dogs Like Dog , trainer are training ,these people=RAW , given huge money to udaipur people =Hindu Muslims both, the money this Poor Hindu + Indian , got from NGOs in Europe +world bank –Japan +Korea + Germany ,France for ,Handicaps ,blind ,ill ,Mental !! and Distributed to Hindu +Kishan pole street like Indian Muslims 5000 Indian Muslims these are illiterate ,con even not educated up to 10 standard it self in Hindi medium But these are RAW ,=Indian terrorist organization faith full Human dogs !!??
In 1990 there was no good home in this street which can be confirmed by UN Satellite ,ESA ,NASA satellite pictures also !!?? But not these illiterate Indian Muslim having 5 story buildings , Government jobs +huge bank balance as these all support to RAW , =New idea = Bio robots , + these illiterate Indian Muslim like to give Vote to BJP + few congress also !!?? these can be used by RAW to do Bomb blast in Pakistan ,Shri lanka , + other part of world !! as these are also getting good per month amount from RAW = Hindu intelligence for its project =Bio robots from satellite technology !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 20-09-2009 ,These all points for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,UNGA , EU ,USA =FBI ,Europol !!??

Compare of ME =Gulf and India = Hindu =secular !!?? = Hindu Businessman =those look 9/11-2001 as magic to rise Indian =Secular = given many proof to Bush jr =poor Brain +Republicans !!??

I found that ME =Gulf (these are non Hindu =Non Indian ) people are best for Indian Minorities =Like me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , I had my first publication against Al-Quida ,Taliban from Dubai in 2002 -2003 =Ruhel Sensor =WMD , then My One environmental work Nominated for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 =UN awards =,
this work I done from Dubai 2001 to 2003 =2 Years , for that I Nominated for this award , by Dubai Government officials !! But from Feb 2003 to 2008 =Continuous 5 years Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO =Dr Manmohan Singh Human –dogs start to bark on me that your wrote against UN =UNGA , UNSC from Dubai !! it came to us =Hindu =Secular !!?? they 1.0 Billion Hindu=Secular start to rise voice at Bush Jr =republicans that we have some email from Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,that do not have by Dubai government which he wrote from Dubai !! the maximum voice rise by Udaipur Hindu +kishan pole Street Indian Muslims =secular By Brain waves 0,160,220 cps !!
(1) New dimension against terrorism (Bio Terrorism &Environmental (A
New Concept)),A new sensor-Ruhel Sensor ,
P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Then this Hindu =RAW,IB,MI ,PMO kept me forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 By use satellite technology =TV free voice mode ,Internet , Mobile ,Fax, Emails , Mail = by kidnapped these all !!??
while Indian government =Secular =Dr Manmohan Singh !! providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?
While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!??
While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim's !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= !!??
Then in 2008 =Again I reached to ME =Gulf =Saudi Arabia again I did my second publication against Al-Quida =Taliban from Saudi Arabia = Jubail =SABIC = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world

While this secular =Hindu =Dr Manmohan Singh =People =Human did , (In India =A Hindu nation ) = Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide , ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Victims still suffering from Justice , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? But this Hindu nation =India government is having no shame on its face ,

I want to put here the Transparency international Data about this poor ,Huge population ,world top corrupt nation =India !!
(1) Bribe payer index 2008 : it tell india score is 6.8 ,Russia is 5.9 Means in these nation , you have to pay bribe ,money for any work !! while Canada , UK , Japan ,USA they have 8.8 , 8.6 , 8.6 , 8.1 these nation people do not like bribe for any work !! they dislike , think like crime to asked for bribe !!??
(2) in 2008 rank for honesty , UK Name is at top 10, USA Top 18 , Singapore top 2 , UAE =United Arab Emirates 35 rank , from this nation =Dubai I did my publication against al-Quida , Taliban which selected at Canada = Ruhel Sensor , ,
it was against , Weapon of mass destruction ,Canada also is top in honesty ,
and this nation =Dubai government officials nominate me for Dubai International award 2004,2005,2006 =which is , UN Award = , award . they given my name at 126 Nominee at UN Nation web , this is called honest ,
for my work to protect world environmental + global warming ,
Kuwait ,Qatar , Oman , Saudi Arabia also have good honest there rank given by Transparency international ,is 40 , 45 , 55 ,80 , they are also best then this Hindu ,poor nation =India !!
My second publication against Al –Quida ,Taliban was from Saudi Arabia in 2008 , Ruhel New anti -chemical terror sensor 2008 , ,UK ,Against Chemical terror it selected at UK ,that is also top in honesty ,
Now see the RAW =Hindu terrorist talent , it =Human dogs hide all data of ME =Gulf countries concern Honesty , b’se this Hindu think that Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A will able to put many more thing +will be able to learn many points , way of work !! not only this Hindu =RAW , Hide all data about Indian police ,Army , Civil servants ,Politician corruption in INDIA !!?? while I know that TI = Transparency international given Indian police top corrupt organization , then Indian politician are second top corrupt ,then Indian Army officials s ,then Indian civil servants !!?,, these data are of 2008 Report of Transparency international , its same in 2007 ,2006,2005 !! always Indian police top corrupt organization !!??RAW =controller is Dr Manmohan Singh , but see One poor Hindu nation =Whose prime minister is Dr Manmohan Singh , this nation is do not have single scientist ,journalist who wrote about Al-Quida ,Taliban like international level and publication against them
!!?? this poor Hindu , using RAW =Hindu terrorist organization from past 1999 to till now to kept me forced unemployed !!?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 20-09-2009 Udaipur Raj india ,

