"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User since: 25/Apr/2013
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Truth-a little bitter

By: A - Haq, London

If we go through the pages of history, we shall find stories of Great Kings who ruled ruthlessly on their subjects. On parallel we also find the stories of those who were merciful and cared for their subjects and helped them in every calamity and are remembered generation to generation. Their stories are told to the kids and we learn lessons for life. Why is it so? When children can hardly trace the objectives behind their actions, why are such stories included in their courses?

Whatever be the reason of their importance, today we discuss the history of the period ruled by the newly-grown-wealthy families. Reason behind the nomenclature of the Punjab is that it is the land of 5 rivers. It is divided into 2 parts, the Pakistani Punjab and the Indian Punjab. But that identity is a bit old now. In today’s world, when talking of Pakistani Punjab, we cannot discuss Punjab without mentioning ‘Sharif Brothers and their allies’. Rather I would say, ‘it isn’t possible to neglect them mentioning’.

One opinion relates that they came to power in the cradle of the Generals. The others opine that they have the tendency to double cross their well-wishers. My opinion is quite different. In my view, Nawaz Sharif is a sort of punishment to the people of the Punjab, which comes as a test. He came to power time and again and remained ruthlessly involved in money scams, buying the loyalties of the assembly members and yet he declares in his detail of property as homeless who lives in the house of his Mom.

Sharif Brothers tried in every possible way to eschew money from the so-called public projects which only satisfied their lust for looking majestic. They tried to brighten the Punjab but could not brighten the people of the Punjab. They forgot that you cannot make people happy by laying roads or erecting bridges of gold even until unless people are economically strong and healthy too. A sick person lying on deathbed cannot appreciate your civil amnesties or riches when he is seeking so far neglected health services.

During their exemplary period first of all it was terrorism that hit the province and poured sadness across the entire Then Dengue mosquito terribly shook Lahore and many other cities of the province and played blood sport. Now measles has sprouted like a catastrophe over the innocent kids of the province. Contagious diseases like these have long been controlled by the developed countries. They have been their past but now it looks like our future. During his tenure as the Chief Minister, Shahbaz Sharif had gulped down billions of rupees through numerous projects like Metro Bus, Ashiana modern village, cheap roti(bread) etc. but could not control health issue. According to his statement ‘he has controlled’ but why then dengue visits him off and on? His allies lie on the media supporting him so unreasonably that it becomes difficult for him even to refute their claims. Those same politicians are contesting again shamelessly for re-election—once again to pounce on the trusting masses. They better are exiled. But unfortunately they are entrusted with ruling positions due to the vested interest of the party leadership. Once again the people have the opportunity to say Good-bye to the fair-weather politician but it is time as well to see who escapes from whom. 

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