It is amazing, no I do not agree that it is amazing, it is shameless for a Muslim state created on the name of Allah that Insaaf goes on vacations here. The Adlia will be on Summer vacations from…date to…. And then there will be no JUSTICE during this period. But even when our Adlia works then where does it do Justice? We Pakistanis know it well. It is not a primary school or college that need Summer vacation and I strongly condemn it, urge upon the Adlia to shun the attitude of vacations and discontinue this practice for good.
If I were the dictator of Pakistan I would have ordered the judiciary to make quickest decisions and work round the clock. Insaaf should not go on vacation, rest or sleep at all. “Al mulk yabqa ma’a kufr w la yabqa’a ma ‘a Zulm” and in my opinion it is the greatest sin to shut the Adalat and delay the justice in a country created in the name of Allah and Kalima Tayyeba’a. I would have also ordered that all small cities should have their own judiciaries where the citizens of those small towns would get quick justice and they would not require to travel to distance places and waste their time and money to get Insaaf.