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Rejoinder to Imtiaz Alam by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja Created On: 24/May/2016 Views: 1411 Replies: 0 
Imtiaz Alam is a senior journalist who writes articles and hosts programs on TV channels. He also heads SAFMA, a dubious organization which reportedly is sponsored by RAW. SAFMA in league with Aman ki Asha, another shady organization co-hosted by Jang-Geo Group and Indian media group is also patronized by RAW. The two have been working in tandem to improve Indo-Pakistan relations and to promote pe Click here to read Full Article

Bhutto Legend - Myth and Reality By Dr Asif Javed
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 17/Nov/2015 Views:2584 Replies:0 
"I feel that your services to Pakistan are indispensible. When the history of our country is written by objective historians, your name will be placed even before that of Mr. Jinnah." The writer of this infamous piece of consummate flattery was a young Z.A. Bhutto, and the recipient, Sikander Mirza, who should be in the political hall of shame, if one were ever to be erected in Pakistan. Balaw Click here to read Full Article
Attacks in Paris by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 16/Nov/2015 Views:1359 Replies:0 
The serenity of Paris was jolted on the night of November 13, 2015 by the noise of blazing guns and din of explosions. The rattle-tattle of the guns, explosions and sounds of police sirens/ambulances and shrieks of trapped people subdued the music beats in the theatre, shouts of the jeering lovers of soccer match and chatter in the restaurants. Fear and panic gripped the people. Eight gunmen weari Click here to read Full Article
Sharif to Obama ,a frank discussion by Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 13/Nov/2015 Views:2425 Replies:0 
Prime minister of Pakistan deserves applause on a very successful on target Presidential meeting with Barrack Obama on 22 October 2015. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's meeting with President Obama as civilian chief executive of Pakistan in itself is a big event and joining with interior , finance, foreign and defence minister is further to strengthen civilian rule in Pakistan. Joint communiqué is se Click here to read Full Article
Bye election should not be bye bye elections By Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 26/Oct/2015 Views:1476 Replies:0 
Amjad Malik writes on the bye election trend and 12 October lessons! I am writing on 12 October 2015 remembering the 16 years of past troubles and tribulations and claims and results on vows. 12th October reminds that 12th Oct comes every year & it is a testing day each year so work harder every year to unmake it a 'Black Day' so that Pakistanis can continue Enjoying democracy and that's the les Click here to read Full Article
Political under currents by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 14/Aug/2015 Views:2079 Replies:0 
Pakistan seems to have come out of political crisis created by PTI, Tahirul Qadri group and their political associates after the judicious ruling given by the judicial commission concerning charges of rigging in 2013 elections. It’s economic and energy woes are also being gradually surmounted. War on terror is in a decisive phase and has achieved very impressive results. Lawlessness in Karachi has Click here to read Full Article
Noose around MQM tightened by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 24/Jul/2015 Views:1784 Replies:0 
Altaf Hussain founded All Pakistan Muhajir Student Organisation (APSMO) in June 1978. This platform raised slogans of Muhajirs socio-politico-economic grievances and their persecution by other ethnic communities. After the birth of MQM in March 1984, the party made strenuous efforts to control Karachi through acts of violence. For this purpose, it divided the city into sectors and nominated sector Click here to read Full Article
Peace or War: Global Political Quagmire by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 29/Jan/2015 Views:2246 Replies:0 
There's no question that this "war" will continue indefinitely. There is no question that US actions are the cause of that, the gasoline that fuels the fire. The only question - and it's becoming less of a question for me all the time - is whether this endless war is the intended result of US actions or just an unwanted miscalculation. Why would anyone in the US government or its owners have any i Click here to read Full Article
Increasing Suicide and Murder Cases in Nuclear States By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 27/Jan/2015 Views:2506 Replies:0 
Professionalism, faith, discipline, courage, leadership command responsibility, loyalty, decisiveness, comradeships andworking under stress and strain are some of the recognized physiognomies of the soldiers and their commanders of professional Armed forces and like other vital institutions. Of course, the manifestation of revealed characteristics transforms into achievements when soldiers produce Click here to read Full Article
India a regional wild bull by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 19/Jan/2015 Views:1490 Replies:0 
India occupies a unique position in the South Asian region by dint of occupying nearly 72 percent of the land surface in South Asia, being a home of 77 percent of the region’s population, and accounting for nearly 75 percent of the regional economic output. It has the third largest Army (1,325,000) in the world and its economy is ranked 10th strongest ($2.0 trillion). Notwithstanding its political Click here to read Full Article
Modi living up to his sullied reputation by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 19/Jan/2015 Views:1361 Replies:0 
Hindu bigot Narendra Modi, well known for his acute animus towards Indian Muslims and Pakistan and his passion for Hindutva was elected as the PM of India in June 2014 with a heavy mandate. He was eulogized and lionized by Indian media duly backed by western media and all his past sins were pushed under the rug. He was projected as a go-getter and an economic wizard who would once again make India Click here to read Full Article

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Reprehensible crimes of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto – His skeleton must be re-hanged by International Professor
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