This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!??
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,

Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed , 15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape ,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!?? while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55 years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him , they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing , but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!?? finally these people given kicked on his face and put him in blood and unconscious !!!??

Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda second top corrupt nation ,while India name was top one =First position in corruption !! here they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs, IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!?? Ruhel Date 15-09-2009

While the reality of Indian economic tycoon companies =IT Companies =6 companies like Satayam ,Wipro ++ is proved fraud by World bank it self !! these people were doing fraud with UN =World bank ,from past many years ,concern there share fake high values .=to rise company reputation ,at UN ,EU,USA level !!??
with use of providing money $=Doll oars =corruption , to audits agencies at four level=Internal audits ,external audits , then independent audits , then Government advisers based audits !!?? it included the Ministry of Finance India and its advisers , awards winners team from India !! those have like this work to do from India from past 63 years !!?? and are used to do like this only !!?? just by corruption , ??

As per Afghanistan foreign minister , None of Indian Journalist ,Indian military journalist, try to came in Afghanistan from 1970 to 1995 for News during Russia ,afghan war , for International news , those were fighting against Russian that time are today Taliban base ,only , those wife ,kids , families killed by Russian tank ,Plane , Bombs , House destroy , Business destroy , Future ,career , education all destroy by Russian Troops continuous 25 years !! and India do not have single Hindu ,Or Indian Muslim journalist who can write against these Russian killers 1970 -1995 !!
if Indian Journalist did not try to given even news , and any Indian Military Journalist , what ever news came to international media it came from USA ,EU Journalist not by any Indian Journalist ,if Indian can not given even single news , from Afghanistan ,from 1970 to 1995 =25 years continuous , then how can these Indian will support USA ,EU Concern war against Taliban ,against –Al –Quida !! I am not able to understand ,how the people believe that Indian can do any single help in this !!?? yes Indian can use Satellite ,which they are using in Assam ,Kashmir from past 20-30 years !!? yes , and life loss on Afghanistan journalism is 125 =100+25 , ,these all are USA,EU Journalist , !! Ruhel Chisty date 15-09-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India .

Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!

(12-e) Pl even , I sent 14 emails to Shashi Tharoor - his assistants (,,,,, ) from 2006 TO 2008 =Nominate for UN Secretary general - who was 2nd hot in elections !! & I - request to save my - career +life +brain from past 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture , discrimination !! what they did & what are the result !! ? while Mr. Shashi Tharoor was earning approx 40,000 $ per month salary till 2008 in UN from UN Job =he was aiming for highest post and salary of UN !!?? on Indian like these activities !!?? now also he is getting 25 ,000 $ per month pension from UN + other also !!?? while after that also these Indian people kept me force unemployed ness ,continuous 2 years , its intension was clear that Shashi Tharoor will be UN , Head ,and Ruhel Chisty have to be force unemployed ness ,torture ,discrimination , and Shashi Tharoor =India will be leader of World who will guide to world concern all, specially Human rights ,social science , technology ,honesty !!!?? notable things is that Shashi Tharoor promoted by Dr Manmohan Singh =India , for UN Head post in 2005,2006 !!?? And now 2009 Feb !!!?? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against Al-Quida and Taliban !!?? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !!!?? while my first publication against al-Quida was in 2003 at IUPAC, and second publication against Al Quida was in 15th April /March -2008 at RSC , ,from Saudi Arabia !! but what Indian are doing with my life +with my respected ,with my career ,prospect ,future !!?? these people are more dangerous then Iranian Fatwa to Rushdie !!?? Bangladeshi Fatwa to Tasleema Nasreen !!?? means Indian more dangerous then these two nations concern attempt to murder like this !!?? Ruhel date 22-02-2009 Udaipur –Raj .

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