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User Name: nrqazi
Full Name: Naeem Qazi
User since: 25/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 390
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Sometimes it's good to know, how the enemy sees us...Stable Pakistan not in India's interest by Bharat Verma
Posted By: nrqazi Created On: 12/Jun/2014 Views: 4046 Replies: 0 
Therefore, many have begun to propagate parting of Kashmir in their write-ups, since it does not belong individually to them. However, imagine the hue and cry if their personal property and family is held hostage by the terrorists. They will sing a different tune! Many conveniently propose the myth that a stable Pakistan is in India’s interest. This is a false proposition. The truth is that Pakis Click here to read Full Article

Re:Naizay pe bhee sir apna sarfraz rahey ga by Naeem Qazi
Posted By: nrqazi On: 4/Jun/2014 Views:1431 Replies:0 
My dear Hamid Mir Sahab. First of all, my sincere sympathies with you for the terrible experience you recently went through. Hope you are mending well. I recently came across your article on the subject , given at this link I know you are mashaAllah a serious journalist, so may not think that someone can advise you, I still Click here to read Full Article
Why urbanites need to worry about the rural,Toxic warfare on the farm by NAJMA SADEQUE
Posted By: nrqazi On: 6/May/2014 Views:1502 Replies:0 
When you smell the insecticide in the air, it is already getting into your lungs. When you eat the foods that has the insecticides on it, it is getting into your stomach and destroying your cells. The same goes for food plants that absorb the insecticides through their root system.” — Just one pained response of an affected rural in America where every third citizen is a cancer candidate — to repo Click here to read Full Article
Gwadar: on the cusp of greatness? by Naziha Syed Ali
Posted By: nrqazi On: 6/May/2014 Views:1572 Replies:0 
Gwadar now finds itself as a launching pad for big regional, if not global, ambitions based on the proposed Pak-China economic corridor. GWADAR: The Pearl Continental Gwadar, located on the hammerhead that defines this coastal town in southern Balochistan, is deserted on most days. Only a few of the hotel’s 114 rooms are being kept operational; instead of central air-conditioning, split ACs are i Click here to read Full Article
Men of substance
Posted By: nrqazi On: 2/May/2014 Views:1200 Replies:0 
Men of substance Click here to read Full Article
Hamid Mir all set to leave Pakistan – Will lead International campaign against ISI
Posted By: nrqazi On: 28/Apr/2014 Views:1576 Replies:0 
In his latest exclusive interview to BBC, Senior Geo Anchorperson Hamid Mir has substantiated PKKH’s findings about his plans to leave Pakistan in an arrangement being made by Asif Zardari on Washington orders. Defiant Mir has yet again blamed an ‘ISI’ within an ‘ISI’, yet again confirming our report which claimed the growing US demands to curb the activities of the Inter Services Intelligence. Click here to read Full Article
Did Hamid Mir Play Role In Khalid Khawaja’s Murder?
Posted By: nrqazi On: 28/Apr/2014 Views:1594 Replies:0 
Pakistani TV anchor and senior journalist Hamid Mir seems to have bitten off more than he can chew with the release of his recorded conversation with a close aide of Hakimullah Mehsud. The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence are said to be investigating what role Hamid Mir has played in the assasination of Retd Squadron Leader Khalid Khawaja, who was kidnapped by a shadowy outfit calling itself Click here to read Full Article
What made Christine Fair go ballistic on Pakistan by ANDREW JACOBSON
Posted By: nrqazi On: 7/Mar/2014 Views:1640 Replies:0 
A balanced and logical American expert on Pakistani affairs has again gone out on a limb to try and explain the complexity of Pakistan’s military strategy and security thought-process to an audience that apparently loves to bash Pakistan instead of aiding it in the War against Terrorism that America launched in the first place Waving the “Bakvas Flag”, Dr. Carol Christine Fair – an otherwis Click here to read Full Article
Who will help the police? by Naeem Sadiq
Posted By: nrqazi On: 15/Feb/2014 Views:1335 Replies:0 
27 policemen were killed in Karachi in the first month of this year. Another six lost their lives in the first 3 days of February. This is the highest number of policemen killed in any city of the world in any one month. Can any police force continue to function with such massive loss of lives? Clearly we are doing something that is blatantly inappropriate and unprofessional. It requires n Click here to read Full Article
A Professor With A Western Past Remakes Pakistan's Entrepreneurial Future
Posted By: nrqazi On: 6/Feb/2014 Views:1541 Replies:0 
Umar Saif has done a lot in his 35 years. A Pakistani, he earned his PhD in computer science from the University of Cambridge at 22. He began a post doctorate degree at MIT at an age when most of his peers – age wise – had not completed their bachelor’s degrees. He worked at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory where he was part of the core team that developed system te Click here to read Full Article
PM rejects summary for removal of USC managing director by Noor Aftab
Posted By: nrqazi On: 3/Feb/2014 Views:1372 Replies:0 
A summary for removal of Utility Stores Corporation (USC) Managing Director Khaqan Murtaza has been rejected by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on technical grounds, allowing the ‘beleaguered’ bureaucrat to continue his work in the face of uncongenial environment in his own department, sources said here on Sunday. Click here to read Full Article

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