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User Name: SajidH
Full Name: Sajid Hussain
User since: 23/Dec/2010
No Of voices: 38
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Posted By: SajidH Created On: 29/Dec/2014 Views: 2149 Replies: 0 
Tribals[People of Federally Adminstarted Tribal Areas FATA located on Afghanistan Pakistan AfPak border] contributed a lot from Pakistan Movement to stability of Pakistan and worked as soldiers without pay on Afghanistan Pakistan border. The most important role among Tribals played by patriotic Turi Bangash tribes of Parachinar Kurram Agency whose elders even before the formation of Pakistan m Click here to read Full Article

Posted By: SajidH On: 13/Sep/2014 Views:2348 Replies:0 
Tribals[People of Federally Adminstarted Tribal Areas FATA located on Afghanistan Pakistan AfPak border] contributed a lot from Pakistan Movement to stability of Pakistan and worked as soldiers without pay on Afghanistan Pakistan border. The most important role among Tribals played by patriotic Turi Bangash tribes of Parachinar Kurram Agency Click here to read Full Article
"Afghanistan Pakistan(AfPak) Friendship mega Project in FATA and New Governor of PMLN" by Sajid Hussain
Posted By: SajidH On: 24/Jun/2014 Views:2063 Replies:0 
Millions of People living on border areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan (AfPak)faced and still facing so many miseries especially in health sector. To solve these problems especially in health and boost the brothery ties between two neighboring countries decades ago Govt of Pakistan announced a mega Project of teaching hospital and medical college at Parachinar Kurram Agency FATA as Parachinar tou Click here to read Full Article
"Pakistani Economy badly affected due to Deforestation and destruction of land under cultivation". by SAJID HUSSAIN
Posted By: SajidH On: 3/Dec/2013 Views:2336 Replies:0 
The billions of $ worth Project in the name of "Margalla dream city Project" at Federal Capital Islamabad green location famous Margallla Hills by land mafia and property ticon with the help of PML Nawaz Sharif Government is a big threat. It is violations of environment and laws governing the Margalla Hills National Park,which forbids construction or alteration of any kind in and around Margalla Click here to read Full Article
Future of Polio vaccination inside FATA after Talks with Taliban. by SAJID HUSSAIN
Posted By: SajidH On: 4/Oct/2013 Views:2175 Replies:0 
One of the important aspect which is neglected both by Government as well as Civil society is the question that What will be the future of Polio vaccination in FATA after Talks with Taliban? The current and last year dozens of latest polio cases in Taliban controlled Wazirstan at Federally Administrated Tribal Areas [FATA] and some parts of KhyberPakhtoonkhawa[KPK] are alarming due to ban imposed Click here to read Full Article
Elections 2013 in FATA: Journey from Malik to Mullah. by Sajid Hussain
Posted By: SajidH On: 6/May/2013 Views:2467 Replies:0 
Election campaign is continued in Federally Administrated Tribal Areas [FATA] located on Afghanistan Pakistan border [AfPak] for upcoming parliamentary elections to be held on May 11, 2013 like other parts of Pakistan. Click here to read Full Article
کینیڈاوامریکہ کیوٹومعاہدےکی توثیق کریں گے۔ساجدحسین
Posted By: SajidH On: 16/Nov/2012 Views:2280 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article
After Destructive Superstorm Sandy: Will Canada and U.S sign Kyoto Protocol? by Sajid Hussain
Posted By: SajidH On: 11/Nov/2012 Views:2374 Replies:0 
The recent destructive Superstorm Sandy in Canada and USA is the reason of global warming and climate change according to experts. It is global warning with addition to global warming for both Canada and USA who did not ratified Kyoto Protocol yet. Click here to read Full Article
صدرزرداری فاٹاحوالےسے وعدہ ایفا نہ کرسکے۔ساجد حسین
Posted By: SajidH On: 6/Sep/2012 Views:2317 Replies:0 
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Threat of Floods in Pakistan once again after moon-soon. by Sajid Hussain
Posted By: SajidH On: 24/May/2012 Views:2807 Replies:0 
According to experts there is threat of floods in Pakistan once again after the moon-soon season.Disasters comes all over the world but precaution measures before disasters can prevent loss of property and precious lives.For example in Japan a magnitude of 7 scale earthquake can not harm the buildings due to proper buildings codes while in our country Pakistan during year 2005 earthquake at Aaza Click here to read Full Article
مون سون کے بعد ایک بار پھر سیلاب کاخدشہ۔ساجدحسین
Posted By: SajidH On: 22/May/2012 Views:2332 Replies:0 
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