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The recent destructive Superstorm Sandy in Canada and USA is the reason of global warming and climate change according to experts. It is global warning with addition to global warming for both Canada and USA who did not ratified Kyoto Protocol yet.
The United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entered into force in 1995, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC have been meeting annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change especially Kyoto Protocol .This year Conference of the Parties COP18 annual meeting will be held from Nov 26, 2012 to Dec 7, 2012 at Doha Qatar gaining key importance after destructive Superstorm Sandy in Coasts of Canada and USA. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The major feature of the Kyoto Protocol is that it sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Even Canada who was signatory to Kyoto Protocol officially withdraw in last year (Nov-Dec 2011 COP17 ) meeting held at Durban South Africa.Analysts believe that Canadian government withdrawal decision which was widely condemned both inside and outside Canada is due to a decade-long saga that began in earnest when former American President George W. Bush walked away from the global climate change treaty in 2001.The close links between the two economies, and the fact the United States has a population almost 10 times larger than that of Canada, meant that Ottawa ultimately felt it had to follow Washington's lead and ignore the diplomatic fallout.
Now it is challenge for newly Re elected Obama regime (USA) and Canadian government that either signing Kyoto Protocol or not at Doha Qatar in COP18, the reason is that Kyoto Protocol going into the second commitment period because the first commitment is finishing by December-end 2012. So, it is important to have a new commitment period by January 1, 2013. Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997. This Kyoto Protocol established legally binding emissions targets for industrialized countries, and created innovative mechanisms to assist these countries in meeting these targets. The Kyoto Protocol entered into force on 18 November 2004, after 55 Parties to the Convention had ratified it, including enough industrialized countries .But some big industrial countries like USA and Canada have not ratified it that is why they faced the global warning in the shape of recent destructive Superstorm Sandy.
The role of USA is worse regarding Environment and Climate Change issues like other global issues related to Human Rights and so called war against Terrorism. Even my own native area Parachinar Kurram Agency located on Afghanistan Pakistan(AfPak) border suffered very much from this Climate Change and So called war against terror started by U.S.
For last some years Parachinar is facing extreme cold weather where temperature reaches up to minus twenty centigrade in December and January even this type of extreme coldness in Parachinar not observed for decades even according to metrology department Parachinar data operating from British era before the independence of Pakistan. During ongoing Year(2012) ironically winter season prolonged even up to mid of June and people at Parachinar and surrounding used grate or brazier (Angithi of fire wood) for heating purpose in homes and blankets at night while previously the winter season almost ends at the end of march and spring season started accordingly.
To know the facts behind this exceptional type of change in weather or climate change according to global terminology we have to see the environment and other ground conditions of Parachinar. Paradise like scenic valley Parachinar is head quarter of Kurram Agency and located at the base of kohi safed (White mountains series) which other side touches the famous Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan while Parachinar also touches four provinces of Afghanistan. Different factors of this climate change can be there according to scientists and experts opinion saying that the climate change can suddenly occur after years of some disaster. Parachinaries remember that after 9/11 when Americans invaded Afghanistan destructive carpet bombings were done in Tora bora mountainous by using harmful weapons of mass destruction, the voices and intensity of bombings at Tora bora were regularly heard at Parachinar, According to some experts this can also be one of the major cause that due to its strategic and geographical position Parachinar occur at war zone. Six months ago due to soil erosion and massive land sliding many houses destroyed at village Babluk Kirman near Parachinar located in the base of Tora Bora mountains series. Second important factor is the cutting of trees for heating and fire wood on mountains and woods in Parachinar due to deforestation climate change can occur .People of Parachinar have no other option but to cut trees for using in grate or brazier (Angithi of fire wood) for heating purpose in homes during winter to safe their children dying from severe cold and pneumonia in winter season. This massive cutting of trees and deforestation can be controlled by government and non government organizations easily by providing natural gas facility to Parachinar and surrounding announced by prime minster two years ago as huge resources of natural gas recovered at Gurgeri area of District Hangu connected to Parachinar Kurram Agency. Moreover other alternate sources like Bio gas technique for heating purpose in winter can be adopted as Livestock’s are abundant in the area .
One other important factor about this climate change mentioned by some Researchers and religious scholars that either it is Superstrom Sandy in Coasts of USA and Canada or Climate Chane in Parachinar or anywhere around the globe, these are the symptoms of arrival of awaited global savior Imam Mahdi and Jesus. According to different religious books like Holy Quran Bible and traditions or Ahadis before the arrival of Imam Mahdi and Jesus climate change will occur. Climate Change is occurring worldwide and disasters like Superstorm Sandy,Earthquakes and floods are are the symptoms of arrival of awaited global savior Imam Mahdi and Jesus. They further told that even Allama Iqbal Poet and scholar has also predicted this climate change and arrival of Imam Mahdi decades ago by mentioning in its Urdu and Persian Languages Poetry.
Brief English Translation…World need Imam Mahdi whose arrival is conditional on global and climatic changes.
Anyhow whatever is the reason of climate change at Canada USA and Parachinar and other parts of the world the decision is now with Canada and American re elected Obama regime wither they ratifying Kyoto Protocol or not in Upcoming Session of Conference of the Parties COP18 UN Climate Change meeting to be held from Nov 26, 2012 to Dec 7, 2012 at Doha Qatar. It is the duty of Canadian and Americans tax payer citizens and Civil society with addition to Human Rights and Environment Activists Worldwide should launch a campaign to pressurize Re elected Obama regime to sign Kyoto Protocol otherwise Canada and U.S will be suffering from Superstorm Sandy in future as they suffered most recently a global warning and threat for both of them.